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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > End build for my LB
Player Build
Position: LB
Season: 6
Day: 34
Level: 68
Age: 440 days
XP: 220
VA XP: 425
VA: 51
Bonus Tokens: 192
Shopping Tokens: 45
Training Points: 1
SP: 30

Training Status:
strength : 1%
blocking : 0%
speed : 9%
tackling : 10%
agility : 4%
throwing : 0%
jumping : 99%
catching : 0%
stamina : 78%
carrying : 0%
vision : 26%
kicking : 0%
confidence : 92%
punting : 0%

strength : 75.47
blocking : 17.28
speed : 75.63
tackling : 82.99
agility : 77.99
throwing : 8
jumping : 30.63
catching : 17.28
stamina : 53.47
carrying : 8
vision : 71.47
kicking : 8
confidence : 49.47
punting : 8

Top SA Tree: | 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 3 |
Bottom SA Tree: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

And then 30 SPs for the extra SA, and has enough BTs for 3 lvl 64 AEQ. What does everybody think? How good will he be if I follow this plan?
Pretty good. You could take 14 of those SP out of monster hit and use AEQ in it (as well as DG and some type of tackling based AEQ, or block breaking) and almost cap jumping. The only two things I'd consider in addition to or different from what you have is soft capping jumping and getting some shed blocks. Jumping is good for almost any LB and shedding blocks is useful for MLBs.

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