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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Pro-Bowl Selections
I remember a few people on here making up some ballots to give out and it seems that the idea had been lost. I am going to nominate a few players below, feel free to post your own. I do not know much about the east, so these selections will be for the western pro-bowl team. DO not get bent out of shape, I am not biased I just do not know the teams and players on that side very well.

QB - Big Tuna (Tallahassee)

This one is not even close. I am not trying to be a homer but he is head and shoulders above every QB in the West.

WR -
Jimmy Turner (Austin Longhorns)
Wayne Weezy (Tallahassee)

Jimmy Turner is the league leader in receptions and yards, however he also holds the lead for drops and only brought in 9 TDs. Wayne was able to rack up 12 TDs with almost half the opporutnities.

Chris Whaley (Orangebloods)
Among league leaders in TDs, yrds, and yrds per carry while splitting time in the backfield

Hodges Mitchell (Orangebloods)
Talk about a nose for the endzone, 12 TDs on the season says a lot about his ability.

Renegade Nole (Tallahassee)
Leading the league in YPC for runners with over 200 carries. Rarely puts the ball on the ground with only 2 fumbles and 0 lost all year.

Defensive End

Nitsud Skraps (K-Town)
What a beast! 8 sacks, 15 hurries, 2 FF, 6 pds, 1 int. #1 in the league no doubt about it

Peter Boulware (Tallahassee)
10 hurries, 5 sacks, 8 pass deflections, and 1 int. This pick toss up between Peter Boulware and Brian Oaks, I chose Boulware because Oaks needs to increase his jumping attribute so he can start getting some PDs and ints like the other two selections.

Corner Back

Kimbo Harding(Chicago "MB")
9 picks, 2 fumbles recovered, 79 takcles and only 1 missed tackle. Turnover machine and solid tackler, hard to argue this one. Only thing he is missing is a defensive score.

Evil Deon - (Orangebloods)
7 picks, a FF, and an amazing 45 PDs. Water covers 2/3 of the earth, Deion covers the rest.

I will post some more positions when I get more time. My room mate just walked in with breakfast and Im hungry.

Very nice ballot and explaination. I knew we had good RB's. I did not know anyone else noticed. I think the three stone cold locks on your list are Big Tuna, Jimmy Turner and Evil Deon. All of those guys are the nuts. Harding is pretty impressive as well.
Originally posted by BuddyHorn
Very nice ballot and explaination. I knew we had good RB's. I did not know anyone else noticed. I think the three stone cold locks on your list are Big Tuna, Jimmy Turner and Evil Deon. All of those guys are the nuts. Harding is pretty impressive as well.

I think Tuna and Nitsud are the only stone cold locks.
I would take Turner on my team 8 days a week. I think sacks are circumstantial, there are several DE that compare physically.
My Wests pro bowl picks...
Every west team owner should do this....


QB - Even tho he was on a team that had a massive oline and a chimp could have played qb for... he did put up the #'s one would expect.
QB- Big Tuna. Tallahassee Seminoles

HB - This one was tough. I liked Iowa jones till i saw that he had 130 more carries then everyone else, yet didnt put up all that much yardage. I had Two running backs who i felt were the primary reason of their teams offense's success even tho they both were spliting carries with other backs. Those two were Hodges Mitchell and Steve Blaze.... my choice will go to this back cause his team won more and he was and is their primary offensive source. without him, they wouldnt be where they are.
HB- Steve Blazer. Chicago Bears

FB- This is tough. Not only do i want a guy who can run the ball, but i want a guy who puts defenders on their asses when he is opening holes for the HB. Now one might be like Peter DeLangley did alot of yards... no pancakes.. alot of tackles for loss and thats more of a HB then a FB. Same could be said for my #2 runner up Chicken Bonz. So that leaves my probowl bad ass FB
FB - Eric Wolfe. Tallahassee Seminoles

WR- After going thru all the data... this was easier to pick then i thought it would have been. my 2 selections for wide receiver are...
WR1- Wayne Weeze. Tallahassee Seminoles
WR2- Nacho Pappa. Omaha Mavericks

TE - This again came down to 2 TE's that i saw stand out from the rest. One put up 637 yards from 66 catches for 3 td's with 4 broken tackles, 1 fumble recover and a tackle to boot. The other put up 586 yards from 58 catches for 4 td's 2 pancakes, with 8 broken tackles, 4 fumble recover, a forced fumble on offense and 3 tackles... im going with TE #2.
TE - Leon Phoenix. Chicago Bears

