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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > how can i get more pancakes?
Play on a run-only team.

All Skill Points and gear into strength, get blocking to 68, then work stamina up.

Never play outside the minor leagues. Otherwise retire.

Originally posted by RAPB
Play on a run-only team.

All Skill Points and gear into strength, get blocking to 68, then work stamina up.

Never play outside the minor leagues. Otherwise retire.

and dont really worry about getting pancakes as long as your run game is solid and you pass protection is good your doing a fine job.
Don't put points in 'pancake' SA. It means you wasted points on things that.. ACTUALLY get you pancakes.

My team holds the #1 and #3 pancake leaders in our conference. The two players have a combined "1" in pancake, due to custom.
my G has level 96 str and 66 blocking with level 13 pancake ability (i have 3 pieces of AE giving +3 pancake bonus each) and im near 300 cakes this season. its either feast or famine though, i either get less than 10 against close matched teams or over 30 when i play crappy teams so i dont think he really helps his team that much
Edited by mnvikes8484 on Jul 19, 2009 14:25:44
Originally posted by Octowned
My team holds the #1 and #3 pancake leaders in our conference. The two players have a combined "1" in pancake, due to custom.

That is a brilliant statistic.
Sorry but...

The pancake SA gets a bad rap, due to people not understanding how the game works. The SA has a chance to activate during each situation and from my personal experiences it gives a multiplicative bonus. What this means is that the better your base chance to perform a pancake, the more that multiplicative bonus is actually worth.

Here in lies the catch-22, most linemen face defenders that rival them in strength, embarrass them in the agility department and/or the lineman has a relatively low blocking attribute. So the base chance to execute a pancake block is usually quite low, thus the pancake SA bonus is also very minor.

If you want to get a lot of pancakes, make a great build or face lots of poorly built opponents. The pancake SA is helpful, but it's situational and at the higher levels of GLB (I.E. pro leagues) where you're facing the best of the best builds, it's bonus isn't usually very helpful. Also, where you line up has a lot to do with it as well... facing a NT all game isn't going to garner you many pancakes (unless the NT has a poor build and you have a very good build). Thus centers shouldn't really take the pancake SA, guards shouldn't either unless the team runs a lot of screens and pulls. Tackles and tight ends might get some mileage out of the SA, but it's a preference thing. FBs should get a lot out of the SA if they have a good build.
Precisely, that's the thing - to get high pancake, you probably wasted opportunities to get str/bkl/agi/vis up higher, giving you less initial pancake ability and the SA will just get you "back to par." A truly great build can avoid the pancake SA all together, and in my personal experience the investment in attributes is far better than in pancake.

Now, take a great build, and at level 50 add two pieces of AEQ pancake, and a relatively cheap 4 base to it, and maybe we have a different story. I've never seen it, though.
Originally posted by Octowned
Precisely, that's the thing - to get high pancake, you probably wasted opportunities to get str/bkl/agi/vis up higher, giving you less initial pancake ability and the SA will just get you "back to par." A truly great build can avoid the pancake SA all together, and in my personal experience the investment in attributes is far better than in pancake.

Now, take a great build, and at level 50 add two pieces of AEQ pancake, and a relatively cheap 4 base to it, and maybe we have a different story. I've never seen it, though.

There's a point where spending 5:1 or more on an attribute is less efficient than buying up some pancake SA though. It's icing on the cake, nothing more.
Originally posted by Octowned
Precisely, that's the thing - to get high pancake, you probably wasted opportunities to get str/bkl/agi/vis up higher, giving you less initial pancake ability and the SA will just get you "back to par." A truly great build can avoid the pancake SA all together, and in my personal experience the investment in attributes is far better than in pancake.

Now, take a great build, and at level 50 add two pieces of AEQ pancake, and a relatively cheap 4 base to it, and maybe we have a different story. I've never seen it, though.

not really, like i said 9 of the 13 pts come from AE i only have 4 levels trained. i really started having good seasons after i got that AE, i had 200 cakes last season and might break 300 this season. and i dont even have custom eq. id have my str over 100 if i bought some. also, my vision is only like 25 i dont think its that important for linemen, at least as far as cakes go. i think strength, decent blocking, and pancake SA are the most important things
being as agile as a brick doesn't help either.
Go to IHOP or Denny's. There are some good places in Gatlinburg, TN too.
Originally posted by Awesomus_Prime
being as agile as a brick doesn't help either.

That confidence probably doesn't help either
i had 300+ pancakes this season and i have nowhere near 13 in the pancake SA. alot of str though
I don't really care much what other people have to say about pancakes. my guys have traditionally done very well in that department year in and year out. I say build up stregth and blocking ASAP. Soft cap all other pertinent abilities as they all play a factor such as speed, agility, vision, confidence, stamina... I wouldn't invest anything into SA"s until softcap is met in all pertinent categories. When that is done throw some points into SA run block tree and get pancakes above 5 or so.

The biggest influencing factor is when you play on a team that runs quite often. Also, it doesn't hurt to play in a position such as ORT or ORG or OC.

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