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Has it been determined that this is a relatively useless SA?
Pretty much.
I think it tends to fall short when compared to the other SAs that linemen have to choose from. I also think it got a bad rep from earlier seasons.

Currently I see a lot of failed cut-block attempts from linemen. Mostly because it is coded as a last stitch effort to make a block. Who knows if investing in this SA would result in more successful attempts down field?
Is it last ditch or last stitch? I always thought it was last ditch, but stitch makes sense.
Originally posted by redwood22
Is it last ditch or last stitch? I always thought it was last ditch, but stitch makes sense.

Actually when I googled both it seems that both are used but last ditch seems to be the more popular phrase of the two. lolme
lol it is last-ditch but they sound pretty much the same so I can imagine hearing it and thinking it was last-stitch. also funny how we use these expressions and never really think about what they literally mean or where they came from. apparently last-ditch effort refers originally to the military sense of last trench, or last line of defense, and its figurative use goes back to the early 1800s.
RIght on guys! Thanks
Maybe thats why cut block sucks. It has been last stitching when it should have been last ditching.
Thanks guys.

I ended up trading in my AEQ w/ Cut Block and got a 5% Hold Block, +2 Str, which I think I will like more.

If you want to answer another ? for me, it has to do with VAs.

Right now I am maxed out on Pass Blocker and Great Blocker. What should I start feeding my VAs into next? Run Block and Pull Lineman caught my eye...
When you hit level 40 you should be able to increase your current VAs to 15 instead of 10. The pulling Lineman looks to be a hot VA in the future as long as the OC takes advantage of a speedy G with the VA. I think it works with outside blocker as which kind of makes it an expensive VA since outside blocker starts where pulling lineman stops on pitch plays where the G pulls.

Great blocker and stonewall are pretty safe choices if you can't make up your mind.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
When you hit level 40 you should be able to increase your current VAs to 15 instead of 10. The pulling Lineman looks to be a hot VA in the future as long as the OC takes advantage of a speedy G with the VA. I think it works with outside blocker as which kind of makes it an expensive VA since outside blocker starts where pulling lineman stops on pitch plays where the G pulls.

Great blocker and stonewall are pretty safe choices if you can't make up your mind.

I am intrigued by what a G with good base speed, 30 points in the Pulling Linemen and Outside Blocker VAs, and a fair amount of First Step would do for sweeps. However, I also have 3 concerns about going this route before a player is getting close to his plateau:

1) As you mentioned, the cost can be high. Unless you are high level with have an abundance of VA points and all your important attributes/SAs very high, that's a lot to be investing in just 1 specialized aspect of blocking.

2) RGs often get to deal with the NT, often the strongest defender on the field, shifted to their side. The more you sacrifice to be able to get outside and block, the more trouble you will have dealing with a well-built NT (or run-stuffing DT if your a LG) when you don't pull.

3) If your offense has a standard G and a pulling G splitting time at the same position, good luck making sure the pulling G is the one in the game on sweep. You would ideally want the other G to be at least decent at pulling for just this reason unless Bort gives us custom depth chart slots for the line, which I don't foresee any time soon.
Edited by rsb014 on Feb 27, 2010 16:07:00
maybe next season I can get my G on a decent team to see how this whole O-line thing needs to be done.
those are good points and that's the tradeoff.

one strategy is to have 2 pulling RGs and just run mostly pulls and screens, and only to the left inside.

if you just have one pulling RG, you could use force starters on 3rd down, and maybe put him on the ST return unit so the other G plays the first play. doesn't eliminate the problem but it can minimize it some.

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