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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > Return Man Thoughts?
Good job with the speed. Keep working Agility up. I'd get both to the 73 cap first. Then get Vision to the 61 cap. Then get carrying/strength/stamina/confidence up to decent levels.

There's some merit to getting agility just to the 68 cap, then getting vision to the 61 cap, then going back to Agility. Either way.

But, at least in my opinion, Speed and Agility both must be at the 73 cap and Vision at the 61 cap before you even consider doing anything else.
Edited by DMeide on Mar 8, 2010 19:57:03
Yeah I wanted to keep working agility but my coach wanted me to be more effective sooner so I started juicing vision up early. Once vision is at 48 my plan was get back to agility and continue along the planned path. Thanks for the input
No problem.

Once you've gotten Agility to the 73 cap and Vision to the 61 cap, then the following should be the next goals:

Stamina to 40+
Confidence to 61+
Carrying to 48+
Strength to 40+

I would go Confidence to 48, then Carrying to 48, then Confidence to 61, then Stamina to 40, then Strength to 40 in that order.
Edited by DMeide on Mar 8, 2010 19:57:38
Confidence higher than carrying? Do you mind explaining why? I've always thought that carrying was the 4th most important behind speed agility and vision. Of course that my just be me being a nooby but it was my understand that carrying was more important.
Yes, carrying is considered fourth most important. Usually returners go with 2nd or 3rd cap vision, 3rd cap carrying, then work on strength/confidence/stamina.
imo carrying much more important than vision for KR/PR
Originally posted by ChicagoTRS
imo carrying much more important than vision for KR/PR

Really? Why more than vision?
Just a couple of said your coach wanted you to be more effective sooner. Is he interested in you being an effective returner over the long haul or just for a season or two before he moves on to someone else? I ask this because if your goal is to be effective for your whole career, why risk your build strategy in the early levels when you get the biggest bonuses for level increases? Look at your stat line right now..79 TDs and you need to be MORE effective?

I'm a season ahead of you in my build. We have the same SPD, but my AGL is 80. I popped my VIS up to 48 to start this season and have been intense training CNF/CAR faithfully. I intend to get my CNF to 33 by the end of this season so when I boost 3 at the beginning of next season those 15 SPs will carry me to 48 CNF. At that point I switch training to STR/CAR. During the season as I gain levels those pts will go towards VIS which I will take to at least 60..depending on effectiveness, I may go all the way up to 68.

OH - if you're not sure of my build plan, I have been on top the leader board for SpTms MVP the entire season in my league and currently have 600+ in KR yardage, 4200+ in PR yardage and 35 TDs. I strongly suggest you get that AGL built up quickly because by next season all your good defenders are going to be sitting around 92 SPD and you won't be breaking those long ones by just blazing to the outside. Tack on the AGL and you'll be weaving through traffic and popping loose on the other side.
Originally posted by Shelweesie Dio
Just a couple of said your coach wanted you to be more effective sooner. Is he interested in you being an effective returner over the long haul or just for a season or two before he moves on to someone else? I ask this because if your goal is to be effective for your whole career, why risk your build strategy in the early levels when you get the biggest bonuses for level increases? Look at your stat line right now..79 TDs and you need to be MORE effective?

I'm a season ahead of you in my build. We have the same SPD, but my AGL is 80. I popped my VIS up to 48 to start this season and have been intense training CNF/CAR faithfully. I intend to get my CNF to 33 by the end of this season so when I boost 3 at the beginning of next season those 15 SPs will carry me to 48 CNF. At that point I switch training to STR/CAR. During the season as I gain levels those pts will go towards VIS which I will take to at least 60..depending on effectiveness, I may go all the way up to 68.

OH - if you're not sure of my build plan, I have been on top the leader board for SpTms MVP the entire season in my league and currently have 600+ in KR yardage, 4200+ in PR yardage and 35 TDs. I strongly suggest you get that AGL built up quickly because by next season all your good defenders are going to be sitting around 92 SPD and you won't be breaking those long ones by just blazing to the outside. Tack on the AGL and you'll be weaving through traffic and popping loose on the other side.

Very valid statements. Thank you for the input
It's my understanding, and I could be wrong, that carrying for a returner is kind of like a "you must have a certain minimum, but after that, it's not very important", whereas each point of Confidence helps.

Put it this way - Carrying HAS to be near 50, or the guy will fumble. But, once it's at 50, it doesn't matter if it gets much higher.

On the other hand, pumping Confidence up higher and higher will continue to reap benefits for your guy.

Maybe I'm overrating Confidence, but at least with carrying, I just don't see the need to get it up past 50 or so. And to say it's more important than vision? Come on now. Speed/Agility/Vision are the three most important, and it's not even close.
Originally posted by DMeide
. And to say it's more important than vision? Come on now. Speed/Agility/Vision are the three most important, and it's not even close.

Yeah I don't understand this one. I know carrying isn't super important right now but from what I've been hearing if you don't have it in the upper levels you'll fumble every other down. I guess it's something to experiment with because both sides have pretty valid arguments.
Originally posted by DMeide
Put it this way - Carrying HAS to be near 50, or the guy will fumble. But, once it's at 50, it doesn't matter if it gets much higher.

Maybe I'm overrating Confidence, but at least with carrying, I just don't see the need to get it up past 50 or so. And to say it's more important than vision? Come on now. Speed/Agility/Vision are the three most important, and it's not even close.

I disagree on that interpretation of carrying due to this:

Originally posted by z0s022
Does carrying help SAs fire? Is it a bonus of sorts to all the other "rushing" related attributes? That is speed/agility/strength, etc. Obviously it helps protect against fumbles...but I wonder how else it factors in the equation.
Originally posted by Bort
Yes, it helps you make cuts better, and helps improve chances on things like Head Fake & Juke. If you run with the ball a lot (like a HB), it should be a pretty primary concern.
Edited by raiderdav on Mar 12, 2010 08:28:26

Originally posted by z0s022

Does carrying help SAs fire? Is it a bonus of sorts to all the other "rushing" related attributes? That is speed/agility/strength, etc. Obviously it helps protect against fumbles...but I wonder how else it factors in the equation.
Originally posted by Bort

Yes, it helps you make cuts better, and helps improve chances on things like Head Fake & Juke. If you run with the ball a lot (like a HB), it should be a pretty primary concern.

I hate illogical parts of GLB like this. Thank you for showing me this it seems carrying is more important than I realized.
If you read the SAs it says this skill is important for players who carry the ball a lot (lil hint that more carrying = makes this Skill Better). But yeah you really have to read inbetween the lines to see stuff like that.

That being said I still think Speed Agility and Vision are more necessary.
Edited by lockdownneon on Mar 12, 2010 12:17:10

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