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Forum > LB Club > Rate My LB > Where do i go from here
what you all think of this guy and where should i go from here.

Physical Attributes
Strength: 53.69 (+4)
Speed: 41.82
Agility: 51.69 (+2)
Jumping: 15.82
Stamina: 32.69
Vision: 52.69 (+4)
Confidence: 31.69

Football Skills
Blocking: 16.82
Catching: 15.82
Tackling: 59.69 (+10)
Throwing: 10
Carrying: 21
Kicking: 8
Punting: 9

Special Abilities
Hard Hitter Abilities
Snarl: 1
Aura of Intimidation: 1
Diving Tackle: 1
Monster Hit: 1
Defense General: 1

Pass Rusher Abilities
Trash Talk: 1
The Glare: 1
Shed Blocks: 1
Swat Ball: 1
Big Sack: 0

Veteran Abilities
Textbook Tackler: 3
soft cap speed, stop spending points on SAs. your guy will probably never be great I'd focus on making him the best he can be for the next 2-3 seasons. depending on what position you play i'd probably second cap speed and agility, then maybe tackling and convert that textbook tackler to david vs goliath.

also consider training jumping.
Edited by Darren McFadden on Feb 16, 2010 13:17:39

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