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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Where Should I Put My 70 SP's ?
Level 11 Guard .

Strength: 33.7
Blocking: 30.7

Where Should I Put My 70 SP's ?
I think you saved up too many Skill Points. You should have at least capped Strength and Blocking by now. I'm no slowbuilding expert though.
Yep, by capping str or blocking earlier, you would have gotten those +0.67 autogains on top of capped value instead lowlevel points. So if you are going to keep him, sepnd 70SP to str/block any way you wish to build your player... I.e if you wan strong guard put all to strength and finish pumpig strength at some level and carry on to blocking OR you can divide points between str/blocking and bring them up little slower, thatīs you choice. I would put all in str, and train blocking (normal/intese your choice again) until strength would go as high as I would ever wish it to go and let str develop only by autogains
I don't understand why you held on to 70 SP. Is that part of the 3 step plan to making money, but you didn't know the second step? You should have either strenght or blocking up at least to the 3rd cap (68) by now. You've missed out on some big gains.

Put ALL of the points into strength. Do you have any bonus tokens. Trade them in for points and put those points into strenght as well. Work on blocking this season.
If you want to continue with the build, put them all into Strength to take it up to around 70.

The tradeoff training vs. auto level ups, whilst not in your favour, isn't too bad and will only leave you a few points behind ideal in Str, which can always be made up with a lucky equipment roll.
At what level do those +0.67 gains begin to change? Is this broken down (level / gain) anywhere...?

Thanks for any pointers, in advance...

EDIT: Reason I ask, I could swear I read somewhere else where the tipping point, in terms of value, was much, much higher. Something around the level of 28, or 30 when it no longer is ideal to save SPs...
Edited by combatwombat on Sep 30, 2009 12:56:08
Here's a page from the GLB wiki that explains the points gained from leveling:

You can access the main GLB wiki page from the GLB menu bar, third from right.
Cool, thanks.

I sincerely don't mean to be dense here, but doesn't one want to maximize the training time at the lower levels, while saving up the SPs? Training at the lower levels before the SPs kicks in provides a greater % while the SPs are a fixed number that can be added in anytime. All things being equal, I would think that training at a higher % is preferrable to fixed SPs; as in, why it is not worth it to touch SAs until much later. I understand that there are a couple ways to go about this, I'm just surprised by the consensus here and why it is such 'common knowledge'...

EDIT: Okay, it's slow at work and I'm officially obsessed with something that's almost definitely already been proven before; but bear with me...

I see what you mean, whoever mentioned the +0.67 that would be missed---it would go down to +0.5 when this Guard reaches level 22. HOWEVER, that is based on each leveling which, generally speaking, would take at least a few days of training. (I know, at the very low levels, leveling can occur in 2-3 days depending on XP distribution, but he wouldn't have been softcapped that early anyway). So I think the question becomes, is that +0.17 differential in point greater or less than the % of training done over the given period. There's at least two unknowns in there, the X of the time period and the Y of based on percentage. I'd think the equation would look something like:

0.17/X <> Y * X

Or something like that. In essence: If one had four days to work with, would the gain in skill by the cumulative % training be greater or less than 0.17

I'm sure there's an arguement out there that will blow all of this out of the water. But I also see some faulty arguements in the previous replies as well. And in case you're wondering, I've got a DT in a similar boat as the Guard up here. And while I had already planned on dropping all of the points at new season begin after boost, I'm trying to figure out if I should drop the accumulated 70 points in BEFORE boost or AFTER boost at this point...

Edited by combatwombat on Sep 30, 2009 14:54:10
^ Now you're getting into very detailed analysis. Rage Kinard makes some good points in this thread:


I follow all that actually, but it didn't provide any answers! It was one guy (Rage Kinard) breaking down the actual math of it (and basically saying "it's up to you") and a bunch of other guys saying, "SOFT CAPPING IS NOT SAVING POINTS!".

As Rage points out, the biggest factor is the # of days of training available--that seems to determine the net outcome. But it's sort of an unknowable given the variables of XP vs. gameplay and such...

In the end, I just want to get a DT with really high strength so it struck me I would want to train on the lowest levels possible for as long as possible without being a detriment. Getting to a first or even second soft cap isn't really an option for a DT or G since they're going to have to be in the 100s to be competitive. So the thought was to maximize the training at the low levels before pissing into the wind with 5% increases later on. As mentioned a bunch of times, I'm not necessarily saying the assumptions you guys have are wrong...I'm just trying to understand them.

Originally posted by combatwombat
I sincerely don't mean to be dense here, but doesn't one want to maximize the training time at the lower levels, while saving up the SPs?

You have to realize that you can keep building your player for 10 seasons. This means that you will eventually spend time training all of your useful attributes.

If you only consider building a player for 3 or 4 seasons then the long-term planning doesn't work. If you want to get the most out of your build for the longest amount of time, you have to plan early. This means knowing when to train skills and when to apply points.

Plenty of people have explained logically how and why you should train your first skill until you have enough points to cap. The logic works. It has been proven with math. Nobdoy has ever proven to me, nobody has ever shown me any math, explaining why holding on to 70 points would be good for your build. We aren't working on assumptions. We are working on proven logic. The math works. This is a computer simulation. Math rules it. Follow the math and you will understand why you should not hold on to 70 points.

You can get more out of spending the points at the right time AND take advantage of training at the same time. You miss out on level up bonuses if you do not spend the points. If you do it right, you do not miss out on the training advantage and you get the level-up bonuses. These bonuses are much more important for positions the have 4 or fewer major attributes, positions like C, G, and DT. Other positions can play a bit of catch-up and don't get too far behind, but for positions like C, G, and DT it is critical to take advantage by 3-capping your majors early (ignore tackling for the DT until later in build, it's not as important as speed).

70 points is your first full season. If you actually spent the points and watched the games, you would see the effect of spending the points. But if you simply rely on whatever anyone else says and the stats without paying attention to the actual game, you're not really full knowledge of the game and you will have no clue whether what people say is right or not. By holding on to 70 points you missed a full season of getting some clue about how spending the points affects your play.
Originally posted by combatwombat


I follow all that actually, but it didn't provide any answers! It was one guy (Rage Kinard) breaking down the actual math of it (and basically saying "it's up to you") and a bunch of other guys saying, "SOFT CAPPING IS NOT SAVING POINTS!".

Once the math is broken down it should be clear how to proceed. It is possible to get a pretty accurate estimation for the number of training days available using the link below.

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