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Forum > Champion League > World League breakdown by former league -> Week 4 assessment

Who will stay and who will go? Is USA better than SAPL? Does CPL care? Is Dooley > Bailey and =/= Cooter?

Answers below!

Week #4 breakdown

USAPL (6 teams)
4-0 (1.000) Monmouth Evil Monkeys
4-0 (1.000) Lincoln Navigators
4-0 (1.000) New Jersey Blaze
3-1 (0.667) Cincinnati Shockers
2-2 (0.667) Over The Rhine Red Dots
2-2 (0.333) Honolulu Hurricane Warriors
19-5 (0.792)

1-0 (1.000 ) APL
3-0 (1.000) CPL
3-0 (1.000) EEPL
1-0 (1.000) OPL
1-1 (0.500) SAPL
5-1 (0.833) SEAPL
2-0 (1.000) WEPL
16-2 (0.889)

If anyone is still arguing that USAPro is not the most dominant league in GLB, they really ought to shut up.

The 4 returning teams are all likely to stick around for season 13, and the 2 new teams seem intent on extending their season to day 39...and they might just do it. Odds are good that season 13 will see 8 USAPro teams in WL play, and I give them a 50% chance to take home the crown this season. Maybe better than that.

Mad props.


SAPL (4 teams)
4-0 (1.000) Mayan Prophecy
4-0 (1.000) Machu Picchu Hidden Dragons
3-1 (0.750) Manus Thunder
3-1 (0.750) Santiago Benitos
14-2 (0.875)

1-0 (1.000 ) APL
3-1 (0.750) CPL
1-0 (1.000) EEPL
1-0 (1.000) OPL
4-0 (1.000) SEAPL
1-1 (0.500) USAPL
3-0 (1.000) WEPL
14-2 (0.875)

SLAP has improved mightily this season, as the 2 veteran teams continue their winning ways and the two new-comers are making some serious noise. Mayan and Manus will likely more than double the win totals of the KrAzY and Cobra teams they replaced.

SLAP currently looks to return all 4 teams next season, though the Prophecy are relatively untested as of yet.


APL (2 teams)
2-2 (0.500) Angola Spider Monkeez
2-2 (0.500) Dakar Dragons
4-4 (0.500)

1-0 (1.000) CPL
0-2 (0.000) EEPL
1-0 (1.000) OPL
0-1 (0.000) SAPL
0-0 (0.000) SEAPL
0-1 (0.000) USAPL
2-0 (1.000) WEPL
4-4 (0.500)

APL ended up with a season 11 goose-egg as the rigors of World League play sent all 4 teams home for further development. Normally this would not bode well for the fresh meat coming up to follow them, but Angola and Dakar have hung tough so far.
Angola probably has a legitimate shot at the playoffs in what is turning out to be a top-heavy but otherwise relatively weak Alpha conference, but Dakar will need to pull off some spectacular play if they want to emerge as a survivor in what promises to be a serious bloodbath in Zeta.

Good luck!


CPL (5 teams)
3-1 (0.750) Haliblack Explosionaries
3-1 (0.750) Drinkin Hellraisers
2-2 (0.500) Durham Ice Odyssey
1-3 (0.250) Marblehead Longhorns
0-4 (0.000) Manitoba Matadors
9-11 (0.450)

0-1 (0.000 ) APL
1-0 (1.000) EEPL
3-0 (1.000) OPL
1-3 (0.250) SAPL
1-3 (0.250) SEAPL
0-3 (0.000) USAPL
3-1 (0.750) WEPL
9-11 (0.450)

As the CPL presence increases, the lol-factor is pulling ahead of the win-factor. Defending champs Haliblack have looked very strong in weeks 2-4, but we will get a better assessment tomorrow in their game vs perennial powerhouse MEM.
Drinkin showed their mettle vs a tough Manus team, but Durham has looked fairly average and Marblehead needs to right the ship or face a 1-15 future.
Manitoba is winless but has faced a pretty brutal schedule...they are probably the best 0-4 team in the history of GLB. That's why they call it the World League

CPL will do well to bring 3 to the winner's circle this season. Still pretty strong.


