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Forum > Pee Wee Leagues > Pee Wee Gold League > The problem with having a couple of guys doing 5-10 players each for your team...
is when they both go inactive...

not good. not good at all.
Tell me about about when that person is the owner of the team?
Originally posted by Galithor

not good. not good at all.

hmm. that's why I'm very weary about letting agents build a large number of players (I only let guys that have been on the team for a long time, or guys I really trust build a big chunk of guys). Too risky!

I know its hard to fill the roster sometimes, but that's why I just end up making 10-15 guys myself.

But hindsight is a wonderful thing!!! sorry
myeh, both these guys have been with the Hippies pretty much since inception. Usually reliable, but I don't blame them for waning interest. This season is super boring.
agreed, I'm not even gameplanning any more. I am basically making random plays in a package or two and run the game with the package on auto adjust
Originally posted by jxgator33
agreed, I'm not even gameplanning any more. I am basically making random plays in a package or two and run the game with the package on auto adjust

If you game plan your just wasting your time and will be disapointed anyways
I'm a rarity, I don't have to worry about this really. I cover most of the team myself. I think only DI has a similar situation.
Originally posted by jkid2
I'm a rarity, I don't have to worry about this really. I cover most of the team myself. I think only DI has a similar situation.

I think teams that have very few agents benefit a lot. I was researching our builds tonight and I have many players at the same levels that have a big distinction in how many attributes they have and I can't explain except that they didn't train in the off season. Take two LBs on my team for example. Both level 10's. yet one has 254 total skill points while the other has 263. 9 more points which is almost 2 levels higher. How? The only thing I can guess is he didn't train.

Now here is what is hurting our team as well
I have two DE's One is a level 9 and one a level 10. I own the level 10 and trained on normal. He is a level 9 and trained on intense. He has 254 total attribute points at level 9 to my 255 total level points and I know I trained all off season. So he is basically a level below me yet if he leveled up today (+5) he would be ahead of me by 259-255 almost 1 full level and we would be the same level.

** Actually its worse. He hasn't spent his 4 points on level 8 EQ yet so he has 258 points at level 9 while I have 255 at level 10 and so if he leveled up he would be 263-255 and yet we are the same level.
Edited by LordEvil on Nov 1, 2009 18:29:42
Originally posted by LordEvil
I think teams that have very few agents benefit a lot. I was researching our builds tonight and I have many players at the same levels that have a big distinction in how many attributes they have and I can't explain except that they didn't train in the off season. Take two LBs on my team for example. Both level 10's. yet one has 254 total skill points while the other has 263. 9 more points which is almost 2 levels higher. How? The only thing I can guess is he didn't train.

Now here is what is hurting our team as well
I have two DE's One is a level 9 and one a level 10. I own the level 10 and trained on normal. He is a level 9 and trained on intense. He has 254 total attribute points at level 9 to my 255 total level points and I know I trained all off season. So he is basically a level below me yet if he leveled up today (+5) he would be ahead of me by 259-255 almost 1 full level and we would be the same level.

** Actually its worse. He hasn't spent his 4 points on level 8 EQ yet so he has 258 points at level 9 while I have 255 at level 10 and so if he leveled up he would be 263-255 and yet we are the same level.

The only reason I build a lot of players is because I know I will buy custom EQ and boost.
lol good strategy
Originally posted by LordEvil
lol good strategy

Well, I mean I know that I can build pretty well, better than the normal agent.
Originally posted by LordEvil
I think teams that have very few agents benefit a lot. I was researching our builds tonight and I have many players at the same levels that have a big distinction in how many attributes they have and I can't explain except that they didn't train in the off season. Take two LBs on my team for example. Both level 10's. yet one has 254 total skill points while the other has 263. 9 more points which is almost 2 levels higher. How? The only thing I can guess is he didn't train.

Now here is what is hurting our team as well
I have two DE's One is a level 9 and one a level 10. I own the level 10 and trained on normal. He is a level 9 and trained on intense. He has 254 total attribute points at level 9 to my 255 total level points and I know I trained all off season. So he is basically a level below me yet if he leveled up today (+5) he would be ahead of me by 259-255 almost 1 full level and we would be the same level.

** Actually its worse. He hasn't spent his 4 points on level 8 EQ yet so he has 258 points at level 9 while I have 255 at level 10 and so if he leveled up he would be 263-255 and yet we are the same level.

You sure you know what you're doing? Those builds can get pretty tricky....LOL
Time Trial
Problem was that I went into this season looking to cut off training earlier to balance out my build better. Then the offseason was longer than anticipated and I could have/should have trained many players to 29+ instead of cutting them off at 22-24. My top end isn't there and I am losing the trench wars as a result.

Also I have grown tired of this game and am mostly running a CPU team right now. I don't train for days, I don't even look to see who I'm playing anymore.
Originally posted by LordEvil
I think teams that have very few agents benefit a lot. I was researching our builds tonight and I have many players at the same levels that have a big distinction in how many attributes they have and I can't explain except that they didn't train in the off season. Take two LBs on my team for example. Both level 10's. yet one has 254 total skill points while the other has 263. 9 more points which is almost 2 levels higher. How? The only thing I can guess is he didn't train.

Now here is what is hurting our team as well
I have two DE's One is a level 9 and one a level 10. I own the level 10 and trained on normal. He is a level 9 and trained on intense. He has 254 total attribute points at level 9 to my 255 total level points and I know I trained all off season. So he is basically a level below me yet if he leveled up today (+5) he would be ahead of me by 259-255 almost 1 full level and we would be the same level.

** Actually its worse. He hasn't spent his 4 points on level 8 EQ yet so he has 258 points at level 9 while I have 255 at level 10 and so if he leveled up he would be 263-255 and yet we are the same level.

Could this also be because the agent dint change attribute sooner then the other agent.

Also is there a chart at how many sp a player should have at lets say lvl 8 i am interested to see how my builds hold up

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