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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > not getting offers from CPU/D-leauge teams - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
three days now "offers page" says:

CPU Offers Pending
This player has requested some offers from CPU and needy human teams. Keep an eye on your alerts and check back in shortly.

either the bug is in the system that sends out these offers OR the bug is the wording "check back in shortly"

edit: oh, and here's the link if needed

don't really mind right now as long as he can get on a team in time to train
Edited by TaySC on Mar 16, 2011 15:47:29
Edited by rocklee711 on Mar 13, 2011 23:52:01 (3rd Verification: Based on additional info provided by Fogie, I do think he has not been getting offers daily as is the expectation.)
Edited by Talcion on Mar 12, 2011 09:39:31 (NEEDS 3RD)
Edited by Androth on Mar 10, 2011 23:54:32 (NOT LIKELY A BUG)
Edited by rocklee711 on Mar 7, 2011 00:07:18 (Getting a little more info before making a determination.)
So I'm assuming you rejected all 3 of your initial D-league offers?

Also, created a RB just to see..... you do get this wording "CPU offers will refresh once per day when you are a free agent if you have no offers pending" but I'm not sure how you were able to request offers from CPU/needy human teams.

In addition, if you click on "Search Teams" under your Contract Offers tab you should see teams that have listed RB as a need and where you can get a contract offer from that team.

There are a good number of CPU Rookie League teams out there granted they don't have anyone on the roster, you'd think an offer would be given to the RB.

Find it odd though that you weren't given any offer automatically.

Gonna get a little bit more information from fogie55 (will PM) and then make a determination.
My level 30 HB had the requested offers from needy teams thing since he was a free agent on day 41 and never got an offer. It just stayed there for multiple days until I finally took my own course of action and started Pming owners from the list of teams that had the HB as a listed need.

I found it odd that I had to do that though I could have sworn I was going to get some offers from a few CPU teams.
I don't remember (had several day 41 guys) exactly but fairly certain he a rejected the three D-league offers (all had 2 or more HBs), requested new offers, some of the new ones include both D-league and human teams, he signed with a human team, the owner sold it and he self-released, then clicked on "request offers" again and then no new offers came. Is there a limit to how many offers a player can get?

Perhaps something should be done with the HUMAN offers that come in--I think i accepted three for various players and all three teams were immediately sold. Perhaps auto-offer should not be generated for teams with expiring ownership or something. I decided to just skip the human offers rather than bother checking... d-league just easier in those cases.
got 16 offers at some point today (but not upon rollover)... at least 6 were CPU generated
I think there is a limit to how often you can request offers? Would you say they came at roughly the same time of day as when you last requested?
Edited by Androth on Mar 7, 2011 19:15:57
Like emlfuryoflion, I also did not get D-league offers for my lvl-30 players. I also verified that spots were available on some of the teams.
Hmm seems like a 3-4 day wait on offers is a bit excessive especially when spots are obviously available.

Originally posted by CDZYO
Like emlfuryoflion, I also did not get D-league offers for my lvl-30 players. I also verified that spots were available on some of the teams.

I've PM'ed CDZYO to see how long he's requested and had to wait as well on offers.
Originally posted by rocklee711
Hmm seems like a 3-4 day wait on offers is a bit excessive especially when spots are obviously available.
I've PM'ed CDZYO to see how long he's requested and had to wait as well on offers.

He posted on the 6th that it wasn't working and then on the 7th that he got offers. I believe it is just 1 refresh ever 24hrs. Interested to know how long CDZYO has to wait, and will try to figure out where I read about the limit.
Originally posted by CDZYO
I'm not sure how long I had to wait for offers in general; I think I clicked the offer-generating button on day 42 or 43 and didn't have anything within a few hours, but did have three CPU offers for both players when I checked in again (day 45 or 46, I think). None of those offers were from D-league teams. I gave up on trying to get D-league offers for them this morning and accepted the CPU-team offers for both players, so I can't even test at this point.
Frogie55 did receive offers from D-league teams when they came again. I'll see if I can find someone to test this, and am still trying to verify where I read the 24hour thing.
Originally posted by Androth
He posted on the 6th that it wasn't working and then on the 7th that he got offers. I believe it is just 1 refresh ever 24hrs. Interested to know how long CDZYO has to wait, and will try to figure out where I read about the limit.

But if you read his OP, he had already waited 3 days for offers before deciding it was long enough and then posted in the bugs forum. But yeah Androth if you get more info especially about the 24 hr window or have someone test, just post and we can go from there.

Originally posted by CDZYO
Originally posted by CDZYO

I'm not sure how long I had to wait for offers in general; I think I clicked the offer-generating button on day 42 or 43 and didn't have anything within a few hours, but did have three CPU offers for both players when I checked in again (day 45 or 46, I think). None of those offers were from D-league teams. I gave up on trying to get D-league offers for them this morning and accepted the CPU-team offers for both players, so I can't even test at this point.

And that's pretty much the exact response I got from CDZYO when I PM"ed him.

Originally posted by rocklee711
But if you read his OP, he had already waited 3 days for offers before deciding it was long enough and then posted in the bugs forum. But yeah Androth if you get more info especially about the 24 hr window or have someone test, just post and we can go from there.

I can't read or write.
I managed to confirm that you can only receive offers once per day. If you waited 3 days to come back and click again that would be the reason for the long delay.

Originally posted by Androth
I managed to confirm that you can only receive offers once per day. If you waited 3 days to come back and click again that would be the reason for the long delay.


I PM'ed fogie55 to get some clarification on that part...... did he not check in a 3 day period (in which you'd be fine) or if he checked 3 days straight and didn't get an offer in which case I would say that's a bug.

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