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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Defenders set to Semi-Aggressive make sorry attempt for interception - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #477
These players shouldn't be making a jump for an interception in the first place unless they have help over the top. They ARE the help over the top, so they should stick with the receiver and try for the deflection, the other players around them that are set to aggressive are the ones that should be going for interceptions. The following replays focus on CB3 and FS. It may not be a tactics issue, it might be a zone issue instead, either way they react poorly.
^^^Good examples^^^

All the above replays are from CPL, the one below is from another team that shows a good example of the same broken coverage reaction
Edited by Catch22 on Feb 8, 2011 21:54:33
Edited by TaySC on Feb 8, 2011 16:22:59
Edited by Talcion on Feb 7, 2011 16:20:07 (NOT LIKELY A BUG)
Edited by Pwned IRL on Jan 27, 2011 10:15:08 (Needs more info)
Edited by stromstarhammer on Jan 26, 2011 11:47:30
This DB behavior has been messing with my defensive scheme since season 19, but never was an issue before then.
Could this be an issue with Ballhawk?
I'm marking this as NEEDS MORE INFO until we figure out more about the tactics/builds/va's that these players are using.

If its a bug we'll likely get some more links as well.
It looks like aggressive coverage to me. Elijah Hawk is the offender in most of the replays(one for Corn Erback) not counting the safeties in zone.
Originally posted by Mightyhalo
It looks like aggressive coverage to me. Elijah Hawk is the offender in most of the replays(one for Corn Erback) not counting the safeties in zone.

Damnit... my FS is new to the team this year,
Stanley Redford was set to Aggressive accidentally.
I just switched to semi though so if any more pop up I'll post them.

Elijiah Hawk has been our starting Nickel back for 5-6 seasons now, he should have always been set to semi-aggressive.
I'll PM him to confirm.
Edited by stromstarhammer on Jan 27, 2011 12:05:59
Originally posted by Mightyhalo
It looks like aggressive coverage to me. Elijah Hawk is the offender in most of the replays(one for Corn Erback) not counting the safeties in zone.

Elijiah Hawk is definitely not set to aggressive
"i just checked and he's set on semi"
Originally posted by stromstarhammer

Elijiah Hawk is definitely not set to aggressive
"i just checked and he's set on semi"

That's what they all say.
Originally posted by Mightyhalo
That's what they all say.

I didn't say that. See my post about my FS is edited?
I initially said "definitely semi-aggressive" then I checked and went "oh shit" back back back and edited it admitting my idiocy.
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
I'm marking this as NEEDS MORE INFO until we figure out more about the tactics/builds/va's that these players are using.

If its a bug we'll likely get some more links as well.

I'll get you all the info you need. Most of the replays were from my team.
i'm sure the GMs of the other teams will gladly share as well.
Seriously, how can you look at this play and say it's okay for that CB3 to jump the route like this?
He is set to semi-aggressive, and this is EMBARASSING GLB. Fix this shit.
It doesn't appear this is a sim wide issue.

I think your players are on Aggressive and telling you Semi-Aggressive.

Does The CB in the link above have 15 Ballhawk?
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
It doesn't appear this is a sim wide issue.

I think your players are on Aggressive and telling you Semi-Aggressive.

Does The CB in the link above have 15 Ballhawk?

The agent has been with the team since season 3, and (edit: currently) has 24 players combined on teams I own, I trust his word. The player in the most recent replay has been on the roster since season 16, and was with our farm team 2 seasons before then. The role has been clearly laid out for years now.

Yes, he has 15 in ballhawk.

Wait... is 15 in ballhawk a bad thing?
Edited by stromstarhammer on Jan 28, 2011 20:29:16
Originally posted by stromstarhammer
These players shouldn't be making a jump for an interception in the first place unless they have help over the top.

I am not a defensive expert, so I'm not going to comment either way on it being a bug or not until I get confirmation of this. You have two CB's here, 1 is covering the WR, he is the help over the top. I don't believe it has to be a Safety, as long as someone else is there with him on the same man. Therefore since he deems his "aggressive" friend as help, he tries for the interception.
Originally posted by stromstarhammer
Seriously, how can you look at this play and say it's okay for that CB3 to jump the route like this?
He is set to semi-aggressive, and this is EMBARASSING GLB. Fix this shit.

picking this one out, I'm not so sure he's going for the pick.

looks like a bad read to me. Try to focus on the down markers here. The CB doesn't "jump the route" rather try to hit the WR in stride. He slides over to his right (wr's left) but he stays on the same plane. The 40 yard marker is a good thing to watch. If you notice the CB is just sliding over there.

What it looks like is a bad coaching set up.

In this situation you'll want your front CB on semi/close coverage distance. This will ensure he's running with the WR.

Having a CB 10 yards off a WR then asking him to have a coverage cushion of 0 can make a CB sprint to get to "0 cushion" and be going too fast once he gets there to adjust and run with the WR. The WR blows by on his way to the ball and viola. You get the above situation. I'll check the others, but this is what looks like happening to me.

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