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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Zone Coverage Bug - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #654
In this play, in the DPC both the FS & CB5 are set to zone coverage. They are both positioned so they don't move at the start of the play (I.e. there is no white line leading them from their starting spot to the zone they are supposed to cover) yet at the beginning of the play both players run forward....what's up with that?

Screenshot of the play in the DPC...
Edited by rocklee711 on May 21, 2011 23:04:35 (Hikariu agreed it's not a bug in BZ - just closing out the thread.)
Edited by rocklee711 on Apr 12, 2011 20:42:16 (2nd Verification - agree that it's not a bug - just change the zone to Cover Zone Medium and you'll get the deisred result.)
Edited by Husker2 on Apr 11, 2011 15:26:11 (1st response)
Edited by SeattleNiner on Apr 3, 2011 10:20:15
Can we get a screen shot of the play in question from your DPC?
Added above....
CB5 & FS are set to cover Shallow Zone so there first instinct is to move fwd. Dont think this is a bug at all.
Edited by Rikkhen on Apr 3, 2011 11:03:10
Bugs Moderator
i think what he's getting at is that he tried to align his players so they do not move, according to the picture, they are not supposed to. I think thats the bug hes trying to point out. If you set cover zone deep, the yellow circle should move back with a small white line.
Originally posted by gbororats
i think what he's getting at is that he tried to align his players so they do not move, according to the picture, they are not supposed to. I think thats the bug hes trying to point out. If you set cover zone deep, the yellow circle should move back with a small white line.

Correct. Actually the yellow circle stays the same, it's just the line moves around inside the circle, shallower or deeper. My intent is that I want the DBs to just sit there & wait. If I'd wanted them to rush forward I would have set them in an under zone or something like that.
Edited by SeattleNiner on Apr 3, 2011 11:07:59
I'd move them a tiny bit more forward to see what happens.

May have to move them forward just a little bit each time until you get them doing what you want., or if you want them moving backwards put them even more towards the LOS. The system is usable and not buggy. It's working for everyone else how they want it to.
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
I'd move them a tiny bit more forward to see what happens.

May have to move them forward just a little bit each time until you get them doing what you want., or if you want them moving backwards put them even more towards the LOS. The system is usable and not buggy. It's working for everyone else how they want it to.

I'm sorry but that makes no sense. The idea of a player starting position, then the line to where you want them to go should be pretty standard. I understand if someone enters the zone, that might effect what the player does while traveling towards his spot in the zone, but these guys jump forward at the snap.

It's lkike you're saying if I want the players to sit in their zone, I'll have to guess at the actual placement of them?
Edited by SeattleNiner on Apr 3, 2011 11:11:48
Originally posted by SeattleNiner
I'm sorry but that makes no sense. The idea of a player starting position, then the line to where you want them to go should be pretty standard. I understand if someone enters the zone, that might effect what the player does while traveling towards his spot in the zone, but these guys jump forward at the snap.

It's lkike you're saying if I want the players to sit in their zone, I'll have to guess at the actual placement of them?

But you were telling us that you moved the players to where you "thought" they wouldn't move at the start of the play.

But in order to do that you had to guess.

So I guess what I am saying is try moving them a bit further down in the zone. They are probably a step above the shallow zone spot.
Bugs Moderator
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
But you were telling us that you moved the players to where you "thought" they wouldn't move at the start of the play.

But in order to do that you had to guess.

So I guess what I am saying is try moving them a bit further down in the zone. They are probably a step above the shallow zone spot.

he based it off the visual representation of the picture... not that he was guessing, its where the picture said he would start
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
But you were telling us that you moved the players to where you "thought" they wouldn't move at the start of the play.

But in order to do that you had to guess.

So I guess what I am saying is try moving them a bit further down in the zone. They are probably a step above the shallow zone spot.

This seems way more than a step....

It's where they started, then ran to at the beginning of the play.
Edited by SeattleNiner on Apr 3, 2011 12:14:56
Originally posted by SeattleNiner
This seems way more than a step....

It's where they started, then ran to at the beginning of the play.

Yea I see what your saying. They also move laterally to the outside..

Are there any other defenses that could have triggered instead of that output?

Shoot me over some DAI access..
Prez SWO
OK, sent...
Originally posted by madmal
OK, sent...

Thanks man
Black Peter
AFAIK, D players always move no matter if someone hits the "zone oval" or not. Just have to get used to it and deal because the coding isn't going to change.

my 2 cents.

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