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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > Week 6 Predictions By The Bolts
Storm Lake Tornadoes vs. Guam Circus
Going to take Storm by 21

Hawaii Islanders vs. Charlotte Big Dawgs
Taking Hawaii in a Blowout Sorry Dawgs

Hamilton Hellcats vs. Rocky Mountain Gladiators
Hamilton in a Blowout

Oakland Suppressors vs. TEXAS DRILLERS
Game Of Week I will Take Oakland by 13 (cause they killed us)

Sydney Sharks vs. Sack Sabbath
Blowout Sharks Win

Geelong Outlaws vs. Orlando Lightning Bolts
OK i am bias in this one Pick is Push

Sidney Vicious vs. Death Riders
Blowout Sidney takes it ( what happen to the Riders YOU guys was our rival)

Auckland Titans vs. Talon Bay Privateers
Titans in a Blowout
Looks like Oakland gave the game away with a missed tackle and an interception return. We did prove that the Drillers can't run on us or move the ball on the ground against us. Geelong, take note.

Geelong, you were also given a game because of a forced fumble and a return. Looks like you couldn't handle Orlando very well, at least not as well as we did.
Last edited May 5, 2009 19:49:12
You're annoying. lol go away! you make the forums to serious you ruin everyones fun!
Originally posted by archer255
Looks like Oakland gave the game away with a missed tackle and an interception return. We did prove that the Drillers can't run on us or move the ball on the ground against us. Geelong, take note.

Geelong, you were also given a game because of a forced fumble and a return. Looks like you couldn't handle Orlando very well, at least not as well as we did.

Always a excuse...look at the replays of all of our past games HE MAKES PEOPLE MISS

Lets take away those 2 scores....that means yall are up by 1 point, so your telling me we dont score another point the entire game....your crazy.
KTA it was a well deserved win lol archer people are really starting to get annoyed with you.
One last thing and I will shut up, I could just as easily say yall had 1 luck pass to set up yalls field position on that last TD because if you look at it how many times did you come close to our redzone?...Twice

I let him talk smack the last couple of days about us, but now I have all what I am going to say out of my system....good luck to yall
Originally posted by cypresshill
KTA it was a well deserved win lol archer people are really starting to get annoyed with you.

Thank you
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by cypresshill
KTA it was a well deserved win lol archer people are really starting to get annoyed with you.

.... i miss hindu telling him to stfu
haha yeah me too. those were the good ole' days.
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by cypresshill
haha yeah me too. those were the good ole' days.

... i miss choco too. where the hell is Cowpoker anyways
i talked to him a week ago. he said hes just really busy with his job and child. I think he comes on once a day to check everything and train and then hes off.
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by cypresshill
i talked to him a week ago. he said hes just really busy with his job and child. I think he comes on once a day to check everything and train and then hes off.

dang that sucks.. well.. i wish him well.. he's a fellow hockey nut
Originally posted by KTA
Originally posted by archer255

Looks like Oakland gave the game away with a missed tackle and an interception return. We did prove that the Drillers can't run on us or move the ball on the ground against us. Geelong, take note.

Geelong, you were also given a game because of a forced fumble and a return. Looks like you couldn't handle Orlando very well, at least not as well as we did.

Always a excuse...look at the replays of all of our past games HE MAKES PEOPLE MISS

Lets take away those 2 scores....that means yall are up by 1 point, so your telling me we dont score another point the entire game....your crazy.

Hmmm... stating what happened is making an excuse? I never said Oakland would have won by a single point. I said we gave the game away. For such a suposed high powered offensive threat as your team would appear you only made it into the red zone against Oakland 3 times, granted you scored each time you made it there, 2 FG and 1 TD.

3 and outs, Oakland 3, Texas 3. Stopped on own side of the 50. Oakland 5 (once due to EOQ), Texas 3.
Hurries/Sacks by Oakland, 9 Hurries 3 Sacks. Hurries/Sacks by Texas 1 Hurry 2 Sacks.
Interceptions/Passing TD by Oakland 2 INT 1 TD. Interceptions/Passing TD by Texas 0 INT 1 TD
Rushing not counting Sacks. Oakland 146.5 Texas 36.5
Passing yards: Texas 223 Oakland 200
Missed Tackles: Oakland 11 Texas 5
TFL: Oakland 6 Texas 5
Forced Fumbles/Recovered: Oakland 1/1 Texas 0/0

I'm taking nothing away from your returner, he's good. But even with him averaging over 41 yards a kick return how is it you weren't able to convert that good field position into more points? How is it your offense basically stalled? How is it your vaulted FB might be able to break tackles was also kept far below his average? What other team has kept Texas below 400 yards offensive production? None. Your team didn't even do as well as Orlando against us. That must also hurt. Your offense barely out produced Orlando, that must also hurt. Turnovers can determine a winner most of the time and this was no exception.

So please feel yourself and team superior. Your team won. That I admitted. I never claimed take away the two mistakes made by Oakland the outcome would have been any different.

Originally posted by cypresshill
KTA it was a well deserved win lol archer people are really starting to get annoyed with you.

Face Oakland again and you'll be shutdown again.
Justin Timberlake - Cry me a

Dude the game is won in all aspects of the game, we noticed somethings from this game as I am sure as yall have as well. Dont expect the same game plan but the point of the matter is yall lost by with it. I see you did a good job stopping our passing game *sarcasm*....expect to see more of it next time

Our team didnt do as good as Orlando huh....seems like we beat yall, that looks awful better to me. We could do this comparison game all day, hows this we beat Sydney did yall? Or even better yet, even with the excuse of the DAI problem taken out of the equasion we beat yall.

I still think it is funny that your offense only scored 17 points and you dont think our offense could have scored 1 more point if you take away the pick 6 (that came after a fumble on yalls side of the field) and a kickoff retun for a TD.

Literally I am done, I dont have to deal with you again until the playoffs if/when we meet up again. I would watch out though because it looks like Sydney could be in your future...but this once again brings up more excuses lol whatever dude.
ha ha

we went all run blitz. we basically got lucky. a passing offense would have beaten our game plan but i guess that's what this game is all about

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