OT - I wish there was a Sack allowed stat, so i will have to go by the only stat we have.... pancakes. Now one might be like well Trykon Krelfor has the most out of all tackles.... but the 2 i selected were #2 and #3 in pancakes for a tackle and they did that with almost 200 less snaps then Trykon Krelfor... funny thing is, they both play for the same team.
OT1 - Kevin Pierpoint. Texas Roughnecks
OT2 - Malcolm McPancake. Texas Roughnecks

G - These two guys dominated the pancake scene.... and there is no one i would pick over them.
G1 - Jack Brimmstone. Caribbean Sphere
G2 - Steven McKenzie. San Francisco Stonecutters

C - Center position was an easy pick.
c- Matty Birk. The Real Austin Longhorns


NT - To me a great NT is someone who clogs the running lanes, gets a ton of tackles for loss, makes backs drop the ball, a sack every now and then and totally screws up another teams running attack. There was three guys who were a close call... but this is my man.
NT - Jake Rock. Houston Orangebloods

DT - To me a great DT is someone who clogs the running lanes, gets a ton of tackles for loss, makes backs drop the ball, a sack every now and then and totally screws up another teams running attack
DT - Rodrique Wright. The Real Austin Longhorns

LDE - My Left defensive end has to be able to eat up all the HB's that come their way. going thru all the teams left ends i came to 3 guys who stood out. Nitsud Skraps, Banana Joe Fuld and Sticky Wang. The guy i picked not only wraped everyone up that came his way, he terrorized qb's, forced fumbles and even got a interception.
LDE - Nitsud Skraps. K-Town Hates Phil

RDE - Right defensive end doesnt for some reason get the glamore and shots lde gets in glb (dont ask why). But i want a guy who can play just like a left end. RDE are asked to do more coverage so i want a guy who gets tackles, gets to the QB, and can knock down the ball. The 2 guys i saw that did all of this are... Rob York and Drunken McScotch. im going with....
RDE - Drunken McScotch. Caribbean Sphere

LB'ers - to me a linebacker needs to be oldschool... hit everything that moves and makes sure it doesnt want to come back again. These guys hit everyone so many times... their momma didnt want them to play football anymore.
LB1 - Chauncey Hamilton. D.C. Sonics
LB2 - Tort Feasor. San Francisco Stonecutters
LB3 - Scott Badalamenti. Chicago Bears

CB's - I like guys who shut WR's down, knock the ball down... pick it off and all around are solid players.
CB1 - Evil Deon. Houston Orangebloods
CB2 - Kimbo Harding. Chicago Bears

FS - A free safety to me is the center fielder. he is floating in space waiting to react to what the offense does. So a Free safety to me should have a nice amount of tackles, a ton of PD's and a INT here and there. This guy did it all.
FS - Rodney Wlliams. The Real Austin Longhorns

SS - Strong safety is the MLB of teh secondary. he need to crush everything that comes in his area. On a losing squad, this guy should be the leading tacklers for his team. But the guy im picking isnt on a losing squad or a bad defense. So what that tells me is he is flying all over the feild, beating great players to the ball to make those tackles. Not to mention that this guy could almost be a shutdown corner.
SS - Ford Harper. Tallahassee Seminoles

Special Teams

Kicker- I hate kickers. they are useless. If they make it, well you were supposed to, your a kicker. If they miss it.. they get cut. This guy hit everything (81% of the time) and even hit 3 from 50+..... thats close to being clutch.
Kicker - Tom Foolery. Caribbean Sphere

Punter - One of the most important parts of football is field position. The battle of pushing your team further and further into the opponents field maked a punter a huge asset or a huge problem. This guy hooked his team up all year long.
Punter - Punty McPunt. Caribbean Sphere

Kick Returner - This is the guy, who after his team lets up a score, has to answer the bell. He is the first strike to dictact if the team will put points back up on the other team. This guy gave his team great field positions all year.
Kick returner - Sly Foxe. San Francisco Stonecutters

Punt Returner - There is nothing like forcing an offense off the field to punt the ball... and having a guy return it to where the ball was or further down the field! This guy kicked so much ass returning punts... that he even scored!
Punt Returner - Gigantic African. Tallahassee Seminoles
Last edited May 26, 2008 13:33:14
Tough to do these picks as you gotta take into account stat padding vs. weaker teams

I'm thinking DR TRAN isn't going to like these picks.


