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Forum > Players Looking for Teams > Wide Receivers > Premier Pass Attack Package (Level 50 in Season 13) [QB, WR, TE]
Me and a friend from an old team are looking for a season 13 home. All of the builds are very solid, they all have CEQ and two pieces of AEQ.

We're looking for a pass-heavy team, that knows they'll be championship contenders. I'd like a starting role for my QB, and my friend requested to be the only receiving TE. WR can be anywhere in the top half of the rotation. It would be a plus to be the teams only QB (I'll be raising confidence/stamina), but I will play in a two QB system if the team is very pass heavy. I'll have no favorite targets with my QB. As much as it looks like I would, I WANT TO WIN.

QB: (10 SPs)
WR: (3 SPs)
TE: (2 SPs)

We will only sign as a unit with the above requirements met. One year contract, but if we do well as a team, all will resign. If you're interested, PM me about your team in Season 13, including projected league and player roles. There is no timeline for our signing. If we don't find a near perfect match, we'll probably resign with our current teams.

Thanks for reading,

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