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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Hatchman's pre-season rankings for the west
Goat Father
1.) Leviathans- this team is solid from top to bottom a well run team that has a very good roster.
2.) Hitmen- This team is a hit or miss team they can beat anyone then turn around and lose a game they should have won. but they are one of the better teams here.
3.) Whooping Cranes- This was my darkhorse team from last season very good GM's and a solid team I expect them to host a playoff game.
4.) Labatt Blue- I am going to put these guys here for 1 big reason (club america) this guy is a genius when it comes to gameplanning I have dealt with him for a couple of seasons and he has my utmost respect. so don't sleep on this team.
5.) Grizzlies- This team has the capability to beat any team in this league and will beat quite a few. underachievers last season but should be a top 4 or 5 team at seasons end. possibly better if they get lucky some.
6.) Waves- don't know much about this team but the roster caught my eye and I think they will be a tough draw for alot of teams in the west this season.
7.) Bootleggers- another team that really caught my eye the 6 through 8 teams will be outleveled some but they seem to game plan well and should make a impact.
8.) Warmageddons- same as the 2 above teams they will take some lumps but should be a very good team.

I am not trying to downgrade any team but there are a few I just don't know very well. this should be a very good season with alot of new challenges.
putting your own team down the list pretty far. Either you are giving the other teams a lot of respect or you are trying to fly under the rader.... Im on to you
Goat Father
not flying under the radar I am old school the leviathans and hitmen and cranes all beat us last season so they should get the nod over us. and Labatt is impressive I also know one of their GM's pretty well also so that helped their ranking.
Nicely done, you have the Bootleggers too high though
Originally posted by Anebriated
putting your own team down the list pretty far. Either you are giving the other teams a lot of respect or you are trying to fly under the rader.... Im on to you

I agree with where hatch has us... but either way, I'd rather stay under the radar.
Originally posted by hatchman
not flying under the radar I am old school the leviathans and hitmen and cranes all beat us last season so they should get the nod over us. and Labatt is impressive I also know one of their GM's pretty well also so that helped their ranking.

He will have plenty of opportunities to improve his standing...
Originally posted by BabyTigas
Originally posted by Anebriated

putting your own team down the list pretty far. Either you are giving the other teams a lot of respect or you are trying to fly under the rader.... Im on to you

I agree with where hatch has us... but either way, I'd rather stay under the radar.

Its more I am surprised with where we are in all of these rankings. Twice now we have been placed in the third spot when I figured we would be sitting in fourth in both sets of rankings.

Btw nice job on the ranking hatch.
Thanks Hatch. Good Stuff. I don't like being listed on top though. Big bullseye.
hmmmm it say surge top 8 imo
Originally posted by Boltz
hmmmm it say surge top 8 imo

You're going to learn the hard way that it's better to fly under the radar.
Originally posted by Boltz
hmmmm it say surge top 8 imo

Yeah... not to downgrade anyone... But last season (no clue about free agent signings) the Dream and Surge were both as good as the Warmageddons. I'd say it was Dream, Surge, Warm in a very close race... With anyone of them taking the majority of games.

And not trying to really undo our rankings, but CA isn't even an OC or DC...
He just sits back and learns

Oh, and how does it feel to know The Blue will be around for MANY more season. Every agent has been with us since Day 1 and none of us are leaving. We're on a PRO mission here. And so far we're on schedule. We WILL get atleast a 6 seed this season.
Originally posted by Snaza
Originally posted by Boltz

hmmmm it say surge top 8 imo

Yeah... not to downgrade anyone... But last season (no clue about free agent signings) the Dream and Surge were both as good as the Warmageddons. I'd say it was Dream, Surge, Warm in a very close race... With anyone of them taking the majority of games.

And not trying to really undo our rankings, but CA isn't even an OC or DC...
He just sits back and learns

Oh, and how does it feel to know The Blue will be around for MANY more season. Every agent has been with us since Day 1 and none of us are leaving. We're on a PRO mission here. And so far we're on schedule. We WILL get atleast a 6 seed this season.

I have you guys as my 5 seed. I have (in no particular order) the Leviathans, Grizzlies, Hitmen, and Whooping Cranes as my top 4 seeds with the Blue being the best of the rest.
Enjoy the bullseye
Club America
thanks hatchman. appreciate the luv.

who does run the O ai on Labatt, i dont even know.
Goat Father
Originally posted by Club America
thanks hatchman. appreciate the luv.

who does run the O ai on Labatt, i dont even know.

sure you don't LOL looks like we may have another similar rivalry as Doom Mountain and the Shady Devils LOL

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