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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Immediate Zone coverage not working correctly - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG #545
It was my understanding that when you have a player going into Cover Zone Immediately that he should just go there but I have seen a number of replays that show them not getting there.
in this Replay both OLB's are set to cover Flat 3rd Immediately. The ROLB does exactly that but the LOLB looks like he is reading something out of the backfield.
this was the defense that was called

Is there a Vision check being made here and if there is one being made WHY??

Why wouldn't the Player in question just go to that Zone if that is his Immediate read?

I have seen the same thing with the LDE getting picked up by the TE like he tries to engage before going to his zone but I guess that could be just that the TE is quicker to get to him then he can get to his zone.
Edited by Lensar on Feb 24, 2011 14:32:44 (filed)
Edited by robponce on Feb 23, 2011 18:18:08
Edited by Androth on Feb 8, 2011 16:34:13 (NEEDS MORE INFO)
Edited by mingo23 on Feb 8, 2011 13:13:57
Edited by mingo23 on Feb 8, 2011 13:05:08
Can you take another screen shot of how you have the play set up.

The bottom area where it shows your selections.
also happened to me today....i had the LOLB set to cover Immediate flat 3rd but he would not go there oddly enough the SS was going there and ignoring his setting of covering the HB without move....i checked my Custom play and DAI and sure enough the SS was not set to Zone of any kind...i've changed that Custom D play since it was clearly F'd but i could link the play if needed
Edited by KingCheez on Feb 8, 2011 13:51:59

Updated sorry about that
Originally posted by mingo23

Here there is a WR in his zone that he appears to be giving a large cushion to. The WR in the ROLB's zone zips out of it so fast he doesn't bother.

Originally posted by KingCheez

Again the SS is covering the HB with a big cushion. Honestly, I am more concerned with what the RE did in this replay then anything to do with the SS or LOLB.

I'd like to know how the LOLB in the first replay is set to cover a man, and we are going to need a lot more then 1 replay to call this anything. NEEDS MORE INFO

Originally posted by Androth
Again the SS is covering the HB with a big cushion. Honestly, I am more concerned with what the RE did in this replay then anything to do with the SS or LOLB.

I'd like to know how the LOLB in the first replay is set to cover a man, and we are going to need a lot more then 1 replay to call this anything. NEEDS MORE INFO

Fine but the LOLB damn sure taint covering the flat zone he was assigned to and the RDE is covering the other flat you even know wtf you're doing?
Lead Bugs Mod
I'm pretty sure this is working as intended. Originally posted by KingCheez
also happened to me today....i had the LOLB set to cover Immediate flat 3rd but he would not go there oddly enough the SS was going there and ignoring his setting of covering the HB without move....i checked my Custom play and DAI and sure enough the SS was not set to Zone of any kind...i've changed that Custom D play since it was clearly F'd but i could link the play if needed

Link a screen-shot of the play. And keep the conversation constructive.
In my Replay both OLB's are set to cover zone immediately.
Originally posted by KingCheez
..i've changed that Custom D play since it was clearly F'd but i could link the play if needed

Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by mingo23
It was my understanding that when you have a player going into Cover Zone Immediately that he should just go there but I have seen a number of replays that show them not getting there.

I had this same question when I first started DCing a few seasons ago, and I'll try to explain it the way it was explained to me.

Cover zone immediate is the default action, but it's a pass defense assignment, so on running plays the defender still tries to pass a vision check to recognize and defend the run. In the OP's replay, the ROLB fails this check and runs to the flat. The LOLB recognizes the run. His first move is slightly inside because the QB still has the ball and he doesn't know which way the run is going yet. As soon as the HB gets the ball, he makes his move toward him, but by that time it takes him right into the line.

That's how I learned that you cannot reliably use zone pass coverage to defend an outside run.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by KingCheez
Originally posted by KingCheez

..i've changed that Custom D play since it was clearly F'd but i could link the play if needed

Sorry, if we can't verify it, we can't help. In the future, if you see a play that you believe is bugged, I'd keep the play, just remove it from your AI if you have to. (It's best, if we can get to it in a timely manner, to leave both the DPC and AI as is, but we know that's not always possible.)
Originally posted by TruthHammer
I had this same question when I first started DCing a few seasons ago, and I'll try to explain it the way it was explained to me.

Cover zone immediate is the default action, but it's a pass defense assignment, so on running plays the defender still tries to pass a vision check to recognize and defend the run. In the OP's replay, the ROLB fails this check and runs to the flat. The LOLB recognizes the run. His first move is slightly inside because the QB still has the ball and he doesn't know which way the run is going yet. As soon as the HB gets the ball, he makes his move toward him, but by that time it takes him right into the line.

That's how I learned that you cannot reliably use zone pass coverage to defend an outside run.

I think I was the one who gave you that explanation. But yeah, you're correct. Zone immediately just means that a LB will react like a safety or corner and not need an initial vision check to head toward their assigned zone. If it's a run, however, the LB on zone immediate will act just as a safety or corner would in zone coverage and attempt vision checks to recognize that run. The longer they fail, the longer they move toward their zone and not react to the ball carrier. Most often the LB will pass the check and react to the run play as he normally would. It's a bummer if you want to use zone immediate to defend outside runs, but that's just the way it works.
Link Original Replay
In these Replays the OLB's are set to go to zone Immediately but the LOLB seems to try and read someone first but he should just go to his zone
In these replays the DE's are set to go to Zone immediately and it works as expected

I will post more replays as I find them
Edited by mingo23 on Feb 8, 2011 17:34:58
Edited by mingo23 on Feb 8, 2011 17:34:32
Originally posted by jdbolick

I think I was the one who gave you that explanation. But yeah, you're correct. Zone immediately just means that a LB will react like a safety or corner and not need an initial vision check to head toward their assigned zone. If it's a run, however, the LB on zone immediate will act just as a safety or corner would in zone coverage and attempt vision checks to recognize that run. The longer they fail, the longer they move toward their zone and not react to the ball carrier. Most often the LB will pass the check and react to the run play as he normally would. It's a bummer if you want to use zone immediate to defend outside runs, but that's just the way it works.

That Sucks IMO I see what your saying but why have him read run if he is going to a Zone Immediately? I mean I can see if your setting him to just cover a Zone whether it be Short, Med, or long then yea have him read run first but when set to Zone Immediately there should be no read at all. I guess that just doesn't make sense to me TBH but that does explain a lot but why does it not do the same thing for the DE's or does it??
Edited by mingo23 on Feb 8, 2011 18:12:04
Because imagine if you're using a LB to drop into a deep zone, knowing that you need to choose immediately for him to have any chance of getting there to make a play on the targeted WR or TE. Wouldn't you be pissed if he dropped all the way back to that zone if it was a run? And yeah, it works the same way for DEs.

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