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Forum > CB Club > Rate My CB > Rate my lvl 21 CB
PM me(if you can) after rating me just so i know,
Mad Dog23
Damn so needy. Anyways, I have to say I'm not in love with you build. You've wasted points in SA's to early, I would think speed should be to 70 or more natural and agility should be working to get there at this point. If you want to try to save him concentrate on speed/agility/vision all to 68 natural. And what's up with lower shoulder, pretty sure thats not going to help you. Not trying to be rude.
Ya way to many SAs for that lvl. And lower the sholder AEQ what the hell? Best to hit the retire button if not follow maddogs advice.
Well the lower shoulder, I took this item because i neded a item and it would give me +2 agility b4 i upgrade it... so for now it does the job

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