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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > Looking for Oceania Teams for a AA tournament
I'm planning a AA tournament for AA teams only. Looking to get some teams from the Oceania League in there. Please post on this thread if interested
Bring it, ya bunch of sissies!

With our low chemistry, y'all have a fighting chance (for a change.)
Originally posted by THE_Mongoose
Bring it, ya bunch of sissies!

With our low chemistry, y'all have a fighting chance (for a change.)

lol effective lvl 74 in AA. Douchery
yeah i thought that was funny

one thing to go and recruit those levels..ok whatever, but it's another thing to tout themselves as awesome becuase of it.
Originally posted by Mavooo
yeah i thought that was funny

one thing to go and recruit those levels..ok whatever, but it's another thing to tout themselves as awesome becuase of it.

Those guys are full of fail. They have to SSB to win and when that doesn't work they need a full roster of Pro ready ringers just to compete.
Gotta put our players somewhere. What, we should wait to place our players until next season when we're in Pro?

You guys make me laugh -- if you aren't whining about SB, you're complaining about EL. When are you going to admit you just don't have what it takes (nevermind ... it was a rhetorical question and I already know the answer.)

Sack up and walk the walk.
Originally posted by THE_Mongoose
Gotta put our players somewhere. What, we should wait to place our players until next season when we're in Pro?

You guys make me laugh -- if you aren't whining about SB, you're complaining about EL. When are you going to admit you just don't have what it takes (nevermind ... it was a rhetorical question and I already know the answer.)

Sack up and walk the walk.

Why didnt you leave LHG as it was? Instead you release all players and put them on a cap 46 team and then put together this monstrosity for AA...

Douche with a capitol D

A+ for working the system, but it proves you cant hang with real teams and real coordinators, otherwise you would of left LHG intact and tried to compete like we all have. Signing a couple of lv 65-70 for AA is cool, but not 3/4 of a team... Its the sole reason your whole network gets zero kudos from anyone and any loltrophies you have won are completely meaningless...
Originally posted by brunswick1075
Why didnt you leave LHG as it was? Instead you release all players and put them on a cap 46 team and then put together this monstrosity for AA...

Douche with a capitol D

A+ for working the system, but it proves you cant hang with real teams and real coordinators, otherwise you would of left LHG intact and tried to compete like we all have. Signing a couple of lv 65-70 for AA is cool, but not 3/4 of a team... Its the sole reason your whole network gets zero kudos from anyone and any loltrophies you have won are completely meaningless...

Why should we leave LHG the way it was? LHG's in an uncapped league now -- free to sign as many players as it wants/needs to. NNP can do it, even the Hat Passers can do it. Just because you choose not to (or are unable to) doesn't mean we shouldn't. Besides, I don't see anywhere in Bort's guidelines that says signing a couple L65-70 players is "cool."

And lol @ real teams! We're really not looking for your kudos -- as long as we can piss in Cheerios and get some whines along the way, we're satisfied with that. And that's the sole reason I signed us up for the tourny ... since all you girls are afraid of the big, bad Franken-LHG monster, I'm pulling us. You're now free to go ahead and return to your regularly scheduled game of spin-the-tampon in the league that GLB forgot.
Edited by THE_Mongoose on May 31, 2010 07:02:29
The idea that some of our teams couldnt fill an AA team with L65-70 players is laughable. Dude you really are a douche. You played with a game genie when you were a kid. You glitch online video games. Look for the easiest route. You are a DOUCHE. Congrats on all your accomplishments in GLB. I am TRULY impressed..

EDIT: I take that back. I probably couldnt fill my roster with L65-70 players cause the agents I associate with are not DOUCHES. Their high level players are playing where they should not somewhere to get a lolgif
Edited by Roger6363 on May 31, 2010 08:02:51
Originally posted by THE_Mongoose

Sack up and walk the walk.

what a fuck! really? walk the walk? can't win vs even playing field. how's that walking the walk?
Originally posted by THE_Mongoose
You're now free to go ahead and return to your regularly scheduled game of spin-the-tampon in the league that GLB forgot.

LHG are in Eastern Europe. The real league that GLB forgot.

All the teams from our league came over to Oceania so we could continue playing with each other because at the end of the day we respect each other as coordinators and owners. We would have invited LHG to join us but you guys aren't good coordinators and only compete using tactics that are bush league.

The reason they dropped their players down on LHG and brought in the whole new Pro ready roster is because they can't win at the higher levels. Mongoose has never won anything above the cloud, take a look at his trophies. He has never even been associated with a winner in AA or above, much less contributed to one. And the tools on LHG never will because they can't compete on a even field which is why they pull their cute little shenanigans. Those declining players will definitely help you in AAA, and the chemistry from dropping the team every season will also be pleasant for the other forgotten souls in E-lol-E.
Edited by merenoise on May 31, 2010 14:04:59
Keep taking the bait, Roger ... you really are a rube. Comical.

Call me when you learn English, bumph.

My old friend, mere'ploys. You talk shit every season, desperately trying to prove yourself in the forums ... but when the games count, you and your team fall flat on your face. If you EVER win an Owners' trophy above lol16 I'll be impressed. Until then, enjoy your title as the biggest loser. GLB thanks you for your FLEX.

You started this by coming to LHG's league forum to slam us. Now that our roster is too tough for you and the lemmings that follow you, you're going to whine that our roster is Pro ready? Oceania is a joke ... and you're the court jester. Dance, merenoise, dance!
Originally posted by THE_Mongoose
Keep taking the bait, Roger ... you really are a rube. Comical.

Call me when you learn English, bumph.

My old friend, mere'ploys. You talk shit every season, desperately trying to prove yourself in the forums ... but when the games count, you and your team fall flat on your face. If you EVER win an Owners' trophy above lol16 I'll be impressed. Until then, enjoy your title as the biggest loser. GLB thanks you for your FLEX.

You started this by coming to LHG's league forum to slam us. Now that our roster is too tough for you and the lemmings that follow you, you're going to whine that our roster is Pro ready? Oceania is a joke ... and you're the court jester. Dance, merenoise, dance!

What a fucking tool.

lol at ANYONE talking shit in AA these days.

Kinda cool that full teams decided to come to one place though to try and have a competitive league rather than full of CPUs.

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