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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Looks like our next opponent likes to use the cheat.......
Last edited Mar 27, 2009 14:38:54
Last edited Mar 27, 2009 14:39:01
Last edited Mar 27, 2009 19:57:30
how are they cheating?
I would say they are running only a few plays.
edited for content
Last edited Mar 27, 2009 08:25:47

Last edited Mar 27, 2009 14:39:08
Damn, calling someone a cheat is big time bro, but i like all this calling each other out. Helps you build character.
LOL...Get'em NAKA! I give them credit they stay true to the gameplan even when trailing by 68.... you have nothing to worry about
Woh here i am browsing and i find a nice load of flame.

We run because we lack a passing game and in actual fact i made the OAI myself, we've never abused other teams in any fashion what we have done is gone with the most reliable option we have in a league we're out leveled.

Throwing around the term "cheat" a lot... i don't feel at all bad about how we run our team. Our running game has been shut down on several occasions and we lack the depth at WR to mix up things in the way i actually want.

Our best player is Quillo and we rely on him heavily to convert and to achieve, our playbook is not 1 or 2 plays at all. In reality i would be much happier with a scatback to compliment Quillo in the running game (something we're scouting for currently)

Dunedin have never been a team who smack talk (except ofc dayton but thats from the old days to liven up A8 forums after komodo and fiji left) or have ever tried to exploit the system. If anything it seems out of order to start bitching at us about what we've been doing.

Edit: We have a complicated AI which i work hard on in fact it has been built from scratch by me and is finally something i am happy with in all most all situations (except yes trialling 68 points but we were hugely outmatched there as we are this game). It is not built to cheat it is built to our teams strengths, you'll see dayton favor the pass (which worked very well on us with our 2ndary issues) but we don't call them out for cheating, or other teams for going 5 wr heavy on us.

Please i would like to see if anyone else feels like this after playing us? We've always been straight forward and work hard to achieve what we can, it's way out of order to start posting things like this because we favor the run. ESPECIALLY when we have had notoriously low pass % this season against the higher level secondarys

Last edited Mar 27, 2009 11:23:21
I wish I'd have known Chief was thinking this or going to post it, because honestly I have to side with the Drones on this one. Although they do run a very run heavy offense, they call a variety of plays from a variety of formations. Chief if anyone should know that sometimes your roster dictates what you can and can't do far more than your OC. They're a running team this anyone can see, what I don't see is them exploiting a particular play, or formation, to run the ball on every down also going for it on 4th and 3 or less. That is where the problem and the exploit lies. So in closing I personally do not believe the Drones are in any way cheating or abusing an exploit.
Thank you saltman

i am ASSUMING that the "Cheat" play is Strong I Offtackle, something which i have been a regular poster about in the OAI forum (talking about what other plays u can run out of strong I). On a personal note i am a huge lover of the pass I'm actually a huge Eagles fan if that gives you any indication of what i like.

Our teams strength however is the run and we mix it up. It's really a slap in the face to call us out like this when i put in A LOT of time on our AI. Dunedine is a team that largely all started at level 1 together and have been working hard ever since to achieve what we have. This whole thread has been in really poor taste
Originally posted by SandShock
Thank you saltman

i am ASSUMING that the "Cheat" play is Strong I Offtackle, something which i have been a regular poster about in the OAI forum (talking about what other plays u can run out of strong I). On a personal note i am a huge lover of the pass I'm actually a huge Eagles fan if that gives you any indication of what i like.

Our teams strength however is the run and we mix it up. It's really a slap in the face to call us out like this when i put in A LOT of time on our AI. Dunedine is a team that largely all started at level 1 together and have been working hard ever since to achieve what we have. This whole thread has been in really poor taste

I won't go into it as I'd rather not see it become a deciding factor is this leagues playoffs, as it has in many pro leagues this season, so I'll just say that as long as no one is running 2-3 run plays the WHOLE game it's not being abused here.
44 rushes and 40 passes from the drones here, obviously we got abused but think that should end this whole thing.

For the record we scouted what we thought to be favorable match ups and they didn't work out - we are not a team who cheat and i'd appreciate a real apology here
Well i'm going to comment because i find this entire post offensive, and you can ask the drones i rarely say anything at all... people like this guy remind me of when i played streetfighter as a kid, whining and complaining because i wouldn't let them out of the corner and fight back! truth is if your using 1 play to counter a certain tactic or not THATS just what it is a tactic. Using AI and setting it up to take advantage of your strengths is just being smart about your plays and thats called being good at the game not cheating.

It bothers me that you have to act like a 5 year old and come on spouting " cheater " because your worried your going to lose, do to a teams tactics.. do me a favor and grow the fuck up and grow a pair seriously! if you lose you lose big deal, if you win you win its nice but doesn't matter its a frikkin' game for crying out loud! your being so childish " whaa! cheat cause you run! whaa" exactly how you sound! anyway i'm done i've spoken my mind... and frankly i wish shock had set our ai to use same run play every play just to piss you off had it been me i would have.

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