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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > End of game Field Goals - # 479 - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - ADMIN RESPONSE

I can't wait to hear a response about this from someone who runs this site.

With :21 seconds left in the game we run the ball as planned in my AI. This play takes no longer than ten seconds off the clock. (Actual time taken is six seconds) At the completion of this play there should be :15 seconds. Our team has one final timeout. WHY WASN'T A TIMEOUT CALLED???

My offensive AI is not at fault. I have us set up to kick a FG when we are out of Timeouts and under :17 seconds. After this play was ran, there is SOOOO much time for a timeout to be called. WHAT THE F HAPPENED?? A timeout should have been called with :01 and our team goes in to kick a FG.

I would like a response and I would love for this game to be corrected but I know that won't happen. It was a tourney game and even though we may have no shot at winning another game in the tourney, it's not fair to my guys for us to take the loss when the game didn't make the proper call. It's a flaw and typically when something is defective, money is returned....I know that also won't happen either.
Edited by Catch22 on Jan 27, 2011 21:17:23
Edited by rocklee711 on Jan 27, 2011 20:59:25 (3rd Verification - agree it's a bug that needs to be addressed.)
Edited by Pwned IRL on Jan 27, 2011 17:59:18 (Verified LIKELY A BUG, 2nd response)
Edited by VolBrian on Jan 27, 2011 11:41:46 (Likely a bug)
Edited by VolBrian on Jan 26, 2011 13:07:08 (Needs more info)
out of timeouts and your coach is lame.
Lead Mod
This is more of a bug than belonging in Main. Moving there
You need to get rid of Les Miles
Originally posted by Slow Children
out of timeouts and your coach is lame.


dealing with this can be tiring.
I looked at the pbp. They had only used 2 timeouts. I'm not a bugs mod or anything, but that looks like a bug to me.
It's 100% a bug. This is highly disturbing. This was a tourney game and relatively speaking, not a whole lot was on the line. But what if this was the league championship?? Or since the WL is the only thing that seems to matter in this game, what if it was the WL championship game?? What is GLB's response to this? I have my Offensive AI set up EXACTLY the proper way for this to play out ideal. This kind of mistake should NEVER happen. How can one expect to continue to pay for something that is clearly broken?
Rocky Top
We'll need access to the OAI for testing on this issue. You may grant any Bugs Mod access, but send a link to the thread so they will know what to test.

Moving to the needs more info subforum.
GM offer extended.
Rocky Top
Tested, PM sent
Rocky Top
Ok, I tested the OAI and the play call was correct, but I was looking at this wrong. The play started with 21 seconds. I disagree that the play only took six seconds to run, but it surely didn't take 21 seconds so there should have been time left for a timeout and FG attempt.

I suspect it is because the game was tied that something weird happened here.

Marking likely a bug, filing, and moving back to main.
And our team has to deal with the loss in the tourney?

Not trying to make excuses but if the game did what it was suppose to do, we would be moving on. Again, not a big deal for us because it was a tourney we had no shot at winning. But the whole issue is quite disturbing.

Edit: This isn't an attack on any "Bugs Mod" I am still waiting a response from someone who is in charge of the website. I would really like to hear an official apology. It would make me feel all warm inside.
Edited by rlurie on Jan 27, 2011 11:49:06
Rocky Top
Originally posted by rlurie
And our team has to deal with the loss in the tourney?

Yes that is correct unfortunately. The positive outcome of this is getting the issue fixed for the good of the game as a whole.
Can I take a look at the AI's and how they are set-up.

Something is weird at how after the second timeout was called, 3 more plays were ran.

This has happened to me before, but it was in the AI's being incorrect rather than the game at fault.
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
Can I take a look at the AI's and how they are set-up.

Something is weird at how after the second timeout was called, 3 more plays were ran.

This has happened to me before, but it was in the AI's being incorrect rather than the game at fault.

my friend, you can take a look all you want, I don't know what you're going to find though....there is no output in the AI for us to call a timeout

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