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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Line General Works - and a test to support it!
Two games were played between two teams using the exact same settings, and no substitutes on the offensive line.

But there was one difference... Line general! Game one was played with line general, while game two was not.

Here are the results


Game One:
Game Two:

Take a look at the similarities. I find them to be quite striking. Same score basically, similar YPC, yards gained, etc.
But most importantly, a similar number of sacks, hurries, interceptions, and plays. Here is a further breakdown:

October Wildfire

Game One: 83 total plays

Sack (beat LG and C)
Hurry (pressure on C)
Sack (beat RT)
Hurry (beat RG)
Hurry (beat LG)
Big Sack (beat LT)
Sack (beat LT)
Hurry (pressure on RT)
Hurry (beat LT)
Hurry (beat RT) - pick 6
Sack (beat LG and C)
Hurry (beat RT)
Hurry (pressure on C and LG) - pick 6
Sack (beat LT)
Hurry (beat LG) - interception

Game Two: 94 total plays

sack (beat RT)
big sack (beat RT)
hurry (QB walked into it)
hurry (beat RT)
sack (beat RT)
hurry (beat LG) - pick 6
sack (beat RT)
hurry (beat C, RG)
hurry (beat RT)
hurry (beat RT)
hurry (beat RT)
hurry (beat LT) - int
hurry (beat RT)
hurry (beat RT)
sack (beat RT)
hurry (beat RG)
hurry (beat RT)
hurry (beat RT)
hurry (beat RT)
hurry (beat LT)

LT: 31 Stamina, 29 confidence
37 Energy, 23 Morale
27 energy, 20 morale

LG: 28 Stamina, 38 confidence
32 Energy, 30 Morale
10 energy, 24 morale

C: 28 Stamina, 49 Confidence - 7 line general, 3 Natural Leader
32 Energy, 54 Morale
C: 20 stamina, 15 confidence - 0 line general
16 energy, 11 morale

RG: 27 Stamina, 44 Confidence
31 Energy, 22 Morale
23 energy, 13 morale

RT: 36 Stamina, 49 Confidence
49 Energy, 94 Morale
43 energy, 59 morale

Quick analysis:

ENERGY: Line general appears to do absolutely nothing for energy, at least from play to play. There were 11 more plays in the second game, and energly SLIGHTLY fell off. The good news? Higher stamina players ended the games with higher energy, so at least that part is working. Doesn't look like the lack of line general caused a significant decrease, at least not more than you'd expect from 11 extra plays with little defensive rest time.

MORALE: Unfortunately, we took such a beating in the first game that our morale didn't have anywhere to go but up... but we wanted to show it went down! At least the end game morale was SLIGHTLY lower. You can't compare the C's, one has capped confidence and the other has 15. Across the other 4 players, though, the biggest hit was to the RT, who seemed to absolutely implode in the second game. This COULD be an indication of line general. Notice the RT is the only player with high confidence. Couple that with line general in the first game, he did just fine. Take away line general, let him give up a few, and he simply got destroyed the rest of the game. Yet he still ended up with the highest morale....

There may be some hidden evidence as well. Morale dropped for the other players, despite all of them performing BETTER in the second game. This either indicates that line general did help them, or maybe it is evidence that sacks aren't credited to who got beat, but rather the entire o-line who was on the field at that time.

D'Haran Legion

Game One: 58 total plays

Hurry (pressure on LG)
Hurry (pressure on C/RG)
Hurry (pressure on LG)
Hurry (pressure on C/LG)
Hurry (pressure on C)
Hurry (pressure on RG)
Sack (beat RT)
Hurry (pressure on C)
Hurry (pressure on RG)
Hurry (pressure on RG)
Hurry (pressure on LT)

Game Two: 70 total plays

Hurried (NT on RG)
Hurried (NT on RG)
Sack (LE beat RT)
Hurried (RE on LT)
Hurried (RE on LT)
Hurried (RE on LT)

C: 44 STA, 48 CON, 7 line general 10 natural leader
C:37 STA, 40 CON

RG: 43 STA, 49 CON

LG: 41 STA, 49 CON

RT: 46 STA, 33 CON

LT: 43 STA, 31 CON
Energy: 49

Here is what I wanted to see!!! Okay, energy dropped significantly - quite possibly due to 12 extra plays, but this was a pretty big energy difference. Looks like the first general could have been helping out with the energy in game one. Maybe not though.

On the morale side, the team did better across the board. Yet all of them had pretty significant morale drops without the line general.


Okay, take what you will from this clearly very small sample. However I liked what I saw. In quite similar games, the lack of line general caused a decrease in end-game morale on both sides of the ball. The energy drop was not significant, however.

The lack of line general could have been a big reason that October Wildfire's RT imploded in game two, and that the entire o-line of D'Haran had significant morale drops despite better performance in only a dozen extra plays.
Way too small a sample. If the game results themselves were pretty much the same, doesn't it show that morale and energy don't really have an impact on the game? This would mean that while Line General has some effect on energy and maybe morale, but since these two don't have significant impact on the game, Line General doesn't actually effect the game, so Line General isn't worth much.

This is a good experiment, but no where near conclusive.
I, for one, am not impressed with what I see here. We should definitely get a whole lot more samples from anyone who can get them. We don't want to fish for statistics that aren't there.

If I can convince my team owner, I might be able to get a good set of games in. My C has 10 Line General (upgraded his AEQ to +4 yesterday!) and 15 Natural Leader while our starter has only 2 LG, 2 NL; a nice, big difference.
Do it ^
Yup, the more people willing to do this the better.

I don't claim morale does anything for the game or your o-line, but the facts are there despite a small sample, the o-line had worse morale and energy without line general. That is what I was testing, not if your team got better with it. Just if it works like the text says it does.
the LTs morale went up without LG?
23->20, 32->20, nope.
Sent my team's owner a PM and he said he'll look for a team to scrim a couple times to get another sample for us.

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