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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > West pre season rankings
Ok these will change as a couple of teams finish out recruiting but for the most part everybody is pretty close to being complete or at least it looks so. I hope this will be a fun season for everyone and it looks like it will be a competitive conference. The conference will feature 9 teams that have trophies of some sort, 13 teams that has made it to atleast the conference championship game at some point, 2 of the other 3 teams have made it out of the second round in atleast 2 different seasons, and only one team that has never made the playoffs. Also 13 of the teams in the league are season 5 teams.

Also we have one issue I would like to address here. I have went back and forth about sending out PMs about this are posting it here. I ultimately decided that he put out his dirty laundry here and will give him a chance to explain himself and hopefully be the last post about this and put it in the past from here on out and won't roll into the season.

I will not break teams down into categories here because frankly the lines are too close to call.

So without further adieu here is season 9's first set of rankings:

#1 Cardinal Redbirds--------(A3 first round loss)--------The Redbirds have been active this offseason and look to be the early season favorite to take down the league. Not many holes on their team, but they do have one big one at least to start the season. Team chemistry was an issue for them last season and it looks like it will start this season off as an issue.

#2 Alberta Mounties----------(BBB5 conference runnerup)-----This team was active this offseason also making some big pickups along the way. I consider this team the Dallas Cowboys of the conference. They have all the ability in the world it seems (except for that one season) but they always find ways to self destruct and be smoothered in controversy. So I have a question to one of the more vocal leaders on the team. BobbyBlackk. I hope this gets answered here in the preseason and settled now and I hope the same stuff doesn't go down with this team leaving it vacant. At the end of season 6 when Brett took some time away to take care of some stuff, you basically threw him under the bus saying he shouldn't own a team and you were tired of busting your hump for nothing for the past 2 seasons. So here is your chance to clear you and Brett's name from that public display. What brought this marriage back together and what makes you think it will work this time? See Bobby's quote in the next post.

#3 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters-------(A3 first round loss)------The Good: This team has hosted 3 home playoff games in the first round in its 4 seasons and has never had a losing record or missed the playoffs. The Bad: They have only made it out the first round once in season 6 when they got to the conference finals and have no trophies to show. The lowest the team chemistry has been since the first season is also there. They will look to change that as they have beefed up some areas, added a new DC, and I will be in my second full season as OC. With that a title run seems hopeful.

#4 Moose Jaw Grizzles------(BBB5 league champions)--------The top 4 teams I have on my list have all started in BBB5. That league has produced some solid teams. These 4 plus Northern Demons in AAA, last season's champ the Heads in AA, and not to mention a couple of teams that swapped to the East in Calgary who I think will be one of the conference favorites, Gaines, and Canibus. This team is currently the Denver Broncos and Josh McDaniels vs Jay Cutler team. Now they are without a QB, but the rest of the team is solid. We will have to wait and see.

#5 Montreal Mutants---------(A3 first round loss)--------These guys have been a solid team but have been yet to put it all together. They play good teams close but always seem to struggle to put up a W against the better half the league. DE is a question mark at this point in time. Can this be the season they get over the hump?

#6 Port Royal Acadians-------(A3 first round loss)------Port Royal came in and held their own against this league last season. They are a better team this season but it looks like others improved even more. The defense is solid but can the offense produce enough points to win big games?

#7 Hogwarts Wizards---------(A3 second round loss)-----Pulled a beat down upset in the first round of the playoffs last season, but once again they are in a rebuilding phase with tons of holes. The defense looks a mess at this point and it is going to take a lot of work to have this team ready by the start of the season. They are the most likely team to move up or down the rankings depending on their pickups.

#8 BC Bruisers--------------(BBB6 League Champions)-----This team has improved every season in BBB6 until they became league champions last season. It will be a different story up here in A3. They won't cruise to a 20-0 record for sure. They do have a good team and if the GMs are good enough (I never played them so I don't know what their GMs are like), they could suprise people, but they currently have depth issues and a need for a SS.

#9 Shadow Spartans------(BBB6 conference runner-up)-----These guys had a shoot out with the Bruisers in the conference championship game and until last season has always had a middle of the pack team. This season it looks like they will go back to that or could fall even further down if they don't answer their depth issues on the offensive line and defense.

#10 Saskatoon Fighting Gamecocks-----(A3 didn't make the playoffs)-----Only team in A3 west to never have a winning record and first team in our rankings not to be a season 5 team. They have some solid players but I just don't see it from these guys again this season.

#11 New World Order--------------(BBB6 second round loss)--------These guys have enough players but the quality of depth is a question mark the starters aren't the best in the world either so I see this team struggling to get things done this season.

