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Tombstone: has pretty much locked up the #1 seed. Only 2 losses in a row and 2 wins by ACS could bump them down to #2 because ACS holds the tie breaker over them, but that's unlikely to happen. Predicted to finish 14-1 with the #1 seed.

ACS: has pretty much locked up the #2 seed. Could move up to #1 if certain things happen, see above. Even a loss to the Bears wouldn't knock them out of the #2 seed unless the Bears won both their remaining games. Expected to finish 13-3 with the #2 seed.

Pigs: they have 2 bubble teams to play, and a win in both would likely get them the #3 seed as I don't see my Bears beating both Tombstone and ACS. A loss in either would only drop them a seed or two. Predicted to finish 11-4-1 with the #3 seed.

Bears: lucky me, I get to play the #1 and #2 seeds in back to back weeks. Losses in both would still likely get me the #4 seed at 10-5-1. Wins in both could get me the #2 seed.. Going 1-1 would still get me the 4th seed as the Pigs have the tie breaker over me. Predicted to finish 10-5-1 with the #4 seed.

Pugsimo: 2 wins would pretty much lock up at least the #5 seed. Going 1-1 would drop them to a lower seed, but they would still make the playoffs. Predicted to finish 10-5-1 with the #5 seed.

Lone Star: with only 2 CPU games left, they have secured a playoff spot. Predicted to finish 10-6 with the #6 seed.

Boston: would secure a low seed playoff birth going 1-1. Getting the upset against the Pigs would only raise their seeding a couple. Predicted to finish 9-7 with the #7 seed.

RR: has 2 tough games left. Loose both and they are out, win both and they are in, split and they would likely make the playoffs. Predicted to finish 9-7 with the #8 seed.

AS: with one easy and one hard game left, the only way they can make the playoffs is win both, or if they split, hope that the Gulls beat RR, which would give them the tie breaker over the Gulls & Boston. Predicted to finish 9-7 and just miss the playoffs due to the tie breakers.

DI: has 1 tough and one average game left, and would need to win both to make the playoffs. They will likely beat the Agency, but their game against Pigsimo is a must win to even have a chance at a playoff spot. Predicted to finish 8-7-1 and miss the playoffs.

Gulls: made a good mid season push after starting slow, but loosing the last 3 out of 4 games puts them on the outside looking in. With two mid level games left, they would have to win both to even have a chance to make the playoffs. They will likely win against the Agency, but their game against RR will have major playoff implications for multiple teams. Predicted to finish 8-8 and miss the playoffs.

Key games with playoff implications in week 15:

Pugsimo vs DI = Pugsimo are the favorite for this game, but this is a must win for DI to even have a chance at a playoff spot, so look for DI to play extra hard. If DI does pull the upset, there will be a lot of changes at the lower seeds.

Pigs vs AS = Just like the above game, the Pigs are favored, but this is a must win for AS, so expect a hard game for the Pigs and an upset by AS here shakes up the bottom seeds.

Key games with playoff implications in week 16:

RR vs Gulls = pending no upsets in week 15, this game has major playoff implications as several team's playoff birth ride on this game. If RR wins, it's as I predicted above. But if the Gulls win, then things get complicated as you would have several 9-7 teams with different tie breakers over each other, so not sure how that would play out.
Edited by Gerr on Mar 8, 2010 12:22:29
Nice write up Gerr.
Time Trial
Pro DI Scenario:
1 - TO - 15-1
2 - ACS - 13-3
3 - WVWP - 11-4-1
4 - Bears - 10-5-1
5 - LSMM - 10-6 (Two bye weeks left, this 10-6 is absolute)

Those five teams are going to be in the playoffs for sure, Pugs and Boston Minutemen are also guarenteed a spot whether they beat us or not)

6 - DI - 9-6-1 (Requires a win over pugs AND the Agency)
7 - Pugs - 9-6-1 (Requires a loss to the DI, but has an automatic vs. Bye Week)
8 - BM - 9-7 (Ties with AS and RR, but holds the tiebreaker in both)

That would put us in a rematch against the WVWP, which was a decent game and of the top four teams the best chance at seeing a second round of playoffs (if there is such a thing in Gold).
Edited by Time Trial on Mar 8, 2010 13:05:10
Time Trial
Alternate Scenario - Strain or RR:

1 - TO
2 - ACS
3 - WVWP (unless they lose to AS)
4 - Bears
5 - Pugs
6 - LSMM
7 - BM (holds the tie-breaker over RR and AS plus have a free victory over the Patriots.
8 - RR/AS

In this scenario DI loses to the pugs, putting them at 8-7-1 and out of the playoffs. In this scenario, the only games that matter are the Revolver vs. Gulls game and the Strain vs. WVWP. RR is likely to lose to TO, if they also lose to the Gulls that puts them at 8-8. The Strain then only need to beat the ETMR to put them at 9-6-0 and in they playoffs. However if the Gulls prove no match for the Revolvers, then AS needs to beat WVWP to get to 10-6 and clinch a playoff spot...

The magic number is 9 wins if you want to even sniff playoffs, and then you need the tiebreaker.

Time Trial
I made a table, but they never transfer well into the forums.

Yeah, I'm not going to bother.
Edited by Time Trial on Mar 8, 2010 13:23:09
You can always print screen and save as an image and then upload to a image hosting site and post the link.

Nice write up Gerr.
I love reading these write ups concerning match ups and play off implications. Really appreciate the effort all you guys put in. Makes the entire Gold experience so much more fun. Thanks guys.
Well DI give you a fair warning. We aren't going down easily we will be trying to take someone down with us
Originally posted by HitmanForYou
Well DI give you a fair warning. We aren't going down easily we will be trying to take someone down with us

The Agency could very easily play the part of the spoiler these last two weeks!
I can't believe those snakes from Lone Star are going to slither into the playoffs.
If we would have had our shit together early it wouldn't have been in question.

7 teams have now punched their ticket to the west playoffs.

3 teams are fighting for the last spot:

Requiem - Win (vs Baltimore) and they're in.
Andromeda - Must win (East Texas) & Requiem has to lose.
Baltimore - Must win (Requiem) & Andromeda has to lose.

Now eliminated:
Dharma Initiatives

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