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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #5 > We also bid Farewell (Arroz)
Sad to say, but this was also Arroz con Pollo's last season as a team.

We have had a good run, but with us having to rebuild every year, the Gm's are just tired of having to resign a whole roster every time and it's got to the point where it's not as fun anymore.

Most of the GMs will be moving our players to other farm teams of ours, or retiring the ones that are way up there.

We were on the verge of losing about 50% of the team again this season and just didn't want to have to start another season of shitty Chem and rebuilding.

We will still be around, just in various places. Good luck to everyone here in Canada A5, wherever you end up, it's truly been a fun time!
Damn, oh well..good season guys.

I understand tho, recruiting does suck horribly.
I think it's bullshit personally but I wasn't given a vote.
Originally posted by yendorii
I think it's bullshit personally but I wasn't given a vote.

God forbid people do what makes them happy when playing a game, right? It's all about work work work!

You people are ridiculous.
You guys were always a great 2nd half of the season team, once chemistry wasn't low. It seems like agents would want to be on a well run/ winning team. I can't understand why you always had trouble keeping players around. It sucks you'll be leaving.

Best of luck to you guys, the cuban dish will be missed.
The chicken will live again! Just maybe with a different side cause the rice is getting boring....

Originally posted by bluemagus
The chicken will live again! Just maybe with a different side cause the rice is getting boring....

Originally posted by BleedsOrangeAndBlue
Originally posted by yendorii

I think it's bullshit personally but I wasn't given a vote.

God forbid people do what makes them happy when playing a game, right? It's all about work work work!

You people are ridiculous.

Originally posted by yendorii
Farewell 6YP, your team was one of the more interesting ones to watch and it's sad to see you guys break up.

I've been waiting to see why you were quitting before I responded. Last season I got on Alberta, and...someone else (can't remember who), for being pussies but I can't fault you for losing interest in the game. I hope that when the stress goes down you get the fun back, good luck and see you around.

Don't jump to conclusions bleeds. I have no issue with Senor doing what he wants in order to have fun. It's a game. Senor has to make that decision for himself and I don't fault him for making it.

That being said I think its bullshit to quit on your team, the guys who have been around and enjoyed being on the team. I think it's bullshit to not even try to pass the reigns to someone else who might take them up. Mostly it sucks to lose good teams. That's why I didn't like it when Alberta quit, that's why I don't like it that you are disbanding 6YP, and that is why I don't like that Arroz is folding. The competition level will never get better if the good teams keep folding.
In retrospect, this is horrible news. For the good of the game, I may need to gut my gp for the Jakes.

Id hate to kick their butts so bad that they quit too.

I'll script a qb sneek for the forth quarter so it doesnt get out of hand.
Too late.. in a move of eastern solidarity we quit after the 6YP game and gave up on all future games.. whatever happens tomorrow and from then on is all Bort AI. Preemptive congratulations to your guys Rob
Yeah Well Yendorii, I know you are an OWS'er like myself...but you didn't get in on a lot of the drama this season in the GM forums...

Not saying it's any "one" person's fault, but we really tried to make this as fun as possible. But, after dealing with as much as we have already to keep this team together, we realized it just wasn't as fun as it used to be. It's supposed to be a game, and it turned into a Job.

Plus, Bort's not making things any better.

I 'really' "REALLY" wanted to take over the team and keep it going..but once I got news that most of our players were leaving, I realized that there weren't as many people that cared about our team as I why should I try so hard, and take over the reins of owner?

And have to pay for it at no thanks, I'd rather continue on with other friends teams, such as Zadith's, Ateits, Prozac's, instead of trying to run a team myself.

Talk to senor if you'd like to take it over, maybe you can..
Last edited Apr 4, 2009 21:31:14
Everyone should have to go through a season as an OC/DC to get better perspective on how much time and effort it takes to properly run a team. Especially if that team needs to recruit ... ouch.
Last edited Apr 5, 2009 09:10:17
Yeah this was my 5th Season as an OC...and so far, I've had to recruit basically 50-60% of the Offense EVERY season for's mind numbing and annoying with the lack of good agents out there...most of them are too God Damn Greedy.

Made me learn, there's a lot of real life "T.Os" out there...

So next season, I'll be an assistant OC for 2 teams...but not handling the lead on either...will be a nice relaxing season for me. I hope.
Last edited Apr 5, 2009 09:16:57
I'm the OC and DC for my Lions and thankfully I've never had a greedy agents. We all get along Recruiting has sucked in the past but this season I've had most guys re-sign and quickly found replacements for the ones that didn't. I only have one position to look for this offseason, it's a nice change.

I mostly meant it's hard to "find" agents every season...luckily we've had a good group every season...but it's just been hard to find them.

Only had a couple bad apples in the whole time Arroz has been a team.

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