EEPL (3 teams)
3-1 (0.750) Stewart Ballers
2-2 (0.500) Ragin Hoplites
0-4 (0.000) Sofia Spiders
5-7 (0.417)

2-0 (1.000 ) APL
0-1 (0.000) CPL
2-1 (0.667) OPL
0-1 (0.000) SAPL
1-0 (1.000) SEAPL
0-3 (0.000) USAPL
0-1 (0.000) WEPL
5-7 (0.417)

The veteran Ballers look like they have upped their game a bit and as the sole veteran representative of EEPL, they are carrying the banner with pride. The Hoplites started very strong but came back to earth in a hurry over their past 2 games. Sofia has had a tough first 4 and have yet to find their stride.
The Hoplite schedule only gets tougher, while Sofia should find a W in their near future.

EEPL has an outside shot at keeping 2 teams in the WL, but it will be a rough road.


SEAPL (5 teams)
3-1 (0.750) Three Kingdom Warriors
1-3 (0.250) Louisiana Screaming Pelicans
1-3 (0.250) Singapore Flames
1-3 (0.250) Pa Dong Dragons
1-3 (0.250) East St Louis Tire Fires
7-13 (0.350)

0-0 (0.000 ) APL
3-1 (0.750) CPL
0-1 (0.000) EEPL
1-0 (0.000) OPL
0-4 (0.000) SAPL
1-5 (0.167) USAPL
1-1 (0.500) WEPL
6-12 (0.333)

After a surprisingly (to many) strong showing in Season 11, SEAPL is struggling this year. Veteran 3KW is holding on to their tradition of success, but LSP has been battered by a tough first 4 games and the three newcomers are still trying to adjust to the WL pace.

As of today, LSP's 1-3 record would net them a playoff spot in the soft Alpha lineup, but they will need to improve if they want to contend in Season 13.

3KW seems like a lock to return, but nothing is certain in the Zeta maelstrom, while Singapore, LSP and Pa Dong all have some winnable games ahead in a wide open race for the middle. ESL needs to find the "go" button and get their season started.

SEAPL likely returns 2 teams on the basis of Alpha complacence and a strong 3KW.


OPL (3 teams)
1-3 (0.250) So Cal BDC
1-3 (0.250) Tasmania Tigers
1-3 (0.250) Cascade Cajun Crushers
3-9 (0.250)

0-1 (0.000 ) APL
0-3 (0.000) CPL
1-2 (0.333) EEPL
0-1 (0.000) SAPL
0-1 (0.000) SEAPL
0-1 (0.000) USAPL
2-0 (1.000) WEPL
3-9 (0.250)

Everyone predicted OPL would struggle in the World League.

Everyone was right.

One of these three needs to raise their game if OPL wants to field a veteran representative in Season 13. So Cal seems to be their best bet.

Good luck guys.

WEPL (4 teams)
2-2 (0.500) Bonn Dynamo
1-3 (0.250) Korb Destroyers
0-4 (0.000) Belfast Commandos
0-4 (0.000) Black Forest Mercenaries
3-13 (0.188)

0-2 (0.000 ) APL
1-3 (0.250) CPL
1-0 (1.000) EEPL
0-2 (0.000) OPL
0-3 (0.000) SAPL
1-1 (0.500) SEAPL
0-2 (0.000) USAPL
3-13 (0.188)

With the gutting of BFM, Bonn is left as the only real veteran representative of WEPL in the World League.
While Bonn is still obviously a strong team, the twin nerfing of their base defense and their go-to play on offense has left them looking far more vulnrable than the juggernaut of last season.

Nevertheless, Bonn is still a favorite for a season 13 encore. Korb and Belfast have yet to show their staying power.

WEPL will likely return one for nest season.
Nice write up.
Nice write up man.
Originally posted by pratt1130
Nice write up.

Great work bro...Thanks
Originally posted by Darth Asheme

Far be it from me to disagree with Emo bear...BUT, what does that have to do with week for this season?

just askin
very nicely done
Originally posted by coachviking
Far be it from me to disagree with Emo bear...BUT, what does that have to do with week for this season?

just askin

Good read.
Nice job. Good read.
3-1 (0.750) Haliblack Explosionaries
3-1 (0.750) Drinkin Hellraisers

just sayin
taut for admin
thanks for the write up

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