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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > DB runs into his own player (bad pathing) - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #540
I've got a dozen of these replays, could have sworn I already started a thread in suggestions or bugs but I can't find anything, so I'm starting over:
There's no reason the FS should run right towards the WR & CB tangled up here, he has relatively high vision for his age/level, and his natural path should be more towards the sideline. There should be some avoidance factor.

I'm pretty sure I already have a thread about that, but I can't find it becuase stuff gets moved all the time, if a Bugs Mod wants to merge them that's cool with me.
Edited by Mike Rogers on Feb 7, 2011 19:48:15 (Third Response - CLOSED)
Edited by Androth on Feb 7, 2011 14:55:42 (NOT LIKELY A BUG)
Edited by Mike Rogers on Feb 2, 2011 19:43:37 (Possibly a Duplicate, but a good example. NMI til I find the best place to put it.)
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Good example here of an issues that seems to be hard to pin down.

Worth Adding this example into a exsisting thread thats already been escalated, so I'll leave this marked as NMI til I find the right place to put it. But that should leave it open for more examples.

If there isnt one open then this is a good place to re-start.
I'm thinking you should add more than one replay, if you have dozens of them, from this season.
Dr. E
Looks like the FS had a good path to intercept the HB, until the CB moved and screened him off. Probably need more examples.
What about this play....
how bout this

and this might not be the exact same thing, but why would a player with 100 evasive pass rush
run right into the blocker like this:

it seems to me that defensive players pay no attention to where blockers and even their own teammates are,
until they are running into them. this makes for a lot of buggy plays. in fact it seems the main offensive strategy
in GLB now is using "picks" on the DBs to get players open, such as the example above.
Originally posted by Triathlon Dude
What about this play....

That TE went right through the center.
At least be consistent from defense to offense.
Originally posted by Talcion
I'm thinking you should add more than one replay, if you have dozens of them, from this season.

Just so the thread participants know, I PMed Talcion, and clarified that I don't have the replays marked down. Even though they're not readily accessible, i have seen plenty, so when I have time to watch some old games from this season I will re-post the plays that I find.
Dr. E
Originally posted by Triathlon Dude
What about this play....

Screened by the NT.
Dr. E
Originally posted by darncat
how bout this

and this might not be the exact same thing, but why would a player with 100 evasive pass rush
run right into the blocker like this:

it seems to me that defensive players pay no attention to where blockers and even their own teammates are,
until they are running into them. this makes for a lot of buggy plays. in fact it seems the main offensive strategy
in GLB now is using "picks" on the DBs to get players open, such as the example above.

The underlined statement in bold is somewhat correct. That is part of the art of setting up a D formation. Do it right and you can keep Dots from running into each other. You can alter it somewhat with tactics also.
Originally posted by Dr. E
Originally posted by Triathlon Dude

What about this play....

Screened by the NT.

But the TE can go through the C????
Dr. E
Originally posted by Triathlon Dude
But the TE can go through the C????

I think we all sometimes forget that the dots are not to scale (i.e. they are bigger than a real player would be on that field) so sometimes what looks like running into could be right next to or beside.

In other words, the visual part of this game helps with our entertainment to watch something and have a good idea of what happened, but it isnt necessarily exact.

Not sure if I explained it well, but I hope you get my meaning.

As for this exact issue, I would provide as many examples as possible to help determine exactly what is going on.
y is it that a defensive player gets held up running thru/or close to his own teammate or an offensive player but, offensive player dont seem to have any effect running thru the wr/cb blocking exchanges or running thru the LOS?

it just seems the D is effected more.
Originally posted by Dr. E
Screened by the NT.

but then why can the TE run right through his C?
consistency i think is what ppl are seeking.

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