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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Srsly, how the fuck does this happen?
i expected you guys to win, but by this much when we are a good team, makes me thik this game is broken
hahahah nope they are just that much better!!!
ROTFL!!!! they might beat us that bad
Originally posted by kdpat15
hahahah nope they are just that much better!!!

no way because we beat the eh's and waves and they played close, you see those scored when their is a level differential of 20-30, not a few levels, no way that their kr/pr just ran up and down the field for td.....this game is a joke, games like these make me want to quit
im sitting here expecting a 10-20 point game and see this and am like WTF, this game is messed up
When did the Yellowknife Bruins become a CPU team?
our avg level is like 41, theirs 45 and they beat us by 152? how is that even possible? even if you have a horrible owner and a horrible gameplan, a competitive game should not be that ridiculous, i expected a loss by 50 at the worst, i thought this league would be full of close games, but from looking around, not just my team, scores are ridiculous this season
Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by Boltz
our avg level is like 41, theirs 45 and they beat us by 152? how is that even possible? even if you have a horrible owner and a horrible gameplan, a competitive game should not be that ridiculous, i expected a loss by 50 at the worst, i thought this league would be full of close games, but from looking around, not just my team, scores are ridiculous this season

So guess then if a horrible owner and a horrible gameplan should make a competitive game, and you didn't even do that, that you are worst then horrible?
Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by Boltz

our avg level is like 41, theirs 45 and they beat us by 152? how is that even possible? even if you have a horrible owner and a horrible gameplan, a competitive game should not be that ridiculous, i expected a loss by 50 at the worst, i thought this league would be full of close games, but from looking around, not just my team, scores are ridiculous this season

So guess then if a horrible owner and a horrible gameplan should make a competitive game, and you didn't even do that, that you are worst then horrible?

worst than horrible? fail

and you see those scores between a level 40 team and a level 20 team, not a level 45 team and a level 40 team

my post in suggestions, not that anyone cares

ok, the sim is worse this season, offense is just ridiculous and even-matched teams are losing by scores that a 30 level differential lose by. Below are scores from my conference, which i thought would be so competitve, the scores below are from even or close to even teams and the scores are ridiculous:

An overall 60 teams, beats an overall 57 team by 152, even with a horrible owner and horrible tactics, a game with players equal levels, should not have that score

An overall 60 team LOSES to an overall 57 team by 94 points, and the gm's/owners of the grizzlies are very good and this is not a tactics problem, but a game/sim problem
Goat Father
Boltz I am not trying to start a argument with you here. but wasn't you running your mouth about my team getting ass raped like this. I told the other team they did a great job and didn't whine about the sim being broken or anything. you then felt the need to try to rub the loss in my teams face. well I am not gonna do that to you I sympathize with you but all the bitching and whining isn't gonna help do what we did go back to the drawing board and try to straighten your season back out. good luck the rest of the way.
Originally posted by hatchman
Boltz I am not trying to start a argument with you here. but wasn't you running your mouth about my team getting ass raped like this. I told the other team they did a great job and didn't whine about the sim being broken or anything. you then felt the need to try to rub the loss in my teams face. well I am not gonna do that to you I sympathize with you but all the bitching and whining isn't gonna help do what we did go back to the drawing board and try to straighten your season back out. good luck the rest of the way.

i mentioned you guys in the thread, no way you should have lost by that much, yet alone lose, game after game, i feel this game is just random luck

This made my day
Goat Father
Our loss was due to gameplanning on both me the OC and the DC. we just didn't do our job and the other team did. man you have to accept that there is only one thing you can count on in GLB and that is one team will win and one team will lose.
Originally posted by hatchman
Our loss was due to gameplanning on both me the OC and the DC. we just didn't do our job and the other team did. man you have to accept that there is only one thing you can count on in GLB and that is one team will win and one team will lose.

well there are ties
whats a gameplan? we don't have a 'game' until week 9

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