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I haven't done any handicapping in about 9 years so I might be somewhat off. Since no others have stepped forth I figured I'd put another target on my chest for people to aim at.

Here are the way I see the games with playoff implications, even slight ones.

#5 Geelong v #2 Sydney - Game of the week. If Geelong can't figure out a way to develope a rushing attack that can be taken seriously they look to possibly fall from the #5 all the way down to the #6-8 spot and no love looking at them in 2 of the final 4 games. Sydney is in a must win in order to secure the #2 spot. With a loss they look to drop no lower than a #3.

Sydney by 17

#3 Storm Lake v #6 Hamilton - A must win for both teams as this one has playoff seeding implications. A Hamilton win can almost guarantee them no worse than a 10-6 record and possibly no worse than 8th seed. A SL win and a record no worse than 13-3 with a serious shot at no worse than 3-4th seed.

Storm Lake by 45

#9 Orlando v #7 Aukland - A must win for Aukland as this is the start of a tough 5 game streth with them needing to win at least 3 to guarantee them no worse than a #8 slot. For Orlando it gets no easier next week with Texas coming to town. The good news is they have 3 games they should win and finish up no worse than 9-7 with an outside shot at the 8th spot.

Orlando by 5

#8 Sidney v #10 Hawaii - For both teams this is a must win with Sidney having a slightly last 5 games than Hawaii. If Sindey can manage to win at least 3 of its last 5 it could steal the #8 spot from Orlando. For Hawaii this might be the last of two chances it has to win in the last few games and go 8-8, only winning 4 of the remaining 5 games will they make the playoffs as a #8.

Sidney by 15

Not bad, I think Sydney wins by more then 17 besides that nice write up
Nice write up, but I hope you guys are wrong about the Geelong Sydney game. If we can figure out how to move against that defense we have a chance I think.
Originally posted by Enpassant
Nice write up, but I hope you guys are wrong about the Geelong Sydney game. If we can figure out how to move against that defense we have a chance I think.

Make sure Sehorn has a nice system set up for this game. Because we want you to win because we want the number 2 seed
Should be a good game. I saw where Geelong actually moved the ball well against Oakland in the first quarter... then the wheels fell off. Don't think we've forgotten the beating you guys gave us last season... we're hoping for paybacks! Goodluck (not really)
Originally posted by BOO-Didley
Should be a good game. I saw where Geelong actually moved the ball well against Oakland in the first quarter... then the wheels fell off. Don't think we've forgotten the beating you guys gave us last season... we're hoping for paybacks! Goodluck (not really)

I hear you BOO and we are trying to come up with something. This is a big game for playoff position. And, Goodluck, too, lol also not really!
Hawaii by 14, nice win and back in the playoff picture while making Sidney's outlook not so bright
Storm Lake by 3, Hamilton can so close but gained some respect from Oakland.
Orlando made its statement with a 24 point win and holds onto the #8 spot for this week. Auckland is still in the hunt but limping.
Sydney stomped a mudhole winning by 44 and a strong claim on the #2 slot. Geelong did a decent job of controlling the bleeding on the ground but they're OL looked like a blown engine.
Hawaii with a nice win tonight. Glad to pull an upset. Need to do a couple more to stay in playoff hunt
GG G-long finally got that monkey of our backs.
I know,lol.I had to go out of Town and didn'thave time to Game Plan at all.Hell we didn't even have one of our best Player's (Dono,FS/CB) in the Game,lol.He only got 2 plays,lol. I'm sure we would have lost anyway though,lol.
Uhhhh....yep. Actually we were disappointed that we only won by 44. It was'nt one of our better games, but hey, a wins a win.
it should have been alot closer than that.
Originally posted by sehorn31
it should have been alot closer than that.

Actually I meant to put 71, not 17
There's still that thing they call the Post Season!! Some Teams can get hot and string together a few Wins and take Home a Title no matter there Reg. Season Record. (GCMM!! )
Edited by sehorn31 on May 21, 2009 08:54:36
Originally posted by sehorn31
There's still that thing they call the Post Season!! Some Teams can get hot and string together a few Wins and take Home a Title no matter there Reg. Season Record. (GCMM!! )

I've seen that happen as well back in S2 and S3.

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