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I have an entire offensive line. What are good VAs for them. I have showboat blocker on them, but with the chance to reset, I wanted to see if I should be putting them in something else
Here is my thoughts on this....

Great Blocker is good if you have a high blocking number. Though if you don't the situational VAs are better.
Workout Warrior is kinda the same as Great Blocker...just for strength.

Natural Leader gets important for centers.
Stone Wall is good because it helps cut down on reverse pancakes and being pushed back when holding a block.
Goal Line Blocker can be good but doesn't trigger a lot. It is a nice situation VA that boosts strength, blocking and agi within the 5
Pass Blocker is a strong situational VA that can trigger a pretty large amount on a team that passes a lot.
Showboat Blocker triggers a lot with high strength linemen. The moral loss is good and the nice thing is that this triggers every time you get a pancake not just in certain situations.

Hope this helps.
Depends on build:

On the ideal high Str, high LG, Pancake build:

1) NL
2) WW
3) Showboat

4) GB
5) Streaky
6) Goal Line
7) Stonewall

Without LG, take out NL.
Without high strength pancake build, take out Showboat.
At lot depends on what you are trying to do.
Originally posted by immagonnawin
Depends on build:

On the ideal high Str, high LG, Pancake build:

1) NL
2) WW
3) Showboat

4) GB
5) Streaky
6) Goal Line
7) Stonewall

Without LG, take out NL.
Without high strength pancake build, take out Showboat.
At lot depends on what you are trying to do.

Yes that on NL...sorry I forgot to mention that.
Whoops, I misread this as a Center VA thread.....doing too many things at once!

Considering I'd build OTs with high strength anyway, I'd still go:

1) WW
2) GB
3) Showboat

4) Streaky
5) Goal Line
6) Stonewall
Edited by immagonnawin on Feb 4, 2010 12:35:46
Edited by immagonnawin on Feb 4, 2010 12:35:04
So basically (in my opinion)...

1. Pass Blocker
2. Stone Wall
3. Great Blocker
4. Workout Warrior
5. Showboat Blocker

1. Stone Wall
2. Workout Warrior
3. Pass Blocker
4. Great Blocker
5. Showboat Blocker

1. Natural Leader (if you put SA points in Line General...which you should)
2. Workout Warrior
3. Great Blocker
4. Stone Wall
5. Pass Blocker

Again this is my opinion but I thought I would break it down better by position because there is a difference.

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