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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > My CPU players went away and changed their names to hide from me - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG #548
Just wondering, what I did to make the CPU players leave my team and change their names? We had 2 players inactive for over a month, so I cut them and signed 2 CPU players. The CPU players were with us for a few games. They played in our game yesterday. Come in today, and they're gone. No longer on the roster. When I click their names from yesterdays games, one is on a new team and but both have changed their names.

I do have those positions listed as "team Needs" (OG and OT) and to cut CPU players when a human player signs. But no human player has signed so...not sure why the CPU players felt they had to go.

I'm specially hurt over the fact that they changed their names to try and hide from me.

Yesterdays game
Go down to O Line and find the CPU players

Players names
OT - Jayden Vickers
G - Felix Grier

Click on their names and we get

Click on the OT Vickers, and we get Cody Glass

Click on the G Grier, and we get Isaias Whaley

Should I go ahead and request 2 new CPU players or will that mess up whatever you need to do to find out why they left and changed their names?

Edit: to add

You can see in their game logs they've been with us since week 4 and played in week 11 with us. So its not just a "wrong link" type of thing.

Edited by TaySC on Feb 11, 2011 19:21:30
Edited by TaySC on Feb 11, 2011 19:18:10
Edited by Talcion on Feb 10, 2011 17:18:23 (NEEDS TO BE FILED)
Edited by Pwned IRL on Feb 10, 2011 15:20:26 (2nd Response - Likely a Bug)
Edited by Rikkhen on Feb 9, 2011 18:53:30
Is it possible that they had funky contracts?
Not sure how. I picked them up after game 3 of this season. I'm almost 100% positive that they were end on day 40 of this season.

Even if somehow it was a funky contract for both, how come they changed their names?
Edited by deez11010 on Feb 9, 2011 15:04:00
Ed Werder
Wow that is really weird....
Is it possible, that if someone names their player the same name as a cpu player, that cpu player will change his name?
Originally posted by CrimsonNinja
Is it possible, that if someone names their player the same name as a cpu player, that cpu player will change his name?

That is also a very good question..
So I'm trying to compile all the possibly scenarios in which this would happen.

But the fact that your team chemistry is 100/100/100 is really confusing me.

I don't even know where to begin.

The only scenario in which you would not take a chemistry hit is if a player's contract ended naturally.

That is the only way..
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
So I'm trying to compile all the possibly scenarios in which this would happen.

But the fact that your team chemistry is 100/100/100 is really confusing me.

I don't even know where to begin.

The only scenario in which you would not take a chemistry hit is if a player's contract ended naturally.

That is the only way..

CPU players don't cause a chemistry hit.
udder pressure
that Bugs Moderator got pwned...LOL
Originally posted by deez11010
Click on the OT Vickers, and we get Cody Glass

He's Reynaldo Ryan now. That's some deep undercover there.

I'd file a support ticket too. It's always good to post in this forum to find out if it's affecting other teams, but there's the chance it's a one-off bug that's difficult to repeat.
Originally posted by Pwned IRL

The only scenario in which you would not take a chemistry hit is if a player's contract ended naturally.

That is the only way..

Thats what i am thinking also. I am going to mark this as Needs More Info and i would file a support ticket also as CDZYO stated.

How is this a more information needed.....

They were signed to a team and then disappeared.........All new contracts are a Day 40 contract so there would be no reason for a middle of the season ending contract..............

This is a bug and needs to be filed as one......
Originally posted by Triathlon Dude
How is this a more information needed.....

Because there's more information needed?

We don't know if a) one of the other GMs cut the players, b) a shadow GM cut the players, c) if their contracts expired (right or wrong), d) if the new CPU signing system is double-signing CPUs, or e) some other scenario.

Originally posted by Triathlon Dude
They were signed to a team and then disappeared.........All new contracts are a Day 40 contract so there would be no reason for a middle of the season ending contract..............

The default for human teams to human players is (now) an end-on-day-40 contract. CPU-owned teams still offer human players a one-season contract. Who's to say that contracts to CPU players aren't similarly unfixed?

Originally posted by Triathlon Dude
This is a bug and needs to be filed as one......

I run a lot of GM scripts, but not one of them says "Bugs Mod" under your handle. How would you file it?
Originally posted by CDZYO
We don't know if a) one of the other GMs cut the players, b) a shadow GM cut the players, c) if their contracts expired (right or wrong), d) if the new CPU signing system is double-signing CPUs, or e) some other scenario.

I'm the only one on the team with access to anything. All the other "GMs" are lolGMs put in place when we thought we had a good shot at a trophy last season.

Originally posted by CDZYO
Originally posted by Triathlon Dude

They were signed to a team and then disappeared.........All new contracts are a Day 40 contract so there would be no reason for a middle of the season ending contract..............

The default for human teams to human players is (now) an end-on-day-40 contract. CPU-owned teams still offer human players a one-season contract. Who's to say that contracts to CPU players aren't similarly unfixed?

I cut those 2 human players for being inactive for over a month. I used the "request CPU player" link and got the 2 players I needed. Right now theres no way for me to be 100% positive of their contract end date, but I/m 99.9999% sure of it (we were going over the roster for next season yesterday and I didnt notice any players ending before day 40 of this season).

All of that being said, I think I know what caused them to leave the team. This morning I sent out contract extensions to all the players on the team whos contracts were t expire this season. I have the 2 CPU positions as "teams needs" and looking for players. I have it set to cut CPU players when a human player signs to fill that position. I believe that when one of my guards and one of my OTs signed their contract extensions, it cut the CPU players because even though the team still has needs there, it may have read it as a human player signing for that position so it auto cut the CPU players. I didnt notice if the CPU players were on the team when I sent out the extensions or not, so I'm not 100% positive on that. It just made the most sense as to why they arent on the team anymore. As for the name change...good luck with that one.

I just signed 2 new CPU players. Both have Day 40 contracts. I bet both the ones I lost also had day 40 contracts.

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