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I wouldn't have boosted the agility, stamina, or catching. I like to put my AEQ and CEQ in speed only. Don't raise the carrying or catching. Your guy will be much more successful with ballhawking if you raised his Vision. The catching and carrying is just stunning his development. Leave the special abilities alone too for now. Here's the list in sequence I'd do:

1) Train Coverage Skills(vision & jumping) until jumping is at 40. I'd also fix your AEQ and put ALL of your EQ boosts into speed. Find a +3 vision gear buy it and put it on.

2)When you get jumping up to 40, invest in ballhawk VA. Then train "Study Game Film"(vision & confidence).

At this time, your speed should be around 97. Agility around 72. I'd go ahead and start dumping SP into vision as soon as the EQ is straighten out and jumping is at 40. You won't have to worry about speed or agility and you'll have quite a bit of time to catch up on vision. Your confidence will be looking good too. I'd also leave strength and tackling the way it is.

I'd go ^^^^^^^^^^^^^this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ route to reach my vision goal. Improper AEQ can really fuck you up. It cost you money to find more and you have to take attribute penalties until you catch it back up. You could just buy it and leave it unequppied until its ready but your vision needs serious attention. I'd take a minor agility, stamina, and catching hit for it.

The vision goal should be the 4th cap (73.24) and I'd keep training vision & confidence until the cap is reached.

Edited by Packers27 on Oct 18, 2009 04:16:39

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