Hey everyone, I am putting together a forum this season in an attempt to help people out next off-season. It's a Free Agency Forum, where agents can post their Free Agents and help find strong teams and active owners. I am sure everyone out there has been burned by a bad owner. This is an attempt to prevent that from happening again. People will NOT be able to post recruiting threads, but any FA that goes up is available to anyone.
If you are interested in joining the forum, please send me a PM and I will send you an invite. So, if your team is gutting, or if you just have a player or 2 who just really need a good home, this is perfect for you.
If you are interested in joining the forum, please send me a PM and I will send you an invite. So, if your team is gutting, or if you just have a player or 2 who just really need a good home, this is perfect for you.