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Ok coming off a 6-2 last week ouch having had 2 8-0 weeks in alpha you guys need to get with the program its not me i pick right you all play wrong my team to damn it

1.CTFM (4-1) vs.PVM (2-3)i think im going with the mutiny on this by a field goal

2.GC (4-1)vs.DD (4-1) ok what the hell gotham hiding you punter and kicker that is statagy im going to barrow that so im taking the drones

3.CCC (3-2)vs.RDH (0-5)ok we will have to go with the science geeks on this one

4.FFF(0-5)vs.TM(0-5) alrighty then this should be a barnburner think im going to go watch flies hump would be more interesting will take the miners

5.LH(2-3)vs.GCM(5-0) wow this here the megs are stealing all your weed and winning this one

6.CM(2-3)vs.DG(4-1) well meg please avatar isnt scary and you loose

7.FFDEHB (2-3)vs.CBC(1-4) ok shit really im not even watching this game either im taking my team in a lack luster game

8.CBM (5-0)vs. WTMC(0-5) ok we all know who is winning maneaters

last week 6-2

overall 39-8

heavyd out
Stop picking the Drones your cursing us
ouch shit what the hell i well at least when i bet in vegas i bet against my team win a cool grand yeah well drones sorry damn zeta is tough

day 5-3 sucks

overall 44-11 damn it still not bad
Originally posted by heavyd

2.GC (4-1)vs.DD (4-1) ok what the hell gotham hiding your punter and kicker that is stategy I'm going to borrow that so im taking the drones
heavyd out

LOL strategy worked I guess

A tip don't hit auto reset just before game time chances are you'll forget to put your kicking game together LOL ooops

^ that sucks, one of the GMs on the Naturals did that before our playoff game against the Maulers last season. Offense and defense got fixed but I didn't see it in time to fix the ST units,. We had a DE returning kicks and fumbling like a mofo, took away any slim chance we had at taking down one of the top teams in GLB at the time. It made me look like a ass because I'm the ST coordinator

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