#12 New Colgne Bears------------(A3 didn't make the playoffs)-----Some of the players on this team arre eye popping. Some aren't. I have this team labeled as my mover. I think when the season is over this team might be a playoff team. I am looking at no worse than 9th. I just followed my points that I came up with but I have a feeling about these guys.

#13 Medicine Hat Mavericks----------(A3 didn't make the playoffs)-----No one more than me wanted to put this team in the top 8. I wanted to play these guys in the 2nd game and make it the game of the week, but the points system I have comes up with this and as much as I want to change it, it is what it is. If they play a perfect season they may be a playoff team and I think they have the ability to jump some teams ahead of them. Sorry Dan I wanted a higher ranking for you more than you wanted it.

#14 LoneStar Cowboys--------------(A3 didn't make the playoffs)-----Formerly the USAORG Eagles. NoSkillz takes over a team that has stuck together but has some issues. He is a hard worker and should get the 'Boys back on track, but it won't happen this season. Growing pains will be in order for this team. The second nonseason 5 team.

#15 Vancouver Northern Lights-------(A3 didn't make the playoffs)------My old rival does not move down to the BBB's suprisingly. This team does a great job of scouting but at this point in time they are just too outmatched to compete with the rest of the league.

#16 Yukon Badgers----------------(AA2 didn't make the playoffs)-----------The last of the nonseason 5 teams. They will make a pitstop here in A for a season before heading on down to the BBB leagues.
I am sure I am going to hear something about bringing this up but this one post has made me look at Bobby in a different light for a couple of seasons and since he will probably be an active poster on here like I am and we will have to deal with each other I am giving him a chance to explain himself:

Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
Just received the "memo" on my desk shortly before our game tonight from the owner (Brett Snyder). He's run into a financial hole, and WILL NOT be returning for over a month, so the team will run out of its contract by the seasons close. Secretly; I'm glad...the team was on a fast path to destruction. Would have gotten 210% worse Season 7 since I planned on leaving and I'm the glue that holds the team together. Some people just aren't cut out to own a team... (that's not trash talk, I've spoke vocally about this to him, and w/ the team. It's pure honesty.) I'm awaiting all my tools, I plan on restructuring ALL contracts to end on Day 40, leaving it an open team. I REALLY am not 100% sure if he extended the rights to the team, all I know is the players WILL NOT be returning.

So here's the scoop; Teams looking for a jump on recruiting just before the offseason, I will be compiling a list of players who would like to stick around the league. All I ask is, let's keep this professional. I know it's a bit far fetched on this site, but I ask that NO ONE contact my players about playing for your team until I get their legitimate answer from them. I'm a man of my players, and I worry more about them being comfortable before I worry about winning a game. I could help out ALOT more than any PM you send them. I have a GREAT relationship with 97% of the players on the team, and I could put in the best word.

We plan on fighting the rest of the season as a family, so no trades or releases. One I get a sufficient list of players who'd like to stick around I'll be MORE THAN happy to share it w/ the league.

I'm just glad no more players have to go through the turmoil they've witnessed inside the team. I'm also glad I busted my a** night and day for the organization for two seasons (sarcasm). I wash my hands w/ it though.

Win or Lose, it was fun playing w/ you all!! Look for ONE HELL OF A FIGHT from now until our Seasons End.

Thank You,

Link to the thread:
I've been around Brett a long time and he's my best friend on GLB.

If we are the Dallas Cowboys of this league then Brett sure as hell is Jerry Jones. He isn't afraid to chase a big name, but keeps his loyalty in the right place. His W/L record for owner/GMing teams shows his dedication and passion for this game and for football in general. The thing I love about Brett the most is how he can go from being completely serious in gameplanning and team discussions, to having and good time and talking some trash to each other.

Who hasn't been through a rough stretch in this life?.. Sometimes GLB gets pushed to the back burner whether you own a team or not. I had been called a bad owner in the past for the same sort of thing and choose not to own a team now because of it. I will not stand here and let Brett be bashed or critized for taking care of real life buisness.

The guy is a standout GLBer and definitely deserves more respect than that. The fact that the Mounties have made it all the way back to where we are, and actually looking to be a championship contender, makes Brett comeback GLBer of this past season.

Yes, we are back.

I own the moose jaw grizzlies and alberta is probably our biggest rival now and myself and brett are very cordial with one another and talk quite a bit on here and on yahoo messenger. We have even helped one another in recruiting... I think he is a stand up guy and concider him a friend..

