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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Building an entire O LIne...need help on picking right SA's to match Archeotype.
So what should I pick?

In case it helps, here are the "shown recommended" options

Options for all C's, G's(only ones for guards) and OT's:
After being pancaked by an opposing player, the Balance ability gives this player a chance to keep his footing and avoid falling down. He will only stumble backward a bit instead. This works for both blockers and players being blocked.
This skill can be very important if this player is not very strong or gets knocked down a lot.
Additional Levels:
Increases the chance of this player keeping his balance and not falling down.

Quick Cut
Gives the player the ability to change direction quickly without losing much speed.

This skill is very important for quick players who rely on speed and agility to avoid tackles or even keep up with fast blitzers.

Additional Levels:
The angle at which the player can make the cut increases, while the speed lost in making the cut decreases.

First Step
This player has a very fast reaction time. The First Step skill gives him a boost to acceleration when starting from a dead stop.

This skill is very important for players who rely on speed to create separation from defenders, or to keep up with other players who are very fast.

Additional Levels:
Increases the chance of the skill working, and the boost to acceleration.

Lead Block
This player is adept at leading a rusher through the line. The Lead Block skill gives him a bonus to blocking and pushing defenders when he is lead blocking.

This skill is very important for players on teams that rush a lot, especially if the HB is not particulary fast.

Additional Levels:
Increases the bonus to blocking when lead blocking.

This player uses every advantage he can when blocking, really putting the hurt on his man. The Pummel skill decreases the morale of a defender when attempting to break this player's block.

This skill is important for all blockers, and can help even the playing field when they are overmatched.

Additional Levels:
Increases penalty to defender morale by even more.

Spot Blitz
This blocker is adept at spotting blitzing players. The Spot Blitz skill gives him a bonus to blocking blitz plays.

This skill is important when playing against teams that blitz a lot.

Additional Levels:
Increases the bonus towards blocking blitz plays.

Option just for OT's:
Strong Arm
The Strong Arm skill allows this blocker to use his brute strength to push a defender back and stand his ground.

This skill works best when used by blocker with high strength.

Additional Levels:
Increases the chance of the skill working, and increases the bonus to pushing the defender away.

Additional option just for Center's:
Absorb Pain
This player has a high pain tolerance. The Absorb Pain skill gives him the ability to take punishment from defenders without flinching or losing morale. He also uses less stamina to block defenders.

This skill is important when playing against big, powerful defenders.

Additional Levels:
Reduces morale and stamina loss when pass blocking stronger defenders.

Note options don't change when you change the players Pass or Run block Archeotype.

What what is best to pick for:
Pass Block OT?
Run Block OT?
Pass Block G?
Run Block G?
Pass Block C?
Run Block C?
Well, I guess no one really knows. I will just do my best guestimate.
To be completely honest, I don't think there are any additional SA's worth putting points in right now.

So my advice would be to pick one that you think might be worthwhile 7-8 seasons down the line. Let it sit without putting any points into it. At that point if the SA's are still worthless, who cares. If you believe a different additional SA to be worthwhile at that point, it's only a few BT to switch.
Tough question...but I did go with Quick Cut for my Pass Blocking OTs.
Originally posted by crawlins
Tough question...but I did go with Quick Cut for my Pass Blocking OTs.

I like 1st step also
I built an entie o-line this season and went with Aura of Intimadation, as gonnawin pointed out, I won't be spending points on any SAs until lete in the build (50+), but thought AOI might work well to bust up a d-line if all players have it.

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