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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Season 3, Game 2: Predictions, Smack Talk, Outright Bragging...
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PREDICTION: Austin Outlaws 17 LA Sharks 13

While I believe we CAN win this one, I'm not so sure that we will. I'm guessing that we come up short in the fourth quarter...
did you just pick your team to lose?
I'm gonna do this Day of Defeat style (dont know if any of you have played that before, but they used to do CAL predictions every week for the teams) but just for the western conference. If someone wants to duplicate it to the eastern conference, that's cool. We could turn this into a weekly thing, might be neat.

Waller vs Tuscon - This will be close. I think the bad chemistry from Tuscon will just about even things up. Statistically Tuscon is a little better in some areas, but I'm going to call a 7 point win for Waller. I just think they are harder to stop.

Tulsa vs Seattle - Seattle, due to their great D, will keep Tulsa from scoring many points. Seattle will take this by 21.

Buffalo vs Phoenix - A good game, but I think Phoenix knows their offense a little better here, and will come out with about a 10 point win.

Wala Wala vs Putnam - Putnam has made massive improvements over the past season, and have gotten some nice pickups, so I'm not sure here. I think Putnam's defense in general is ever so slightly better, but this game will likely come down to who calls the better strats. I'll still give it to Putnam by 3.

Austin vs Los Angelas - Even though LA had a surprising victory over Florida, I still think Austin is the scarier team on offense, and don't know if LA can shut that power horse down. Calling Austin by 10.

Florida vs Green Bay - Florida's running game probably won't have much trouble opening up holes here, although I could be wrong. Their balanced passing game will help add on the yards, and I think give them a 10 point victory lead.

Orlando GLHF Black Sox - Looking forward to it!

Oakland vs Dallas - Oakland will have a hard time holding Dallas's offense back. If they can manage, it may be a close game, but I'm thinking it's going to be a 21 point win by Dallas here.
Last edited Jun 14, 2008 12:15:51
I think Austins Chemistry bites us in the a$$
Sharks 28
Austin 19
Ramrods play the Icestorm tomorrow. Should be one of the marquee match ups for tomorrow. May the best team win.
Originally posted by redsoxfan65656
I think Austins Chemistry bites us in the a$$
Sharks 28
Austin 19

No chance - we were as far behind on chemistry against Florida, and both teams were closely matched there. Austin to take it by 6.
I am gonna go out on a limb here and say Manhattan defeats Steeeve and the Dawgs
I am really looking forward to the game between Putnam Co. and Wala Wala.
I hope we can run down the field with a victory, but I will be a close game. no prediction on this one

and yes Manhattan over Dawgs by 10 points
Originally posted by DeathKnight000
I am gonna go out on a limb here and say Manhattan defeats Steeeve and the Dawgs

Thats more a trunk then a limb. LOL
Originally posted by Hardhitterparker
did you just pick your team to lose?

Yeah, I did...

*hides betting form behind back*
Originally posted by Zarkoviyx
Ramrods play the Icestorm tomorrow. Should be one of the marquee match ups for tomorrow. May the best team win.

Multiple marquee matchups tomorrow! We've got the Music City Bowl II to play tomorrow, and we're really under pressure from Mayor Bredesen, and our major shareholders to not lose this time. Im hoping that with the game still being in our home city, our fans will make a strong showing and actually turn the 12th man advantage in our favor, and give us the edge we need to pull out a win this time. It should be a good game again either way.

Sorry, no predictions from me at this time.
Last edited Jun 14, 2008 18:25:59
my prediction is that half the teams will win and half the teams will lose
Originally posted by chaosdog
my prediction is that half the teams will win and half the teams will lose

Be funny if there is a tie
Originally posted by OOGA BOOGA
Originally posted by chaosdog

my prediction is that half the teams will win and half the teams will lose

Be funny if there is a tie

that would sucks
In honor of Chaos making such a bold prediction i decided i would go ahead and make one myself.

The winner of our game tomorrow will be......NASHVILLE!

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