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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > 55 man roster?
Hey furious, did someone find your secret of having specialy built players? Wouldn't kill you guys, think you would have to cut 4 or so, just say this and thought of teams who have special team players and such. Thought I would start a thread.
Looks like it, although we only carried 56 so we'll have to trim 1 off our roster.
I thought we had 57. Krunchy is kinda retarded so I think I'm right. =p

But ya, that does effect things a bit.
Originally posted by Moo45
I thought we had 57. Krunchy is kinda retarded so I think I'm right. =p

But ya, that does effect things a bit.

I count 58? your punter and kicker count
Originally posted by LiquidSnake
Originally posted by Moo45

I thought we had 57. Krunchy is kinda retarded so I think I'm right. =p

But ya, that does effect things a bit.

I count 58? your punter and kicker count

I still count 57...I think I'll have to put you in the same boat as Krunchy =p
I'm a little pissed about this one. This is dumbing the game down to the lowest common denominator at it's best. Does it suck for 90% of the division that 2 teams built killer return units and amazing depth? Sure it does, but don't force them to play down to our level by limiting the number of players they can have. There are progression checks that have developed naturally that Bort in all probability never dreamed of, and he's screwing with them. The ability to recruit specialized players and depth should be a prerequisite to advancing beyond A. If your team can't do those things, you don't belong with the elite. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but this is a competitive game. If you can field 100 specialized players and pay them to their satisfaction, then you SHOULD win. The rest of us should be trying to do that too if we want to be the best, but instead here comes the nerf stick.
Originally posted by Sequtugh
I'm a little pissed about this one. This is dumbing the game down to the lowest common denominator at it's best. Does it suck for 90% of the division that 2 teams built killer return units and amazing depth? Sure it does, but don't force them to play down to our level by limiting the number of players they can have. There are progression checks that have developed naturally that Bort in all probability never dreamed of, and he's screwing with them. The ability to recruit specialized players and depth should be a prerequisite to advancing beyond A. If your team can't do those things, you don't belong with the elite. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but this is a competitive game. If you can field 100 specialized players and pay them to their satisfaction, then you SHOULD win. The rest of us should be trying to do that too if we want to be the best, but instead here comes the nerf stick.

Nicely said
Originally posted by Sequtugh
I'm a little pissed about this one. This is dumbing the game down to the lowest common denominator at it's best. Does it suck for 90% of the division that 2 teams built killer return units and amazing depth? Sure it does, but don't force them to play down to our level by limiting the number of players they can have. There are progression checks that have developed naturally that Bort in all probability never dreamed of, and he's screwing with them. The ability to recruit specialized players and depth should be a prerequisite to advancing beyond A. If your team can't do those things, you don't belong with the elite. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but this is a competitive game. If you can field 100 specialized players and pay them to their satisfaction, then you SHOULD win. The rest of us should be trying to do that too if we want to be the best, but instead here comes the nerf stick.

Just wondering if you actually watch football? You do realize at ANY level (besides high school) there is a roster limit, correct? My guess is he used the NFL with a 55 man roster. I think its ANOTHER great step in the right direction of the BIG PICTURE!
Originally posted by LiquidSnake

Just wondering if you actually watch football? You do realize at ANY level (besides high school) there is a roster limit, correct? My guess is he used the NFL with a 55 man roster. I think its ANOTHER great step in the right direction of the BIG PICTURE!

Dude, are you freaking serious? I have no idea where that backhanded slap came from. I certainly didn't expect it from you - I thought you had more class than that. You don't know me, you have no idea how deep my passion for the game is, how closely I follow it, how deep my knowledge of the real game is or at what level I played the game. You have a differing opinion .... good for you. Think you can post it without the insult?

Originally posted by LiquidSnake
Originally posted by Sequtugh

I'm a little pissed about this one. This is dumbing the game down to the lowest common denominator at it's best. Does it suck for 90% of the division that 2 teams built killer return units and amazing depth? Sure it does, but don't force them to play down to our level by limiting the number of players they can have. There are progression checks that have developed naturally that Bort in all probability never dreamed of, and he's screwing with them. The ability to recruit specialized players and depth should be a prerequisite to advancing beyond A. If your team can't do those things, you don't belong with the elite. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but this is a competitive game. If you can field 100 specialized players and pay them to their satisfaction, then you SHOULD win. The rest of us should be trying to do that too if we want to be the best, but instead here comes the nerf stick.

Just wondering if you actually watch football? You do realize at ANY level (besides high school) there is a roster limit, correct? My guess is he used the NFL with a 55 man roster. I think its ANOTHER great step in the right direction of the BIG PICTURE!

I see your point BUT if he's trying to keep this in line with the NFL then EVERYTHING should be in line and its not.
Originally posted by Moo45
Originally posted by LiquidSnake

Originally posted by Sequtugh

I'm a little pissed about this one. This is dumbing the game down to the lowest common denominator at it's best. Does it suck for 90% of the division that 2 teams built killer return units and amazing depth? Sure it does, but don't force them to play down to our level by limiting the number of players they can have. There are progression checks that have developed naturally that Bort in all probability never dreamed of, and he's screwing with them. The ability to recruit specialized players and depth should be a prerequisite to advancing beyond A. If your team can't do those things, you don't belong with the elite. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but this is a competitive game. If you can field 100 specialized players and pay them to their satisfaction, then you SHOULD win. The rest of us should be trying to do that too if we want to be the best, but instead here comes the nerf stick.

