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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > Brawlers and the bad season we are having.
I know most of you don't care. However, I just got home from work. I'm so confused on how we could lose so bad (7-31) to a team that didn't look too much stronger then us. We have done stuff this season we have never done before.

To go from a league that was considered to be one of the best bbb leagues and go 18-1 and come here and go 1-5, it's really hard to believe it. We should atleast be 3-3 because we aren't that bad of a team. We have tried what we did last season all year, pretty much, and have still failed miserably. Nothing is working for us. I know you guys say, well in this league if you don't watch your step teams will run all over you. But seriously, what are other teams doing that we aren't? Tips would be nice, lol. I know, you aren't in it to help us. However, it's starting to just get straight out heart breaking. To go from a team that was undefeated to a team that has only won 1 game so far this season, it's hard to believe. Now I wish we would have stayed in the BBB #5 league or gone to another A League because this league has a lot of talent as far as coaches go. We are in such a losing streak that I'm confused on what to do and to get my players to stick to the team next year, it's looking like it's going to be harder and harder to do.

I know teams have bad seasons and I've told my team that this is a learning season and everything. However, to lose like this by so much each game is starting to just get annoying. It's getting to the point where I don't even want to get on and coach anymore. I just boosted 5 of some of my teammates players this past week to help the team out. It didn't even help. I know the Taints where 5-0 and I wasn't expecting to win, however I was expecting it to be closer then that because we planned for that game. We switched up some things and still got rocked. I know teams aren't necessarily reading our tactics because we switch it up almost every game. We may favor passing however, it's getting out of hand. I think it could have something to do with our depth and us losing a few players the 1st of the season. I think we do need a little more depth. However, I don't think it's the source of the problem and I can't grab my hand around it.

It's embarrassing as well. Ye ye, laugh haha. But seriously it kind of is a little embarrassing. We lost right before the championship game in the BBB #5 league to a team that went 8-8 for the season, a wild card team. We told them, we didn't think they where ready that we where. However, now that we are in this A league, we are starting to look and wonder what we are doing wrong. It's very frustrating, very. At this point I don't know what to do. We will keep trying and try to keep our head up, but it's hard. We could lose the team because of 1 bad season, as far as our loyal players go. Now if they are loyal, they will stay. However, when Randy Moss was on a losing team did he want to be there? No. I just want to throw my hands up and say "WHAT THE FUCK?" and give up. But, I won't. We'll keep trying and I just hope we pull out of this shithole of a season we are in so far. I just can't believe it's going so badly so far.

We told the team that beat us that went 8-8 and actually won the championship, they wouldn't do well over us. They are 1-5 as well, however their games have been closer. Some of ours have been blowouts and it's getting to the point where we aren't looking like a strong team anymore, that's for sure. However, I know we have talent on our team. I just think we went into this league too fast and maybe should have stuck it out another year in the BBB #5 league. You learn from your mistakes I guess, right?

Now Baton Rouge Bayou Bengals are beating us as well as far as her team record goes. Our goal was to at least beat her team as far as a record goes...however it's not happening. I know it's our 1st year in this league and that's why we are trying to keep our head up...but it's hard man is it hard..btw nothing against u gg, haha, u rock! right? =)

I know most of your teams don't care, I have the most respect for you guys. There is some major talent in this league. I'm just posting to let you guys know how frustrated we are as a team. We are losing fans, players, and we are losing patience.

One word for me: Frustrated.

- Thundertown Brawlers Coach

- XfX
Last edited Jun 23, 2008 13:56:46
I can relate to your frustration... to have gone from such a dominant squad to a team fighting to survive is a total shock to the system. However, you may want to look at your depth at certain positions to see where your problems are coming from.

I'll send you a PM regarding what I think might be a problem that should help your team return to it's former position of glory.
That's what happens when you move up in leagues lol. Just be lucky you aren't in the West haha.
If you think this season is tough, you should of been here last season. Just sayin'.
I will tell you, right off, that I have plenty of respect for ANY team that gets promoted to a higher league. Look in the mirror at yourself last season. What is different? You are a stranger in a strange land. Next season, you wont be. Keep your chinstrap tight, and keep looking downfield. The open reciever will appear! Patience.