PD is a weird stat. I mean, if you're team is up 24 points at the half of every game, you're going to get a lot more PDs because they're throwing all the time. Meanwhile a decent CB who smothers the #1 WR in close games sees nothing on the stat sheet as the QB throws the ball elsewhere. I wish they tracked yards allowed by your receiver when in man coverage.

Obviously, low missed tackles is good, but is a CB with tackles a good thing ? That generally means they let the receiver catch it. Do you know who the #1 CB in the NFL in tackles was this season ? (I sure as heck didn't... it's Cortland Finnegan... he plays for the Titans, and something tells me he's not that good.)


That being said... Kimbo Harding & Evil Deon are absolutely amazing players. They both held Jimmy Turner under 80 yds of receiving, so that's why I think those picks are solid. I would have no idea how in the heck to judge who the best CBs are... so many variables.

Originally posted by jedaviso
Tough to do these picks as you gotta take into account stat padding vs. weaker teams

I'm thinking DR TRAN isn't going to like these picks.


PD is a weird stat. I mean, if you're team is up 24 points at the half of every game, you're going to get a lot more PDs because they're throwing all the time. Meanwhile a decent CB who smothers the #1 WR in close games sees nothing on the stat sheet as the QB throws the ball elsewhere. I wish they tracked yards allowed by your receiver when in man coverage.

Obviously, low missed tackles is good, but is a CB with tackles a good thing ? That generally means they let the receiver catch it. Do you know who the #1 CB in the NFL in tackles was this season ? (I sure as heck didn't... it's Cortland Finnegan... he plays for the Titans, and something tells me he's not that good.)


That being said... Kimbo Harding & Evil Deon are absolutely amazing players. They both held Jimmy Turner under 80 yds of receiving, so that's why I think those picks are solid. I would have no idea how in the heck to judge who the best CBs are... so many variables.

DR TRAN is in the East. So far every team has been a West selection...thus, I don't think he'll care.
If y'all want, I can send out "Ballots" to everyone tonight for selections.....

I will send them to all of the owners and if a team would like a GM to cast the ballot that's fine. I don't care who makes the selections so long as it's one from each team.

How do y'all want to do it again? Everyone votes for the top 3-4 at each position?
Last edited May 26, 2008 11:55:40
I say top three in order. I say 1. gets 5 points 2. gets 3 pints and 3. gets 1 point.
then add them up for the order on the team.

just like the starting line up is.

Qb1, hb1, fb1, te1, WR2. ot2, og2, c1
nt, dt, de2, 3LB'ers, cb2, ss, fs,
Kicker, punter, kicker returner and punt returner
I love this discussion. It really can spice up the board.
Originally posted by jedaviso
Tough to do these picks as you gotta take into account stat padding vs. weaker teams

I'm thinking DR TRAN isn't going to like these picks.


PD is a weird stat. I mean, if you're team is up 24 points at the half of every game, you're going to get a lot more PDs because they're throwing all the time. Meanwhile a decent CB who smothers the #1 WR in close games sees nothing on the stat sheet as the QB throws the ball elsewhere. I wish they tracked yards allowed by your receiver when in man coverage.

Obviously, low missed tackles is good, but is a CB with tackles a good thing ? That generally means they let the receiver catch it. Do you know who the #1 CB in the NFL in tackles was this season ? (I sure as heck didn't... it's Cortland Finnegan... he plays for the Titans, and something tells me he's not that good.)


That being said... Kimbo Harding & Evil Deon are absolutely amazing players. They both held Jimmy Turner under 80 yds of receiving, so that's why I think those picks are solid. I would have no idea how in the heck to judge who the best CBs are... so many variables.

as teh first few games were going on...we were telling kimbo, why are you getting so many tackles... was it that the ball was being thrown and he was letting upo the catch to get the tackle...

Then we watched the video. i would say 2/3 of those tackles.. are all running back tackles. not passes catch for tackles.
Deons tackle mostly come from getting the outside RB and other folks guy, esp the TE
Originally posted by Whatsdafus
My Wests pro bowl picks...
Every west team owner should do this....

OT - I wish there was a Sack allowed stat, so i will have to go by the only stat we have.... pancakes. Now one might be like well Trykon Krelfor has the most out of all tackles.... but the 2 i selected were #2 and #3 in pancakes for a tackle and they did that with almost 200 less snaps then Trykon Krelfor... funny thing is, they both play for the same team.
OT1 - Kevin Pierpoint. Texas Roughnecks
OT2 - Malcolm McPancake. Texas Roughnecks

I support this message
are you guys hating my picks yet?

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