Just wondering if you actually watch football? You do realize at ANY level (besides high school) there is a roster limit, correct? My guess is he used the NFL with a 55 man roster. I think its ANOTHER great step in the right direction of the BIG PICTURE!

I see your point BUT if he's trying to keep this in line with the NFL then EVERYTHING should be in line and its not.

A 55 man roster isn't even in line with an NFL roster TBH. That would be a 53 man roster, with only 46 active for each game. 55 is like a number Bort pulled out of his ass or something.
Originally posted by Sequtugh
Originally posted by Moo45

Originally posted by LiquidSnake

Originally posted by Sequtugh

I'm a little pissed about this one. This is dumbing the game down to the lowest common denominator at it's best. Does it suck for 90% of the division that 2 teams built killer return units and amazing depth? Sure it does, but don't force them to play down to our level by limiting the number of players they can have. There are progression checks that have developed naturally that Bort in all probability never dreamed of, and he's screwing with them. The ability to recruit specialized players and depth should be a prerequisite to advancing beyond A. If your team can't do those things, you don't belong with the elite. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but this is a competitive game. If you can field 100 specialized players and pay them to their satisfaction, then you SHOULD win. The rest of us should be trying to do that too if we want to be the best, but instead here comes the nerf stick.

Just wondering if you actually watch football? You do realize at ANY level (besides high school) there is a roster limit, correct? My guess is he used the NFL with a 55 man roster. I think its ANOTHER great step in the right direction of the BIG PICTURE!

I see your point BUT if he's trying to keep this in line with the NFL then EVERYTHING should be in line and its not.

A 55 man roster isn't even in line with an NFL roster TBH. That would be a 53 man roster, with only 46 active for each game. 55 is like a number Bort pulled out of his ass or something.

Hey man, hopefully you didn't think I was being rude, I wasn't, was just more of a statement, sorry you took it that way, wasn't attacking you at all.

Its not 55, its 53 ACTIVE players, along with 9 additional practice sqaud players, not counting the injured reserve. Now my guess here is that he is alloted two more players cause there are penalties for playing out of position, where as in real life, there isn' TEs play FB, and FBs can play TEs, same with certain DB positions. I am sure he just found that 55 was a good number, is it a bad idea? Not at all, So I wasn't trying to attack you at all Seq, hope you accept the apology.
Originally posted by Moo45

I see your point BUT if he's trying to keep this in line with the NFL then EVERYTHING should be in line and its not.

really that's not a reason to not do something. By that reasoning, there would be no way to ever get everything "in line"
Originally posted by blaslo
Originally posted by Moo45

I see your point BUT if he's trying to keep this in line with the NFL then EVERYTHING should be in line and its not.

really that's not a reason to not do something. By that reasoning, there would be no way to ever get everything "in line"

Cart before the horse is my point
Originally posted by LiquidSnake

Hey man, hopefully you didn't think I was being rude, I wasn't, was just more of a statement, sorry you took it that way, wasn't attacking you at all.

Its not 55, its 53 ACTIVE players, along with 9 additional practice sqaud players, not counting the injured reserve. Now my guess here is that he is alloted two more players cause there are penalties for playing out of position, where as in real life, there isn' TEs play FB, and FBs can play TEs, same with certain DB positions. I am sure he just found that 55 was a good number, is it a bad idea? Not at all, So I wasn't trying to attack you at all Seq, hope you accept the apology.

Came off as a little high-horse-ish is all. It's all good. I will counter your post since you questioned my football knowledge though Pretty sure each NFL team has a 53 man roster, of which only 46 can be active each game. And the practice squad was 8 last time I checked, though that might have changed.

As to Bort's motives and reasoning .... can't speak to that. The teams that have the most to lose are obviously the ones that can field and pay that many players. So which teams are those? People that own a completed (or nearly) stadium and have low level players. Prime candidates seem to me to be teams that decide to go slow build. Bort already expressed displeasure with this tactic, which just baffles the hell out of me. Bort has so much to gain when people go slow build (ie money) .... he's a fool not to encourage it to be honest. But anyways, owners that get their hands on a full stadium and go slow build are probably the main culprits that build teams with 70 or so players on it. I don't see a problem with it honestly. Economics should dictate roster size. Ron posted earlier that it is financially impossible to field a team of 50 level 50 players and have them totally equipped. He is, of course, correct. It get's harder if the roster size increases. If anything, Bort should up the ROI on high level equipment and drive up it's demand. I have a handfull of players that aren't wearing all their level 56 upgrades, because at some point it just isn't worth the cost. Is the difference between a 116 str and a 117 str worth $800k? Hell, I'm not even sure what the real value of enhanced stats are vs the 'natural' score. Never seen a rating bar move one click regardless of if I put on or took off 34 points worth of equipment. Anyways, getting off subject here ..... the point is that Bort randomly deciding that a 55 man roster is the limit seems like a knee jerk reaction to me, and probably is being driven by his dislike for slow build teams, not for any 'legit' reason.


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