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I need advice...

getting agility to 73
vision to 68/73? haven't decided
carrying 60/68
strength 60/68
conf? jump? stamina? I don't really know
I assume you're striving to be a spin specialist (*hint* the answer is "yes" ). Strength is not that useful imho. Take it no farther than 2/1, but some will disagree. Vision is a bit overrated imho, so go no higher than the 68 cap. Personally, my guy only has 63 at lvl 72 and he's been a beast.

For confidence, only train it when you're absolutely out of all other training options, and don't even bother 2/1 capping it. Some take it even farther, like Beachsand, but that was perhaps during the days of morale nerfs. Nowadays, Bort fixed some things, so it's back to not being a big deal anymore imho.

Jumping is good for "diving brTk's," but take it no farther than 2/1. Train stamina, but don't invest SP's in it (same applies to jumping).

To answer your question though: Go agility. You're very close to the 4/1 cap (67.97), so finish it off. Take it to 5/1 (73.25), or hell, even 6/1. Agility is paramount for triggering "Spin." Think BIG for both speed and agility. I'd say have both at 85 by lvl 72. ALG's should take you there if you 7/1 cap them both early. Carrying and vision, despite being major's, can wait as they don't need to be godly high, like speed and agility.

Btw, this is unrelated, but I'm not crazy about the +2 in Return Spec. Is that from AEQ or SP's? Regardless, I know it's tempting, but try to resist the temptation to dabble in SA's or AEQ so early. Two SP's can mean the difference between missing or making a cap early and AEQ in the 20's will be inferior later anyways, so you'll just be selling it and losing out on tokens.
Edited by ReMeDy on Sep 1, 2010 23:47:05
Edited by ReMeDy on Sep 1, 2010 23:45:09
Edited by ReMeDy on Sep 1, 2010 23:36:40
Edited by ReMeDy on Sep 1, 2010 23:36:01
The 2 Return Spec if from AEQ it's 3+ speed and 1 return spec. I figured I'd try to find a BT piece later in the build. I took speed to 73 first and I was planning on taking agility there but I guess I might take it even higher. How high would you suggest for vision and carrying?

and yes it's a spin build
Edited by Pook on Sep 2, 2010 11:22:29
Vision I go no higher than 68, but again, my lvl 72 guy has only 63 and he's been awesome for me personally.

Carrying actually is fairly important as it effects both Spin, fumble prevention, and brTk chance in general. Mine is at 75, but in the future, if you stumble upon a +3 carrying piece w/ brTk %, Return Spec, or Spin, snag it up. I have two pieces with +3 bonus carrying, so I'm up to 81 total. I still fumble on occasion, but my excellent play makes up for it, so don't be afraid to take carrying to +80 w/ equipment. You'll be glad you did as a Spin specialist. Then you can be like me and just run into fools, lol:
Edited by ReMeDy on Sep 3, 2010 02:48:17
Edited by ReMeDy on Sep 3, 2010 02:44:40
What cap did you take carrying to? I know you said it's 75 now but how much of that is from ALG?
I'd say I took it to 4/1. ALG pushed it to 5/1. Carrying was one of the later caps I worked on. The secret is to neglect vis (ie. 2/1 it early, then ignore it) and str (2/1 it, then ignore). ALG will carry vis to late 3/1, which is plenty imho. If you don't cut back on vis and str, then you'll compromise yourself in the carrying department, effecting your spins, and sadly you'll need all the carrying you can get as my guy still fumbles a bit in the Pro's despite having 81.09 carrying (w/ equipment). I like high carrying though primarily for my Spins first and foremost - the fumble avoidance is just icing on the cake.

On a side-note, stamina, despite being a major, I didn't touch with SP's at all, since the ALG's did the rest.
Edited by ReMeDy on Sep 10, 2010 18:11:13
Edited by ReMeDy on Sep 10, 2010 18:10:37
Edited by ReMeDy on Sep 10, 2010 18:09:37

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