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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > First Step AEQ for ROT?
I just rolled a piece of +1 vision and +1 First Step for my level 25 ROT. Is First Step any good for OTs? It seems like it would be, but I didn't see anything about it in 4 or 5 pages worth of posts in this forum. I also have the option of +1 Get Low w/o any attribute bonuses. Should I take one of these or try for something better?

Physical Attributes
Strength: 88.2
Speed: 24
Agility: 49.2
Jumping: 8
Stamina: 21.52
Vision: 24.2
Confidence: 21.2

Football Skills
Blocking: 62.2
Personally I would take the get low over the first step. I'm not a big believer in FS for o-line to begin with, but especially not only in one piece. If you want FS and actually to see results of the amount of time it would fire at level 3 or 4, I dont think it's worth it. Also, b/c u r playing ROT you will probably see a lot more run playes to your side of the field, get low is always active and I think it is the best SA on the run tree.

That all being said, I would probably wait until you are at a bit higher level to go shopping anyway, at least level 32. You could pick up either, see if you like them, for a few levels, if not upgrade to another piece at a higher level
I would much prefer foundation, pass block, run block, hold block %, or possibly get low.
Has been discussed already, so read and make your decision:
Originally posted by RAPB
Has been discussed already, so read and make your decision:

Thanks for this!

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