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Ok gents I was working on this a few days ago, but my comps froze which equaled me being pissed and not attempting it again! So here we go again...

Number 1
Liechtenstein Lycans, these guys have a big time win streak going and may not be stopped until season 12. Lycans have the best passing game in the league as they average more than 515 yards a game! The QB leading this team is London Broil as he has thrown 49 TDs (3rd highest in the league) Then his O-Line has only allowed 5 sacks on Mr. Broil which is the 3rd lowest in the League. Now Defensively the Lycans are pretty stout as their rush D allows... NEGATIVE 2.8 yards a game, um yeah NEAGATIVE! This ranks them number one in that category... I have seen enough

Number 2
Spartan Power, but it was close between a few teams... These guys have been pretty quite for the most part and have been under my radar until recently. The Spartans have beatin some very good teams to earn this spot and have some pretty impressive numbers on both offense and Defense. Offensively the Spartans are a passing team and as for average yards a game trail only the Lycans as they average 506.9 yards a game with QB Shoota McGavin leading the way for the team with 34 TDs and just 3 TDs! Very nice gents! These guys are more less a middle of the pack team on Defense, but the do have the best Force Fumble/Fumble Recover ratio with it at 39/35! You face them, you better hold on to that ball! Last thing about these guys is that they are one of the more efficent Special Teams, teams as they have returned as they have returned a total of 14! tough team for any one!

Number 3
Phoinex Eagles, don't let that loss to the Birds fool you... I talked with the onwer and things went weird with their A.I. which I believe, as last season they handle us with out problem... They have beat tough teams and any one caught sleeping on them will find them self getting a L! The Eagle is one of the few teams in the league that have a pretty balanced Offense which what makes them so dangerous. Rushing wise, the Eagles average 189.6 with a 2 H-back system of Strong Madd and Jason Concert. In which Strong averages 6.1 yards a game and has lost the rock just one time! Passing wise, the Eagles are in the top ten as they average 316.6 yards a game with 31 TDs with stud Wide Out Michael Brauer leading the team. Middle of the pack Defensive team, but their big lost to the Birds really did not help their numbers!

Number 4
Knock Knock Land Sharks, suffering a lose today to the Birds, but not making them any less of a threat to any unwarey team that is for sure! Knock Knock is one of the more impressive Special Teams, team as they have the second most Punt/Kick Return TDs with 23 which also show that they ususlly have great have great field postion. The Sharks are not overly impressive stat wise on Offense or Defensive as they are more of a middle of the road stat wise team, yet are very efficent at getting the W's as they have only lost three very, very close games! Look for Knock Knock to be a possible Playoff spoiler/upset caple team!

Number 5
D'Haran Legion, these guys are amazing... they are doing very, very well in a league in which they are many times out leveled by teams, this team is full of great builds and their record shows it! The Legion was greatly underrated coming into the season, but have made a statement very game showing they belong in the top 5 in this league! D'Haran is in the top 8 for Rushing teams as they average more than 110 yards a game and their Passing game is not too bad... As they average more than 225 yards a game, but their offense is not what stands out to me as their Scoring D has only allowed a total of 12 TDs on the season which is great for a team that is usually out leveled week by week. Nice job gents, once you guys catch up level wise you will be the team to beat, which I think will be coming very soon! D'Haran... teams would make a big mistake to sleep on these guys specially coming into the playoffs!

Number 6
Carcharodon Megalodon, I really wanted to place these guys higher in my rankings, but strength of schedule made it hard on me, their only loss came at the hands of the Phoenix Eagles a pretty tough team... Megalodons have one of the toughest Ds in the league, as their Pass D is pretty tight as they allow only 187.2 yards through the air (Best in the League) and also only 7 TDs (Second best in the League) The Meaglodons Rush D is pretty much just as good as they have only allowed 15.1 Yards on the ground! (3rd Best in the League) with only 3 TDs (tied for 2nd best in the League!) Its great to see a team getting wins with their D, sort of a lost tradition in GLB... Nice job Guys as you are my pick to win the conference title for Zeta! Don't let me down! One last thing that that teams may not notice with these guys is that of their Offensive line and their ability to produce pancakes as they lead the league with 730!

Number 7
Saipan Sin-Eaters, Great team... but sort of a disappointment to me in my opinion (No offense guys) as they have a team with the 2nd highest Level avaerage in the league behind the Lycans. The Sin-Eaters lead by the very entertaining owner comicfanman has him self a well Balanced Offensive team which can make them very hard to game plan for and will cause who ever they face first in the playoffs a very, very big problem! The Sin-Eaters also have a pretty efficent D, no real eye popping numbers but good enough D to get the job done! What really helps this team the most is basically able to be a balanced team offensively, these guys will make a good push in the playoffs with possible an upset or two, be aware of them!

