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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > SS goes to assigned spot then keeps running straight downfield - ISSUED DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #559
Rage Kinard
SS is set to cover zone shallow - deep strong 1/2. He goes to his assigned spot, and then runs toward end zone. In first replay (below) no one has even entered his zone. - here I could see it possibly being because of WR 2 running through his zone on outside (this is the defense, I know you can't see it unless you can get owner to give GM access)
Edited by TaySC on Feb 21, 2011 16:54:42
Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 14, 2011 20:35:35 (Needs Coordinator)
Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 14, 2011 20:33:56 (Verified not likely a bug)
Edited by Rikkhen on Feb 14, 2011 20:13:31
Edited by Rikkhen on Feb 14, 2011 20:07:48 (Both SS & FS goe to the same spot and they are doing as intended )
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
SS is set to cover zone shallow - deep strong 1/2. He goes to his assigned spot, and then runs toward end zone. In first replay (below) no one has even entered his zone. - here I could see it possibly being because of WR 2 running through his zone on outside (this is the defense, I know you can't see it unless you can get owner to give GM access)

Look at the FS. He goes to the same spot on the other side of the field (1st replay). He was lined up close to the line of scrimmage and had to get deep.
Edited by Rikkhen on Feb 14, 2011 19:24:28
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Rikkhen
Look at the FS. He goes to the same spot on the other side of the field (1st replay). He was lined up close to the line of scrimmage and had to get deep.

I can kind of see it with the FS, and probably even the SS in the second replay, because there is someone running through the zone.

In the first replay though there is nobody that goes into the deep strong zone, so there is no reason for the SS to drop deep.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
I can kind of see it with the FS, and probably even the SS in the second replay, because there is someone running through the zone.

In the first replay though there is nobody that goes into the deep strong zone, so there is no reason for the SS to drop deep.

That's what he is supposed to do. He is to cover the Deep 1/2 so that's where he goes if there's a player there or not. That is his job according to the dai
Edited by Rikkhen on Feb 14, 2011 19:52:31
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Rikkhen
That's what he is supposed to do. He is to cover the Deep 1/2 so that's where he goes. - here he is in deep 1/3. See how he stays about 11-12 yards beyond LOS and doesn't drop deeper until someone enters his zone? - look at CB3 here. He is set to deep weak 1/2. He doesn't drift back. - deep weak 1/2s. The don't start moving deeper until someone enters the zone.

And he is set to shallow deep strong 1/2. Of course he is supposed to go to the spot on the field he originally heads to. He just shouldn't be drifting back after he gets there when there is nobody deeper than him on his 1/2 of the field.
Edited by Rage Kinard on Feb 14, 2011 20:01:17
Originally posted by Rage Kinard - here he is in deep 1/3. See how he stays about 11-12 yards beyond LOS and doesn't drop deeper until someone enters his zone? - look at CB3 here. He is set to deep weak 1/2. He doesn't drift back. - deep weak 1/2s. The don't start moving deeper until someone enters the zone.

And he is set to shallow deep strong 1/2. Of course he is supposed to go to the spot on the field he originally heads to. He just shouldn't be drifting back after he gets there when there is nobody deeper than him on his 1/2 of the field.

Looking at the play and seeing the FS going to the same spot i would say that they are doing what they are supposed to. Going to mark as not likely a bug and will leave this thread open if you happen to find more instances of this but i really think it is working as intended. They are to cover the DEEP 1/2 and that's where they go. Maybe to the edge of it but they are going to their assigned area imo.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard - look at CB3 here. He is set to deep weak 1/2. He doesn't drift back.

He also starts out DEEP not shallow like the SS 7 FS in the 1st replay

Do we even try to fix bugs in this game anymore?

Serious question for bugs moderators. Or do we just look for any excuse to dismiss as not a bug?
Originally posted by tjking82
Do we even try to fix bugs in this game anymore?

Serious question for bugs moderators. Or do we just look for any excuse to dismiss as not a bug?

The Bugs Forum is a place to post bugs and to offer additional input as to the existence of a bug by providing information so that the Bugs Moderators can verify if an issue is a bug or not a bug. It is not a place to provide commentary on the game or what you think is broken/flawed with the Bugs system. If you have an issue with a resolution of an issue, contact one of the Lead Bugs Moderators, robponce or VolBrian, or one of the Bugs Coordinators, Lensar or TaySC. If you are still unsatisfied with the resolution, contact myself via private message.

All future off topic postings not meeting the above or the Bugs Forum Rules: will lead to a warning. Further offenses will lead to forum suspensions.

Edited by Rikkhen on Feb 14, 2011 20:19:48
Edited by Rikkhen on Feb 14, 2011 20:19:07
hmm, Rikkhen beating me to stuff!

Originally posted by Rage Kinard

I agree that this looks funny. He has two people in his zone by the time the ball is thrown and he isn't really covering either.
The second replay I agree with your own assessment and Rikkhen that something comes through his zone, so we only have one replay of him doing it wrong, and doing the wrong thing once isn't a bug. I think we need to see a pattern before calling it something.
Edited by Androth on Feb 14, 2011 20:24:21
Edited by Androth on Feb 14, 2011 20:21:00
Edited by Androth on Feb 14, 2011 20:20:52
Edited by Androth on Feb 14, 2011 20:20:08
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Rikkhen
He also starts out DEEP not shallow like the SS 7 FS in the 1st replay

He is set to cover zone medium deep weak 1/2.

It is 1st and 10. Look how deep he ends up 2-3 yards past the first down marker, so about 12-13 yards deep.

Now look at the first replay with the SS. It is 3rd and 14.5. The SS is 10 yards beyond the first down marker before he starts to move back up, so he is 24 - 25 yards down field.

If that is working as intended, then what is the point of assigning shallow, medium, or deep zone coverage.
Lead Bugs Mod
The first replay is not a bug, he's doing his job. He's trying to match the depth of the streaking WR1. With no receiver in his zone, he's preparing for the possibility that the deepest receiver could enter his zone from the side. If the the sim were set up to allow a receiver to enter a safety's zone behind him while he waited shallow and the other safety released, we'd be getting bug reports about that.
Rage Kinard

Rage Kinard
Originally posted by TruthHammer
The first replay is not a bug, he's doing his job. He's trying to match the depth of the streaking WR1. With no receiver in his zone, he's preparing for the possibility that the deepest receiver could enter his zone from the side. If the the sim were set up to allow a receiver to enter a safety's zone behind him while he waited shallow and the other safety released, we'd be getting bug reports about that.

In that case, you should assign the safety to cover zone deep not shallow. Otherwise, there is no way to have a player covering that area of the field.

Rage Kinard
Originally posted by tjking82
Do we even try to fix bugs in this game anymore?

Serious question for bugs moderators. Or do we just look for any excuse to dismiss as not a bug?

The second, but it isn't their fault. It's policy.

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