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Aww, after all that trash that Dayton talked (specifically dyrt mcgyrt, for example:

Originally posted by BLAZER13
Preseason I was planning on doing rankings but then got to thinking about it. I don't plan on being here that long so why bother.

Originally posted by dyrt mcgyrt

or this:

Originally posted by dyrt mcgyrt
We will be undefeated this season btw

I was looking forward to playing them in the Championship game. Oh well, I guess there's always next season
LOL.. I honestly thought there were 5 teams who could win it all and that would have been (in no specific order) Dayton, Canberra, The Rebels, Cali Kings and Tuvalu! Our conference was very fun since during the regular season Dayton beat Canberra by 1, Canberra bet the Rebs and the Rebs beat Dayton.. 1-3 seeds who had some great battles and i really could have put any of them to win out the conference..
dyrt mcgyrt
Originally posted by BLAZER13

I was looking forward to playing them in the Championship game. Oh well, I guess there's always next season

i wish we could scrim, but oh well, good luck in the championship game.
dyrt mcgyrt
rebels win by 21 btw.
You know I'm just playin' dyrt.
dyrt mcgyrt
i know, but i still wish it was us facing you because i cant help but to think we'd win really i think it would have been a better match up, the rebels honestly shouldn't have even loss to wolverines in the regular season, they are out of the rest of the teams league. The only reason they aren't rolling hardcore through the rest of the tough teams is game play. They should have beat us 60-0 with good AI's with how stacked that team is. I predict they win by 21, but i honestly hope the kings pull it off because nothing is better than an upset
Originally posted by dyrt mcgyrt
rebels win by 21 btw.

40 tbh.

Good game Cali.
Originally posted by dyrt mcgyrt
They should have beat us 60-0 with good AI's with how stacked that team is.

i agree

....but then we gameplan for the finals

GL next season everyone
Yep, good luck everyone!
dyrt mcgyrt
We will be gone, were going to 13 cap, slowbuilding, we still have a few spots open if anyone is interested just PM me. Were splitting the team between 2 teams so everyone plays 100%. Were gonna be super strict on rolling for your players and how you build them, were waiting til the first negative day to create our players so we dont lose a season. We are also requiring that everyone boosts day 40 every season and that by level 30-40 you have CE. We should be unstoppable with a roster full of perfect builds, and eventually (starting season 4 or 5) start competing and working our way to the pros. i figure by our 8th to 9th season we be in the pros and hopefully win a pro trophy our 10th season at the latest.

Originally posted by dyrt mcgyrt
We will be gone, were going to 13 cap, slowbuilding, we still have a few spots open if anyone is interested just PM me. Were splitting the team between 2 teams so everyone plays 100%. Were gonna be super strict on rolling for your players and how you build them, were waiting til the first negative day to create our players so we dont lose a season. We are also requiring that everyone boosts day 40 every season and that by level 30-40 you have CE. We should be unstoppable with a roster full of perfect builds, and eventually (starting season 4 or 5) start competing and working our way to the pros. i figure by our 8th to 9th season we be in the pros and hopefully win a pro trophy our 10th season at the latest.

GL guys, was looking forward to watching you up in AAA next season!

dyrt mcgyrt
Originally posted by Lionsfan14
GL guys, was looking forward to watching you up in AAA next season!

well most our guys were season1 and season 2 players, some were season 3, but it would be pointless to keep going with those older players. And since obviously some of us have missed boosts here and there its gonna be hard to ever get to the pros. Hopefully our slowbuild team does tho

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