If you think moose will be a 4th place team then your entitled to your opinion but we are better than that.
Well done with the rankings. Looks like you put in a hell of a lot of effort.

As far as the Mounties thing, I don't know a lot about their situation, but I do know they're a hell of a good team. If Brett ran into some bad stuff in real life, than no one can blame him for taking care of it. I know my family comes before ANYTHING else. And for Bobby, sounds like he has a passion for the game, his team, and all the players on it. Nothing wrong with that either.

Like I said, I don't know a lot about the situation, but from what's on the surface, it just seems like there was some tension for a while. And I can tell you that marriage worked pretty good last season
The question was to Bobby not about Brett. I understand his situation.

As for wchs63: I pulled for you guys in your playoff run last season and I was glad to see you get a title. I already said it is a jumbled mess and the points are really close. In fact you guys only finished .1 points behind us. That is pretty much even. Plus you don't even have QB yet!! I can swap 3 and 4 if it makes you feel better, but Cardinal leads the way right now sorry. I'm sorry if you don't like the rankings feel free to come up with your own.

BTW I brought the whole Bobby thing up to start a new this season and put the past in the past. I am starting to think maybe I should have just PM'd him. Sorry to reair this and Mattarchy is a class act in my book.
Last edited Apr 12, 2009 10:51:22
Now we just need these for the East
I like your rankings. I was just implying that my opinion was we are better than 4th and we will let the season dictate where we stand... no ill will intended....
Brett Snyder
Lol, alright I think I should get on here and clear somethings up.

Season 6, I was moving and did not have internet for about 2 months. We moved to a farm house out in the country and I didn't want to settle for dial-up. During this time I asked Bobby if he would take over the team until I got back. He took over and ran the team till I guess towards the end of the season, Idk i wasn't around I have no clue. I got back towards the end of season 7, where at that point my team was pretty much all cpus. Came back recruited filled my roster and moved back here. The whole Candyman thing... thats just a bunch of dumb stuff. Like Matt said, we've known him a long time and we had a roster to fill and we needed starters and his players were guys we new we could use to fill those spots. Brought him aboard and he signed his other players to Moose. Before this he told me I could have them so I was pretty upset that he signed with our closets rival. Anyways, I guess he told Matt that Moose had some problems with there tactics and Matt should bring all his players there blah blah blah. I told Bobby what Candy said, and he pmed Wchs and told him what candy said. I didn't resign Candy because of what he did to us the season before, and we felt it was time to let him go no biggy.

Now with the Bobby thing; Bobby has helped us out a ton. He came in and took over for me season 5 in the playoffs and lead us to the title. Season 6, helped recruit like half the roster. Like I said Idk what happened during that time, but w/e. Season 8 Bobby brought his wr and Himself back to be my advisor to just be there when I had a question or w/e and a friend helping another friend.

Things are actually fine on the Mounties. We don't have any issues with players or anything and I'm a bit surprised that we were put on the hot seat. We are back to season 5 form, and look to have a good season like last season. BTW Wchs is a great guy, lol we do talk, and I think that he will show us that his team deserved what they got and will continue to dominate.

Also, Thanks Matt for licking my butt.

Btw, Good rankings I hope our season isn't like the Cowboys, I'm goign to try to stear us to being a Colts. Good and consisntant, but I want more championships.
Last edited Apr 12, 2009 11:23:45
I would love it for you guys to be the colts.

That would mean we would easily defeat you if we played you in the first round as we would be the chargers

haha j/k.

As always, nice rankings crow, and its true that the top teams are very close.

Anyone can be number 1---

If you think you can take us
Brett Snyder
Originally posted by Kite188
I would love it for you guys to be the colts.

That would mean we would easily defeat you if we played you in the first round as we would be the chargers

haha j/k.

As always, nice rankings crow, and its true that the top teams are very close.

Anyone can be number 1---

If you think you can take us

W00t go Redbirds!
Good job Crowbar, we are still at least a season away from being legit in "A" ball. But I think we will suprise some teams again this season.
That's cool Brett. Like I said I wanted this to stay in this thread and after this it is over. BTW don't worry a don't try to recruit players or GMs from other teams, but I think if Mattarchy ever decided to leave the Mounties I would be in his ear trying to snatch him up. Good guy.
Brett Snyder
Originally posted by crowbar832001
That's cool Brett. Like I said I wanted this to stay in this thread and after this it is over. BTW don't worry a don't try to recruit players or GMs from other teams, but I think if Mattarchy ever decided to leave the Mounties I would be in his ear trying to snatch him up. Good guy.

lol Yeah, he is.

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