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These guys have covered my ass all season long and I just wanted to say "Thank you". Besides, someone might actually enjoy reading something non-assholiness(sic) for once. For those of you who don't enjoy it, fuck you. j/k. Maybe?

Before the playoffs start and we are all in up to our elbows (in the game, not your mom (j/k, dude, chill out)), I would like to publicly thank my fellow Crush teammates. Without them I’d have quit after season 1. I am truly just a monkey behind the curtain. Players with an * are original signings from season 1.

Edit: I had this all typed up with 2 players to go and fucking deleted it somehow. So I typed it again. That could mean 1 or 2 things, these guys really mean a lot to me or I’m a really bad typist. It’s probably a little of both.

QB - Dave Perfect

Morath signed on before season 2. He does whatever is asked of him and never complains about his lack of playing time. A real trooper.

Note: I take great delite in pointing out to Dravz when Dave upstages him. As evident from our last game.

Dravz rushes for a meager 8 yds (notice the huge hole he has to run through, yet manages to run into someone):
Dravz claims this to be a monster stiff-arm. I say he tripped over his own feet and ran into the guy. You decide.

Now Dave and his cat like quickness and agility show Dravz how it's done:
Yes folks. 8.5 yds. Now thats someone who gives 104.63%.

QB - Pierce Dravz*

Dravz and I started this game on about the same date and I think was my first free agent signing. A true gem. This guy has survived and prospered in every bad tactical situation I have put him in. He has as much knowledge about this game as anyone in the GLB network. Without him I’d be lost. Dravz single handedly turned us around after our mid-season stumble. Class act all the way.

Quick Fact: Pierce Dravz started out as Palmer Dravz.

FB - Xander Aitch
G - Joel Weights
OT - Treacle Molasses
LB - Larry Tailor*

AwpHul is one of the most intelligent people on our team. The man is sharp as a tack. He had one player on the team in season 1 and signed up a few more for season 2. The guy keeps me on my toes. He always has ideas to help the team and is willing to do whatever it takes to make us successful. He, like Dravz, is an important piece of the puzzle. If you were to look up the definition of the word “man” I’m sure there would be a picture of Awp (not his avatar pic, that would be weird).

C - Punch McRockGroin
G - Roger Wilco
CB - Pit Pat
DE - Senator Tankerbell
FB - Zergling Minor
FS - Haywood Jablomi
WR - H.P. Lovecraft

xithix came to us by way of AwpHul. After season 1 we realized we needed depth. Xithix had been an owner/coach in season 1 and decided he didn’t have the time to dedicate to it. Xithixs only request was that his players stay together. Of course I couldn’t send out offers fast enough based on Awp’s recommendation. After we had them signed and I checked out his players, the first thing that came to mind was, “what the fuck did I just waste all that money on?” Little did I know at the time what a genius xithix was at player builds. The man knows how to build. Though they look unorthodox, his builds have defined how other players on the team are built. Xithix is the only player I have that gives me weekly heart attacks by going inactive. Xithix also has one of the cutest little avatars you’ll ever see. It’s so cute you’ll want to club it like a baby seal.

TE - Naoki Beasley

We needed a good TE before the season 2 start and found Naoki. He has exceeded every expectation we had for him and has excelled at every opportunity thrown his way (pun intended). Always active, always willing to give what it takes. Great player.
And how cool is that name?

DT – Scott Slacker
WR – Hands Magillicutty

Another extremely lucky find. We had been looking for a DT for support and depth. I found Scott and sent him an offer. He wanted us to sign his lvl 4 WR too. I didn’t know what we would do with the WR, but hoped Scott would build him up to where we could use him. Wow, what a job he’s done. Without a doubt one of the best blind signings we have ever had. I couldn’t be happier with the way Scott has helped this team. Always willing to do what it takes and never complains. Love this guy.

WR - Marques Colston*

Marques hails from Belfast, Ireland. Our Prima Donna. The guy has built probably one of the top 10 receivers in GLB. He is unstoppable when I don’t mess up tactics or when Bort decides to mess with the game. If Bort ever puts injuries into the game and Marques gets hurt, I fear GLB headquarters will be firebombed. (ATF,CIA,FBI, j/k). Marques is another player that never complains or has a harsh word. Actually none of the guys presently on the Crush have ever complained about anything. In the modified words of Lou Gehrig, “I am the luckiest owner alive”.

DE - DeTwan Bentley*

DeTwan has been on the Crush his whole career. Rudebry has created the ultimate monster. This player is so good I have trouble deciding where to play him. An absolute beast on KO’s. Great player and owner. Always does what I ask of him and excels wherever I put him. Love this kid.

LB - Christain Johnson*

A late season 1 pickup. I haven’t been able to get him the playing time he deserves but I’m sure when his number is called he’ll do what’s needed of him. Hey and he’s a Browns fan. Gotta love him on that alone.

LB - Lamont Jackson*

Believe it or not, this guy has more players than I do. Another owner who does whatever I ask without question. His LB has saved our ass more than once as a steady backup. His first start is tomorrow and I expect he’ll take a few names. Love the build, player and owner. How the hell can ya not love the nic/avatar combo? Smooth. As. Silk.

