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Forum > Regional Minor Leagues > Pee Wee Silver League #4 > The Early Show With: Monsieur "Leno" Mangetout
Want some air time for your dot? Want to to have fun on the forums and jokingly call someone out but not be accused of being a nerd living in mommy's basement by some dick?

Call Monsieur "Leno" Mangetout, and he'll do his best to get to your player!

This week, we have FS From Hell, the FS for Saipan Falcon Punchers, who has a surprising admission to make.

MLM: Hai thar sir, how are you today?
FSFH: *burnburnburn*
MLM: Ah burning, a trait of people from hell. But you're not glowing red, I doubt you actually are from hell.
FSFH: *Bursts into tears* You're right! I'm not! I just want to be, so I can fit in with the rest of the SFPers who are far far cooler than I. I live in my mom's basement and watch Big Bang Theory. I know all the words
MLM: Okayyyy, well before we hurt his feelings anymore... that's a wrap.

Want your player in this space? Post below.

I'm just going to be all nerdy now. Peace out.

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