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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > is streaky worth it?
The owner of the team I'm on wants me to put 15 points into streaky for next year (along with most players on the team). Is that a good idea? Even at that,it's only 70% to raise attributes and 30% to lower them for the game. I don't think it's a smart move.

Right now I have 14 in great blocker and 13 in pass blocker. If I put 15 into streaky, that would leave me 6 and 6 for those 2. If I max those 2 out first, what would be the best 3rd VA option for a left guard (who had been playing both left and right until recently)?

I liked outside blocker if your guard pulls out and they run a lot of screen plays... but that is just my opinion... None of my old retired players never touched streaky... I just don't think it is worth it unless your team has competitive backups.
15 in Streaky is 78% chance of "good" and 22% chance of "bad." Based on its average benefit, it's actually a pretty good VA. However, I personally don't want to invest in it and end up losing an important game because my guy had a bad day. For example, the odds of having at least one bad game over four playoff games is ~63%... and it only takes one bad game to lose it all in the playoffs. Since your team owner seems to be on board with the idea, I'd say you go ahead and do it. Hopefully all the "good day" players will pick up the slack left from the couple "bad day" people in on any given play.

I've heard people like it on WRs. If they have a bad game, it's no big deal. They're less of a factor, as they don't get open as often and thus see fewer targets, but they don't really hurt the team.
Outside Blocker will apply only to runs next season, no longer screen passes.

Great Blocker is a horrid VA.

Pass Blocker rox my sox off!

If you have streaky and you are playing in a 4th playoff didn't hurt you too much did it?

I no particular order
Pass Blocker
Goal Line Blocker
Red Zone Freak
Overtime Killer
Heart of a Champion
Slow Starter
You really don't like blocking enough to even apply +7.5%? It basically lets you get away with no equipment in blocking even at LOT, I think it is worth it. Unless you think 80 is enough even without the bonus.

Slow Starter is great for a backup. You play waaaay more in the second half. Just be on special teams and backup the first half and you'll get enough plays to make it worthwhile
Oct, not really. Both my C's are over 90 blocking, my OT is over 75 and that's raw. Sure I can see some nice boost from it....but what don't I invest in for that +5-7 pts in blocking? I just don't see the edge. Maybe it's worth it, maybe it's not.
I had this discussion on my team forum recently and counted the number of 1st quarter plays my guy had the most recent few games. Keep in mind my C is the starter and has higher Stam than his backup, who does play on special teams. (KR and PR, anyway.)

This was just a few days ago so it was like two playoff games plus the end of the season. Results were: 9 plays, 13 plays, 14 plays, 12 plays, 12 plays. I can't imagine my backup even gets enough plays that he even gets a net benefit out of Slow Starter. Even my guy would never reap the full benefit, which requires 15 plays, though he is getting a decent boost. That said, I think it's a worthless piece of crap VA.
I know we started with streaky, but Slow Starter intrigues me as well. You need 15 plays in the 1st quarter to get the 6% bonus. That is on pace for 60 plays per game, which is just under what starters get, right?

If you assume a guy is going to get 15, 15, 20, 20 plays per quarter, you're getting =.214(0.95) + .214 + .286(1.06) + .286(1.06) you are getting an effective bonus of 2.36% to all attributes. Pretty good, but 70 plays is a lot for non starters. If it evens out to 15 plays per quarter, the bonus drops to 1.75%.
Jack Del Rio
not a fan of streaky for O-line for the reasons RisingChaos posted. it can make you a liability in run blocking when you're actually facing competition you wouldn't automatically beat anyway.

streaky will by definition always be mathematically correct for every player in the game to use, but some positions just can't afford to have bad days. and again, in the event that you do slip by on a bad day, it speaks more about the competition you're facing than your overall brilliance in picking VAs.

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