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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > New Archtypes
Just wondering if anyone saw the returner archtype. It looks nice, but I also noticed that a speed DL may be even better for a returner.

A speed DL gets JUST the three major attributes for a returner (Speed, Agility, Vision) as the major ones, and nothing else, so he gets .67.

Returner Archtypes get .5 to each of the three attributes because they have 4 major attributes. That extra .17 per level is pretty big, even if the Speed DL doesn't get the bonus SAs like Juke or Return Specialist, you do get First Step, which is still pretty nice. Just a thought.
Worker 3
agreed. i woudldnt be surprised if you saw a few of DT returners, with RS as their added SA. but i think the carrying as a minor and other SAs that the real returner builds have will make them more viable.
DL are too big for KR/PR. The speed of a 170 lbs 130 speed CB will be so much higher than a 130 speed 240 lbs DE. Plus the CB gets carrying as a major.
Carrying does matter, and it's nice to have it as a major attribute, but it's not like you can't train carrying to get it to where it needs to be late in the building process. With a current returner archtype as planned, you'd be able to say, shift over to putting points into SAs earlier because of the points already in carrying from major attribute levels, but okay, so you have to train carrying or put a few skill points into it later into the build.

That disadvantage doesn't seem big enough compared to the .17 extra to each of speed, agility and vision that a speed DL gets.

Now, I do agree that if size will have a big role, then you've got something. How much will size matter, and if you rolled until you got the short end of a speed DL, how much will the size play an affect?
Hi guys, i have kr/pr guy with break tackle % piece and 2 spin pieces, what next in regards skill via archtype, hurdle or juke?

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