Also, the teams you've played so far are a combined 24-12. Even if you take out their games against you, your opponents have gone 19-11. That's tough, and your schedule will get easier.
your expectations are to high, this is a tough league, dont know what else to say

Teams that continue to play well and win will keep their rosters and have no issues signing stud FA's, team that dont will disolve/regelate

people think the leagues will even out in the future, they wont, there is no incentive for losing teams to keep playing nor will players wish to play on them.

no team wants to say " We are mediocre!!! "
Originally posted by Oso
your expectations are to high, this is a tough league, dont know what else to say

Teams that continue to play well and win will keep their rosters and have no issues signing stud FA's, team that dont will disolve/regelate

people think the leagues will even out in the future, they wont, there is no incentive for losing teams to keep playing nor will players wish to play on them.

no team wants to say " We are mediocre!!! "

I totally agree. My teammates are chipping in now and telling me what needs to happen. Even though we have gm's, I haven't had any help up to this date. Other then some write-ups and players telling me what we should do, that's it. However, it's been my own fault. Now, I'm going to get some coordinators going to see if that helps. As well as, follow some of my teammates guides. A few wrote me some good write-ups today on what we are doing and what we need to do. Maybe things will change, we can only hope. For the sake of our team and players. We need to start winning.

I think a good way to sign FA's might be to bribe them and pay them flex points (get on their account and buy their boosts for their characters). However, I don't know if I want to go that route. But, our depth is starting to look slimmer and we are going to sadly have to start recruiting FA's soon.

Thanks for the replys. Slog, we can only hope it gets easier!

- Xfx
Last edited Jun 23, 2008 15:54:36
The Washington Bayhawks and Philadelphia Knights were winless in A4 last season. They were laughingstocks.

The Bayhawks are now 4-1 in BBB8. The Knights are a strong 3-2 and just rolled their last opponents 204-0.

A4 is brutal. I am sure you are putting a lot of effort in gameplanning and analysis but you just may not see the results right away. That is the rich blessing you get for being promoted - or as the saying goes, "The only reward you get for hard more hard work."

Much luck to you and your side.
Yeah A4 is definitely the most competetive league I've competed in, and its SOOO top heavy and with only 2 teams moving up each year, its likely to stay that way for quite some time.
Bears Rule
Originally posted by Slog
Also, the teams you've played so far are a combined 24-12. Even if you take out their games against you, your opponents have gone 19-11. That's tough, and your schedule will get easier.

Easier? Not really...its going to be a dog fight in literally every game aside from 2 or 3 for them the rest of the season.
Bears Rule
The crazy thing is saying that its tough over on this side of the conference...there are several teams that can compete with the Pewnts on a given day over on the West say that says a lot...There are only about 3 teams that can possibly run with us over here right now...possibly..
Randal Kay
This league is very tough and who know which side is better than the other. Hang in there.

Hang in there Xfx. As a fellow BBB team that got promoted this season, I could tell you that things are very different this season. There are couple factors at work here: 1) last season's BBB everyone is new, so the competition is watered down, with experience under their belts, even the BBB leagues are more competitive this season. 2) Most of our players were lower level last season, as were a lot of our opponents, so we were able to do some damage based on our style of play; however, as players gets to higher levels, those tactics that works for lower levels might not work.

With that said, I am amazed at how tough this league is. In the West there are about 8 teams that can beat each other on any given sim, and there are several teams just a bit below looking to join that rank. Luelinks is currently ranked 8th, yet you could make a case for all 7 teams ahead of them, that's crazy. Every game (barring a couple) has been like a playoff game for us, this is just brutal. This league is better than a lot of the AAA leagues out there.

So don't get discouraged, hang in there. Victories might be hard to come by, but they are sure sweeter when you get them.

Last edited Jun 23, 2008 19:47:16
One other thing, there is no such "good" tactic that works in this league. Last season you could probably run the same tactics and get good results on a regular basis, that doesn't work here. Believe me, we've learned the hard way. If you keep doing the same thing, people will adjust and you will get worked.

You have to do your homework, scout the teams, adjust the tactics for each game. There are a lot of smart players in this league that will figure out what you are doing really fast, you have to mix it up and find new ways to be successful.

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