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DOne in the morning gents... but I will at least give you the match-up

alright we have Gotham that is sitting number four in Zeta facing the number 2 Coral Bay Maneaters and their 40 GM's? teams that will be watching this game... College Town, for Zeta's top spots 2-4 are up for grabs and between Gotham, Maneaters, and the Feeble Minds! There is our match up, Now lets get this shit broken down!

Gotham Crusaders
Panfan23 and Matty, good job this season gents... Gotham comes into todays game with a strong rushing game averaging over 260 yards a game which they are ranked 3rd in that catorgory, they attack you with three pretty strong backs! and once in a while their FB which all of those rushers average 8 yards a carry! After that Gotham really sort of Balances out, they are pretty well rounded team that may lack the eye popping stats, but they none the less get the job done! this is a Big game for Gotham for they are fighting for that last home field slot and having the head to head win over Port Vila Mutiny and Port Vila still having to play Gold Coast. Gotham should be pretty safe... they Do have one big game left and that is againts the Feeble Minds! Gotham I would suggest a run heavy game against these guys!

Coral Bay Maneaters
Now these guys have a well pieced together team and are currently sitting at 2nd place in Zeta with that one loss to Gold Coast Megalodons, Gold Coast should be locked at number one... SO really this is just a battle for that 2nd slot. The Maneaters have a pretty solid D, as their Pass Defense only a little over 205 yards a game which is 8th in the league at yards allowed, not to shabby gents! Their rush D is just as good if not better, as they only allow 50.6 yards a game and only giving up 8 TD's on the ground! nice, but this will be surely tested today, I see Gotham pounding that rock! If Gotham decides to pass the Ball, they may want to watch out, because the Maneaters are currently tied for 2nd in picks in the League with 20 of them and 8 of those were a pick 6!

Rushing: Gotham
Passing: Push
Run D: Maneaters
Pass D: Maneaters
Punt Return: Gotham
Kick Return: Gotham
Special Teams Overall: Push

Done with 7 minutes to spare...

Matty bro, love you like a sister, but I don't think that rushing attack will be enough today to get the job done... Maneaters you have a well rounded D and will be able to handle really anything Gotham throws at you, or shall I say run at you... this will be a close game

Gotham 28 Maneaters 36

Don't mind the spelling errors, was in a rush!
Edited by josh85_1983 on Jul 16, 2009 11:55:44
lil off good job Gotham, sorry to bet against you Matty! Learned my lesson!
\Josh you should know by now to never bet against us in underdog games. I think we proven ourselfs enough in the past. Not bragging. I knew it would be close. I have complete confedence in our players and our staff,

Great game guys

Great game Maneaters.
Yes indeed, great game Gotham!
Josh why the hell it took so long to get this back
Originally posted by josh85_1983
lil off good job Gotham, sorry to bet against you Matty! Learned my lesson!

It's all good josh... I'm not putting much weight on this game... I like the win but these guys will bounce back and be ready come playoffs. We're not taking anyone lightly. Don't think for a minute Tuvula and the Birds are flying under our radar...
Also it's a bit of an understatement saying we have one big game left against the Feeble Minds. College Town are an excellent team and definitely not an afterthought in our minds. Chops has that team flying on all cylanders at the moment...
Nice Game Matty.
Originally posted by mxdragon
Josh why the hell it took so long to get this back

was busy with bs fire training and doing my fucking national res for EMT... pricks... sorry to take so long to add this back into the season...
Yeah Matty you can be sure that is a game I am watching/studying, Chop is doing pretty damn good, maybe Sanders has something to do with that? hahaha
I was wondering why Chop was up in arms about Sanders being gone missing, there are no secrets here...
Thanks guys. The team is doing great atm, I've got to give credit where it's due. The guys on the team have been a big help, da raiders especially.... big shout out to him, Sanders, chappy, and a few others
Sanders IS NOT missing; your getting bad info. Here some smoke up your ass, aka "good game" bitches!
Sanders is the real mastermind of ctfm.

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