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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > FB & TE blocking not working as intended? - DUPLICATE OF BUG #171
Blocking was just terrible in some plays...Actually there wasnt even any blocking, so the title might be a fail...pretty sure there has to be some sort of bug here tho.

Always happened on Hb-pitch plays...just look at it

First scrim of the season:

Pitch play :
Pitch play :
Pitch play :

That one looks the same, is a private scrim tho. Maybe some admins can see them:

Pitch play :

Greetz, Peeti

EDIT: first link was wrong
Edited by NiborRis on Sep 28, 2010 11:53:23 (Duplicate bug)
Edited by Stray Doug on Sep 23, 2010 11:42:43 (NOT A BUG - FIRST VERIFICATION)
Edited by Asdlfef on Sep 21, 2010 17:45:37 (Needs further determination.)
Edited by VolBrian on Sep 17, 2010 18:27:29 (Reason in pm and thread)
Edited by peeti on Sep 17, 2010 08:56:12
I'm going to assume that the play in those 3 replays was this

As you can see, the routes for the blockers (TE and FB) as drawn take them outside on specific paths to the LOS and then given the job to block. White routes like that general do not allow players to alter from this until they reach the end of their path.

So in those 3 plays you had the TE pulling to the right to his spot, but their D had the LOLB blitzing from the line so it was a good D against the play.

I know, from your other post, you don't like it but the play is working as intended. Again it's not very good that a player cannot act "intelligently" but that's the current way plays are set up.
yeah...but we are talking about Casual Leagues, not any custom plays...
Never seen that happen before in the last season to be honest and I ran the outsides the last 4 seasons all day long^^

Are you fuckin kiddin me??? Several bugs mods replied to other "bugs" over the last hours but NO RESPONSE at all to this thing?

Come on jerks, not evein the freakin "working as intended" post has been done so far...

RIDICULOUS IMO, that there hasnt been any post from you guys...

Greetz, peeti
sunder B
Originally posted by alindyl
but the play is working as intended.

Then the intentions are a bug. That's brutal logic!

That being said, this is certainly not the way to ask for service:

Originally posted by peeti

Come on jerks, not evein the freakin "working as intended" post has been done so far...

RIDICULOUS IMO, that there hasnt been any post from you guys...

Greetz, peeti

Edited by sunder B on Sep 17, 2010 17:42:58
Originally posted by sunder B
Originally posted by alindyl

but the play is working as intended.

Then the intentions are a bug. That's brutal logic!

That being said, this is certainly not the way to ask for service:

Originally posted by peeti

Come on jerks, not evein the freakin "working as intended" post has been done so far...

RIDICULOUS IMO, that there hasnt been any post from you guys...

Greetz, peeti

I truely have to agree to you...But even if there is only one thing I learned over the last 2 years it would be that you wont get any services, one or the other way. ( Im foreign, dont know if that has been translated in the right way^^)

Rocky Top
PM with determination sent.

Simply put, a custom defensive play is defeating this particular pitch play.

Actual FB issues are already in QA here:

But, this isn't a duplicate of that.

Not likely a bug.
Originally posted by VolBrian
PM with determination sent.

Simply put, a custom defensive play is defeating this particular pitch play.

Actual FB issues are already in QA here:

But, this isn't a duplicate of that.

Not likely a bug.

You kiddin me? Already said, that this is CASUAL LEAGUE...means no Custom designed plays for that Particular play...Just basic Defense...said here:

Originally posted by peeti
yeah...but we are talking about Casual Leagues, not any custom plays...
Never seen that happen before in the last season to be honest and I ran the outsides the last 4 seasons all day long^^

Rocky Top
Hmm, I didn't see that part because of the emphasis of the post below it tbh.

I still don't think this one is a bug however since the FB and TE are following their blocking routes as designed by the play.

It may not be a custom play, but the defense is still set up to counter the outside rush to the strong side with a LB blitz and because the TE pulls away from the line in this particular play there is nobody to block the LB.

This is exactly why I Mod when I have time to review the issue properly and not on demand.
Edited by VolBrian on Sep 18, 2010 06:23:07
I don't know much, if anything about what the tenancies of the blockers are in the game. It doesn't look like it should be doing that to me, however Bort may have intended the blockers to begin blocking at the end of their blocking route. I will send it to QA for further determination.
Rocky Top
Originally posted by Asdlfef
I don't know much, if anything about what the tenancies of the blockers are in the game. It doesn't look like it should be doing that to me, however Bort may have intended the blockers to begin blocking at the end of their blocking route. I will send it to QA for further determination.

I think you forgot.

I'll go ahead and kick it up for you.
Stray Doug
This is bad blocking for sure, but that alone doesn't mean it's a bug. It could be one of the following 3 imo:

(a) The blockers sweep out to right "no matter what" along their drawn up paths for the play, as alindyl indicated. WAI. One could certainly argue that the TE picking up the LO (or even the FB doing so) would be preferable here and more football realistic. If this is the case, then it's a suggestion... but needs to go in suggestion forum, not the bug forum.

(b) The TE/FB are intended in Bort's code to have some option to pick up the defensive player, but are failing their vision checks on the linked plays. WAI.

(c) The TE/FB are intended by in Bort's code to have some option to pick up the defensive player, but the code is bugged or the vis check is set unreasonably high... not WAI... bug.

I think we would need more info to see if there are ANY instances of the TE/FB picking up a defender who lines up at LOS there... which would narrow it down to either (a) or else "(b) or (c)"... and if the latter probably give an indication of whether it's (b) or (c).

However, I have to say that I think (c) is by far the LEAST likely scenario. It is far more likely (a) or (b), both of which are WAI. Not likely a bug.

I wonder what the LOLB is supposed to be doing there. I'd guess man coverage on the TE, not blitz - because it takes so long for the LOLB to start moving. So what happens is the TE decides the LOLB is "not blitzing" and doesn't pick him up as a threat, then starts to move where the play is designed to go. Then the HB gets the ball and the LOLB passes his "it's a run!" check and starts moving to the ball. Since the TE is already out wide, the LOLB has a wide open lane.

Perhaps someone with a little more D experience can chime in on what the LOLB is probably assigned to do there. I know there's no DAI in casual so this is going to be partly guesswork.
Stray Doug
Right, but the suggestion (not bug) would be that the TE "ought" to block the LO standing right in front of him, regardless of whether the LO is actively blitzing.
what ever happened to the bugs thread that we submitted like 4 months ago?

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