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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > Buying players from a gutted PRO team?
Anyone else watching this.
Who's doing it? I have an idea, but I don't want to make accusations.
Last edited Jun 19, 2008 14:52:56
Their team name rhymes with Randits.
and they make good food
I was right, then. I know it's legal, but I'm concerned about how ethical it is. Oh well, we'll just have to make a solid gameplan and send them back to Southeast Asia where they belong!

And they do make good food! General Tso's chicken aided my rapid law school weight gain!
Last edited Jun 19, 2008 15:39:00
Speaking as someone who actually received a gutted Pro League team, I can tell you that's not much fun for the new owner. You make the most of it, because you have to, but an 80-day rebuild project is very emotionally draining on both the team and its players.
Originally posted by Sarg01
Speaking as someone who actually received a gutted Pro League team, I can tell you that's not much fun for the new owner. You make the most of it, because you have to, but an 80-day rebuild project is very emotionally draining on both the team and its players.

you should go post in the thread I created about it where Malachorn, flamer that he is, defends gutting because "its not against the rules"

It leaves a very tough situation for the new owner, and when they flood the brand new leagues with that talent, it really throws things out of whack. I don't know why they didn't bother with level caps on the new AA leagues, but so it goes. We'll just work extra hard to wipe the floors with los banditos
Originally posted by SCACE

you should go post in the thread I created about it where Malachorn, flamer that he is, defends gutting because "its not against the rules"

I don't generally bother with Malachorn. I'm not sure I've ever agreed with anything he's ever posted on any subject.

lol - touché
I received a gutted pro team this season, when I only wanted one of the new Oceania teams.

I gave it back rather then deal with the hassle.

It is a lame situation, but those players were losers in their last league and with a little hard work, we will make them losers here.
Yeah, the real trouble with being gutted is Free Agents won't touch you with a 10-foot pole, and everyone else wants fair value in trade. Neither is particularly unreasonable, but you don't have fair value to give up ... a gutted team HAS to improve with every transaction, they can't just trade even levels out.

I had to build the core of the team by finding players disgruntled with their current team ownership, but the trouble with that is you don't exactly get to build to any one particular style, you have to take what you can get.
Sin City
I agree my team the Reno Knights was gutted so bad when I bought it mid season 2 it only had level 1 and 2 CPU and 3 humans total on the team highest level being 6 for the human. SO yea it was like starting from scratch didn't even have anything worth trading tbh. SO my team was reglated down to usa AA#4 and looks like we still have a bit of a project to work on but at least we are scoring points now unlike all of season 2 we only scored a total of 3 points, we surpassed that in our first game this season. We will continue to fight and rebuild regardless.

I do think one thing about this I am not sure what to believe because if a player on a gutted team or owner has left asks the new owner to trade them and he has alot of players asking to be traded or released what do you do I mean if he says no you won't have a good team enviroment and if you do it is also gutting if you get inatives or way lower players in return. So what do you think should be done in that case?
Last edited Jun 19, 2008 18:35:37
I agree with the prior posts that Chinese food is good.

It would appear that Melbourne still has an advantage even with a few new additions by the Bandits.

Snag some crab rangoon for us.
Originally posted by Sin City
I agree my team the Reno Knights was gutted so bad when I bought it mid season 2 it only had level 1 and 2 CPU and 3 humans total on the team highest level being 6 for the human. SO yea it was like starting from scratch didn't even have anything worth trading tbh. SO my team was reglated down to usa AA#4 and looks like we still have a bit of a project to work on but at least we are scoring points now unlike all of season 2 we only scored a total of 3 points, we surpassed that in our first game this season. We will continue to fight and rebuild regardless.

I do think one thing about this I am not sure what to believe because if a player on a gutted team or owner has left asks the new owner to trade them and he has alot of players asking to be traded or released what do you do I mean if he says no you won't have a good team enviroment and if you do it is also gutting if you get inatives or way lower players in return. So what do you think should be done in that case?

I really don't know what to do in those instances, you laid it all out pretty well. It sucks for everyone involved pretty much, but you can't blame anyone.

The ultimate thing though, is that those higher level players should be playing in higher leagues, but it is almost impossible to regulate something like that and I will be the First to admit that Melbourne had players who are higher level then most people in this league.

I guess we all just have to hope some of these issues work themselves out as the game matures.

This game is so amazingly awesome though, I can't stay annoyed at anything for very long.
Lotsa Stickem
you mean to tell me that any one of you as an owner wouldn't jump on a person that was coming from a team that was being gutted???...#1 I came from the gutted team...i was not the owner..Who gives a F%&*...I chose the team I wanted to go to, like any player should far as the level of play...i will be taking a hit on XP, because my player is a little above the league average, but I chose to play here, because of the group of guys that are on the team...Call it what you want SCACE, i don't give a F%&K about your opinion...GON

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