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Dude im so cool! I can brag about an online team and an online game! I guess that makes me so tough!
Why do you constantly ask for the abuse?
Do you like the negative attention that you try to create while trying to condemn it at the same time?
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Why do you constantly ask for the abuse?
Do you like the negative attention that you try to create while trying to condemn it at the same time?

you guys are faggots, your seriously in your 20+ and playing an online game, bragging about a fake team AND harrassing someone, seriously? you need a fucking life if you spend your days on this game
Last edited Apr 24, 2009 16:57:31
Actually, I spend my time on here while I'm at work or while my daughter is at school. Sorry mate, unlike you, I do have friends that I chill with and I don't need to be some pre-pubescent teen taking out my sexual frustrations on people who make fun of me.
I'm 28 yrs old, and your problem with that is what?

I can spell, type, think, work, drink, fuck, and have fun on a online game while watchin my motherfucking cartoons........cuz I'm a toys r us kid motherfucker.

You can..........masterbate..........and that seems to be it..........if you're even old enough to do that.

Now, put that in your bubble pipe and blow on it, tell momma daddies coming home.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Actually, I spend my time on here while I'm at work or while my daughter is at school. Sorry mate, unlike you, I do have friends that I chill with and I don't need to be some pre-pubescent teen taking out my sexual frustrations on people who make fun of me.
I'm 28 yrs old, and your problem with that is what?

I can spell, type, think, work, drink, fuck, and have fun on a online game while watchin my motherfucking cartoons........cuz I'm a toys r us kid motherfucker.

You can..........masterbate..........and that seems to be it..........if you're even old enough to do that.

Now, put that in your bubble pipe and blow on it, tell momma daddies coming home.

28 years old lol loser
Yep, 28 yrs and I got me a beautiful daughter and a sexy 20 yr old latina girlfriend, all while getting paid $16 a hour to argue with you (wait I think I'm on OT now, make that $24 hr)

Did your first pube hair come in yet, maybe your voice will start developing some bass soon or your balls might drop. When that happens, please come back and talk like a man instead of soe immature childs play shit. All this because you got all butt hurt from a few people talking smack on a online game...........and you call me the loser? ahaha, if I didn't know any better, I would think a donkey just raped you in the ass by the way your are acting.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Yep, 28 yrs and I got me a beautiful daughter and a sexy 20 yr old latina girlfriend, all while getting paid $16 a hour to argue with you (wait I think I'm on OT now, make that $24 hr)

Did your first pube hair come in yet, maybe your voice will start developing some bass soon or your balls might drop. When that happens, please come back and talk like a man instead of soe immature childs play shit. All this because you got all butt hurt from a few people talking smack on a online game...........and you call me the loser? ahaha, if I didn't know any better, I would think a donkey just raped you in the ass by the way your are acting.

yeah im sure you have a girlfriend and a daughter, who woul date a prick like you who argues with a 14 year old?
Now you're 14?

Please pick a age and keep it.

And yes, I have me a 5 yr old princess. The dearest thing in the world to me. And her mother is no where to be found for the past 4's my own little slice of heaven since she dipped out.
And yes, my sexy ass petite latina girlfriend is 20. Hell, she thought I was 19, she just found out how old I was.
my god boltz
Last edited Apr 24, 2009 17:28:16
You guys need to lay off Boltz....he doesn't brag about his online team in an online game. give the kid a break

Originally posted by Boltz
im confident it will be close

Originally posted by Boltz
notice our beast NT

Originally posted by Boltz
and watch the Surge win it all, we will definetley make the playoffs

Originally posted by Boltz
im not saying we will go 20-0, but there is no chance, 0% we will finish below 11th

Originally posted by Boltz
led by HB Jason S. who averaged 10 yac

Last edited Apr 24, 2009 19:16:44
Whats funny is he said most of those things to LXA as well.

didn't turn out as he planned.

His HB, Jason S, did do very well against us though with 3 ypc.
Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by PSUFAN1
You guys need to lay off Boltz....he doesn't brag about his online team in an online game. give the kid a break

Originally posted by Boltz
im confident it will be close

Originally posted by Boltz
notice our beast NT

Originally posted by Boltz

and watch the Surge win it all, we will definetley make the playoffs

Originally posted by Boltz

im not saying we will go 20-0, but there is no chance, 0% we will finish below 11th

Originally posted by Boltz
led by HB Jason S. who averaged 10 yac

But boltz is cool.
Said it before and I'll say it again:

A young kid (12, 14, 15 or whatever age Boltz is claiming) spending his time on an online game instead of out playing sports, hooking up, making friends, shit anything other than playing a computer game is infinitely more pathetic than a grown man spending his free time doing what he wants to.

Maybe talk to some real people or go to a party or something before you start to call other people pathetic.
Goat Father
Originally posted by boomer82
Said it before and I'll say it again:

A young kid (12, 14, 15 or whatever age Boltz is claiming) spending his time on an online game instead of out playing sports, hooking up, making friends, shit anything other than playing a computer game is infinitely more pathetic than a grown man spending his free time doing what he wants to.

Maybe talk to some real people or go to a party or something before you start to call other people pathetic.

for the first time in my life I will fully agree with you here Boomer.
I'd love to be 15 again. Sure as hell wouldn't be doing something as time intensive as GLB.

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