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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > FB Runs out of bounds to get some water mid play. - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG #455

Edited by Lensar on Feb 7, 2011 12:25:38 (not a bug)
Edited by Mike Rogers on Feb 5, 2011 17:38:00 (Third Response)
Edited by Androth on Jan 31, 2011 17:02:05
Edited by TruthHammer on Jan 25, 2011 10:26:07 (Likely a bug - Need 3rd)
Edited by Pwned IRL on Jan 22, 2011 18:53:36 (Needs more info - First response)
He was following either the FS or the DE path it appears. Shadowing it if you were.

There is definitely an issue with players not respecting the sidelines as a barrier when it comes to certain issues, like blocking. It had no affect on this play but we have seen other bug reports showing players running off into the sidelines for various reason (speed/agility ratio, players being shoved out by their own team mates for example).

Might need to be a suggestion that sidelines be given more weight in terms of players running down the field to block/intercept and seeing it as something to adjust their trajectory to intercept other players.
Edited by alindyl on Jan 22, 2011 10:26:57
I am going to mark this as needs more info.

We'll need more than one link to make a determination on this type of issue.

I assumed there was already a post with similar links somewhere and it could just be added to that thread.
There is a post similar to this, but it deals with an extremely low level dot. I think it best to leave these separate.
Well, then it probably is not that big of a deal. I thought it might be related to an ongoing issue. If nothing else it is kind of odd how dots in general don't respect the sidelines. I like it for HBs when they get pushed out of bounds but the remaining dots have no place out of bounds unless a blocker pushes them out. imo
I agree that this play looks funny, that is why I assigned it a file number. This allows us to get more eyes on the play and give it a solid look through. At the same time we need to try and get more examples to verify whether it is a bug or a weird replay.
More FB blocking problems:
Originally posted by stromstarhammer
More FB blocking problems:

That doesn't seem at all similar.
Lead Bugs Mod

Originally posted by alindyl
He was following either the FS or the DE path it appears.

I think you're on the right track here. It looks like he's on an intercept path with the FS. Which makes me believe this is very similar to this bug report:
Originally posted by TruthHammer
I think you're on the right track here. It looks like he's on an intercept path with the FS. Which makes me believe this is very similar to this bug report:

I agree he is intercepting the FS, but not so with it being similar. That thread involves the FB failing to decide which threat is a priority. Here the FB clearly identified that the FS was the biggest threat, but chose an intercept line that was out of bounds, and was not between the ball carrier and the threat.

Edited by Androth on Jan 25, 2011 03:18:22
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Androth
I agree he is intercepting the FS, but not so with it being similar. That thread involves the FB failing to decide which threat is a priority. Here the FB clearly identified that the FS was the biggest threat, but chose an intercept line that was out of bounds, and was not between the ball carrier and the threat.

The thread I included isn't about failing to decide which threat is a priority. It's about taking weird angles because the FB is not able to get to the biggest threat, same as in this case, and I think Catch's comment still applies:
Originally posted by Catch22
the FB is attempting to engage the highest threat player. He is not always able to do so.

Where this one is different is that he doesn't just take a bad angle, he runs out of bounds, a completely unrealistic thing to do. Either way, I think this looks funny, and it has the potential to affect gameplay. It didn't in this case, because the FS makes the tackle. If he misses the tackle, the running out of bounds may have made it impossible for the FB to get to the next biggest threat. I have a feeling this one might get shot down, but I'm going to call it likely a bug.

Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
As this was classed NMI and no more info was gathered, this thread was in danger of being stopped in its tracks.
Especially as its already been pointed out to me it should be closed under;

Rule #5 of the Bugs Forum - one replay is not sufficient for a play to be deemed a bug. We will look at these instances and if the play's behavior is buggy, we will label the thread as requiring more info (meaning needing more examples). Unless the problem is easily identified and able to be reproduced, the bug will not go any further.

I have decided however to move this onto Needs Co-Ordinator

- It needs to be determined if it is working as intended, in that blockers can calculate a intercept point which extends beyond the field of play.

Originally posted by Mike Rogers
As this was classed NMI and no more info was gathered, this thread was in danger of being stopped in its tracks.
Especially as its already been pointed out to me it should be closed under;

Rule #5 of the Bugs Forum - one replay is not sufficient for a play to be deemed a bug. We will look at these instances and if the play's behavior is buggy, we will label the thread as requiring more info (meaning needing more examples). Unless the problem is easily identified and able to be reproduced, the bug will not go any further.

Closing as not a bug.

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