Quick Fact: Coolhand760, in a locker room dare, ate 51 hard boiled eggs then proclaimed "Luke ain't shit!" When told that "Cool Hand Luke" was a movie and that Paul Newman didn't really eat 50 hard boiled eggs, coolhand760 promptly threw up for 6 minutes and 37 seconds non-stop.

SS - Theodore Crabtree

What a pain in the ass this fucking guy is. Shitty attitude, poor build and dumb as shit. I would not piss on this bum if he was on fire. I can not wait to kick his worthless ass to the curb. I would punch his worthless whore of a mother just for giving birth to this scumbag.
To top it all off, he’s French. And BTW, he’s a CPU. Gotcha!

There have been other players come and go in our short time as a team. Some good and some not so good (owners that is)("My buddy bought a team", or "I clicked the wrong button"). I wish you good luck and a mild case of herpes (j/k). Also know that there are a few of you (I’m looking at you Hugh Janus) that I regret ever releasing.

Thanks again to all for making the Crush what it is in spite of my inabilities and shortcomings with this game. It’s greatly appreciated and I enjoy being a part of it with each and every one of you.

PS. I saved this MF 15 times so I wouldn’t delete it again. True story.

Late Edit: I'm aware that some will view this as an "in house" thing, however they are in all truth the heart and soul of the Columbus Crush. I felt they deserved some recognition for what they have accomplished. I chose this method as none of them would ever "toot" their own horn.
Last edited May 21, 2008 23:04:22
Great Thread,you are the one to be thanked,yanked you know what i mean,lol. It is hard being an owner/GM/50 players to set tactics,and think of the other players too! But this is what we like to do,i would love to be more vocal in our forums but i would spend all day typin.So through it all ups and downs we play as a team for the team,i will backup,as the guys above me are better,i went with a jack of all trades approach with lamont.And to all my teammates you are a great bunch of guys,i read the forums enough to know who's who..Now lets crank this bitch!
Last edited May 21, 2008 18:56:50
Wow, class move. Wish I had thought of this first!
its cool that u did this.... it seems more like it would be a special thanks that you would put in your teams forums.. but its alway cool to be appreciated =)
Originally posted by 32mewelde32
its cool that u did this.... it seems more like it would be a special thanks that you would put in your teams forums.. but its alway cool to be appreciated =)

But then we would not have seen it
Originally posted by krwynn
Hey and he’s a Browns fan. Gotta love him on that alone.

Wait, you're a fucking Browns fan? I QUIT!!!



But really, thanks for this post, coach. We love you!
Originally posted by Dravz
Originally posted by krwynn

Hey and he’s a Browns fan. Gotta love him on that alone.

Wait, you're a fucking Browns fan? I QUIT!!!



But really, thanks for this post, coach. We love you!

How the hell is someone from the south a Bengals fan? How does that happen?

I feel honored to have the only player not currently on the team to be named You are a solid coach which is evident from your accomplishments. I have been keeping an eye on the Crush and will continue to do so. I wish you guys all the luck in the world. Thank you, sir for the kind words.

And a classy post for your team as well.

Originally posted by krwynn

How the hell is someone from the south a Bengals fan? How does that happen?

And as far as that comment goes...I live in Arkansas. You would think I would be a Cowboys fan? Wrong, always LOVED the Broncos

Good luck, Coach. You guys should get that trophy this year.
Originally posted by fightfreak
I feel honored to have the only player not currently on the team to be named You are a solid coach which is evident from your accomplishments. I have been keeping an eye on the Crush and will continue to do so. I wish you guys all the luck in the world. Thank you, sir for the kind words.

And a classy post for your team as well.

Originally posted by krwynn

How the hell is someone from the south a Bengals fan? How does that happen?

And as far as that comment goes...I live in Arkansas. You would think I would be a Cowboys fan? Wrong, always LOVED the Broncos

Good luck, Coach. You guys should get that trophy this year.

Good Lord. A Bengals fan AND a Bronco's fan. I take back everything I said about you two.

wow, nice job... krwynn, you may be confused as a bit excentric(in a good way ), but, it's easy to see you have heart. If you did not love these guys so much, I might offer a high cash trade for them! It's obvious I am not going to be high bid.

It is nice to see all the help behind the scenes and to pay tribute publicly. We over at Fortaleza hand out 8 or more gameballs each game in our forum... to show the love. It does take a team after all...

But, one thing I am confused on.... What is the difference between a "mild" case of herpes and a normal one? Seems to me, you fucked either way!?!?!?
Originally posted by Mark_NH
What is the difference between a "mild" case of herpes and a normal one? Seems to me, you're fucked either way!?!?!?

Excellent point. I'm just going by what that dirty hooker told me. She said that "mild" could be eliminated with a vigorous scrubbing of lye and battery acid and that "normal" needed a prescription. For life. Did she lie? Damn dirty hooker.
Last edited May 21, 2008 22:02:02
I'm mildly surprised that the word "she" was used here.
Originally posted by dusk883
I'm mildly surprised that the word "she" was used here.

You have no idea how that comment fits in with about every pm we send each other.
That was really classy krwynn, and pretty comical as well! LOL Looking forward to our game in a couple of hours. We all know the best team will be crowned victor! (us, btw) LOL
peep my boner

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