Number 8
Port Vila Mutiny: Yet again another Zeta team that could be placed higher, as this team is comparable to the Megalodons as their strength can be seen in their Defense. Port allow only 196.8 through the air which is 2nd best in the League and have only allowed 5 TDs on the season is the best in the League! Their Rush D is just as good as they only allow 5.4 yards on the ground... wow the only team better there is the... hmm Lycans, imagine that! Then that same Rush D has only allowed 3 TDs which is tied for 1st with the Megalodons and this last stat which will make them look as I said very comparable to the Megalodons is their O-lines ability to produce Pancakes as they are second best in the League sitting with 624! Very nice gents I see that you may be one of the the only teams to be able to challenge the Megalodons... you and Dayton...

Number 9
Philly Birds: just so no one can say that I did not include them... but in all honesty we are overrated and someone will figure out how to stop us very soon! No need for a write up here, do your own research!

Number 10
Oberon Bulls: Reguardless of my dislike of Ruger7mmmag this team has a high powered Passing Game as it averages 500 yards a game, and leading that attack is QB Adrian Viking that is leading the league in TDs with 59 and only throwing 4 INTs! Very Nice numbers there gents, but then again the bulls really have no rushing game... Some may say with a passing game like that, that a Running game is not needed... but I disagree becuase it makes it easier for opposing teams to game plan for them, just as long as who ever they face actually game plans! The Bulls don't do too bad Defensively as they are good pretty good at forcing turnovers with 12 Picks and 23 forced fumbles, by no means the best in the league, but they are in the top ten with forcing turn overs! Not too bad, but these guys will be fighting for a playoff spot in Alpha, for Alpha is a pretty load conference none the less... Don't sleep on these guys passing game or they will put up 500 some yards on you!

Noteables: Cardiac Kids MD (that may miss the playoffs...) Omaha Beefs (being hurt by a low chemistry)

This is just my opinion... don't like it, then do your own wrtie up! Also about half way into doing this... actually maybe 1/8 the way in I did not care about grammar or spelling so before the english teacher Ruger7mmmag gets a chance to knock on me... I beat you too it!
Edited by josh85_1983 on Sep 9, 2009 08:58:24
Edited by josh85_1983 on Sep 6, 2009 22:00:00
Edited by josh85_1983 on Sep 5, 2009 23:39:20
Edited by josh85_1983 on Sep 5, 2009 23:38:56
yur gramur sux
Great write-up! Thanks for taking the time to do this for the league.

Originally posted by Mattyk41
yur gramur sux

hahaha, Matty bro... where the hell have you been? Making up with Ruger7mmmag? ass!
Originally posted by TheNastiest
Great write-up! Thanks for taking the time to do this for the league.

no worries, I usually do one every season at week eight... just been busy, but thanks man
Alpha is VERY tight. Hoping we can spoil a few teams' playoff hopes before this season is over.
Thanks Josh. I am hoping we make it to the big dance. Hopefully we won't prove you wrong. We believe that we can do it. Thanks again bro
Im just happy the Raptors got to put up 13 against the lycans hell until half time we looked like we were still in it then the 4th Q started and it was game over..... being that We are out of the playoffs very very slim chance if we squeaked out 8/8 for the season Revolutionfan and I have discussed it and were going to relax a little soak in some cash and just let the AI go on automatic the remainder of the season ... we have a cpl cake teams and teams we know are going to be next to impossible to beat ....WE have 1 game circled on the calendar this season to actually game plan for at this point aside from that ehh
Thanks for the write up nice job. It's fun to read about the top teams.
Originally posted by josh85_1983
Originally posted by Mattyk41

yur gramur sux

hahaha, Matty bro... where the hell have you been? Making up with Ruger7mmmag? ass!

LOL your the one who rated Ruger's team ahead of Philly

I don't think anyone has missed putting a target on Philly's back so ranking them 10 prolly isn't gonna work for ya

Thanks for the love of the Megalodon D. (Megalodon DC here ).
Originally posted by Mattyk41
Originally posted by josh85_1983

Originally posted by Mattyk41

yur gramur sux

hahaha, Matty bro... where the hell have you been? Making up with Ruger7mmmag? ass!

LOL your the one who rated Ruger's team ahead of Philly

I don't think anyone has missed putting a target on Philly's back so ranking them 10 prolly isn't gonna work for ya

ok, changed damn Matty!
Great Job on this Josh. Appreciate the props for Dharen. I gotta say your own guys are a quality squad as well. This has been a pretty good season in this league, thanks for making it worthwhile, all of you guys!
Great job josh

Watch out for our push
Originally posted by comicfanman
Great job josh

Watch out for our push

no one is sleeping on you bro... more less I look forward to another game!

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